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So good news and "meh" news...first the "meh... spoiler

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 24-Jan-2024 12:19:14 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~Back to Work Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
(marked "spoiler" for a later mention of ladies' unmentionables)

I just finished my phone interview for the job with an insurance agency. It was with a recruiter or hiring manager--definitely not with someone who actually *works* in this particular office--and it was shockingly short. I don't think I was on the phone for more than 6 minutes, 7 tops. It was a lot of the usual questions but...early on, I asked why they wanted me to get an insurance license and the woman explained that when I answered the phone, I was to push other insurance options on the caller. Someone calls to update their auto insurance but that's all they have with the company? Suggest to them that they need the homeowner's (or renter's) insurance too! That's...not what I was expecting the job to be. I have absolutely ZERO interest in sales of any kind. There were three questions that may have tanked my chances (because I was brutally honest)...and that's OK. First, I was asked why I wanted the job and I didn't have an answer beyond "it's not physical like my last job". I didn't gush and say insurance is my life, my passion, blah blah blah. Second, when asked how comfortable I would be giving a sales pitch, I bluntly said I could ask once, maybe twice but beyond that, no, I'm not going to badger anyone into buying something they didn't want or need. And third, when asked to rank my computer skills, I said "4". I mentioned that I was comfortable e-mailing or Googling but I barely know anything about Microsoft Office or other professional programs. I did data entry at the bindery but it was a company-specific program that mostly involved a lot of tabbing and picking things from a drop down list. I used a little Microsoft Excel at my last job for, oh, maybe 3 days and generally understood what I was doing but not beyond that. Just before she hung up, the recruiter told me she had another interview to get to and she'd "let me know via e-mail either today or tomorrow". Honestly? I totally wouldn't hate if they had a better candidate.

In the good news category...after the phone interview, I decided to tidy up my underwear drawer. It's normal to have three weeks' worth of undergarments, yes <g>? That's not the good news; the good news is while I was tidying, I found a ring I thought I'd lost years ago (which speaks to how often I tidy up this drawer). Now I have over 100 rings, so the loss of one shouldn't be a big deal, but this one was a gift from my sister easily 20 years ago. It's not an expensive or ornate ring; it's a silver ring with wire wrapped around a few dark blue beads. What makes it special is it was, I think, my sister's ring. I saw her wearing it--or one that looked remarkably like it--many, many years ago and complimented it. And then I got the ring--or one that looked remarkably like it--a little later as a birthday gift. The gesture meant so much more than the ring but still, I was really sad when I first lost this ring, which I used to wear all the time. Apparently I'd lost it while putting away my unmentionables, and it had somehow gone vertical and gotten wedged, stones down, in a slight "crack" between the drawer bottom and the contact paper. I'm thrilled to have found it and am wearing it right now.

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