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I knew.... spoiler

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Mon, 08-Jul-2024 6:41:55 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: House of The Dragon..😭 posted by pip
Rhaenys' death would be this episode but even prepared for it, it was still heartbreaking.

I HATE watching the dragons fight. That is harder for me than watching human characters get wounded or die. I mean, I know they're CGI but, still, I hate it.

I think about a line from "Black Sails" when it comes to Aemond, paraphrasing but it's like "Our darkest motives will conceal themselves even to us, cloaking themselves in the logic we need". That's how I see Aemond this episode. He can tell himself he was "firing" at Rhaenys and that Aegon just got in the way, maybe he will even believe it, maybe it's actually the truth, but a shadow of a doubt will always linger, even in his mind.

I do think he was planning on finishing Aegon off, tho, at the end. Again with the darkest motive -- maybe he told himself it would be a mercy kill and he'd want someone to do it for him. Or maybe he was thinking the war would only be won if this idiot was out of the way.

Either way, I love Aemond. He is cool and good at being a Targaryan. Not that he's a good person, just good at those Targaryan ways. 😂 It's amazing how much like Daemon he is. In a different world they would've been BFFs.

I feel like Daemon is possibly being drugged, maybe by Alys Rivers. But he's seeing the past and also a bit of the future of Harrenhall and having to come to terms with his own darkest motives.

A great episode. Poor Sunfyre, tho. The dragons deserve better.

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