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And with the dragons... (book spoilers) spoiler

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Tue, 09-Jul-2024 5:40:32 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: I knew.... posted by The_Cat_Did_It doesn't get any easier from here :( Sunfyre never fully recovers from these injuries and will ultimately die from them, although it takes a while and he kills Moondancer in one more battle before he dies. Syrax and Dreamfyre are killed when Kings Landing is stormed - Syrax is torn apart by rioters and Dreamfyre crashes into the Dome, collapsing it on top of her. Tyraxes strangles himself on his own chains in the same battle. Vermithor, Tessarion, and Seasmoke essentially all kill each other, although technically Tessarion is a mercy kill. The only one who doesn't seem to die an absolutely terrible death is Sheepstealer.

Of course, of all of them, the most infamous is the battle between Daemon/Caraxes and Aemond/Vhagar. That's the scene part of me wants to see the most, just because it sounds so epic - Daemon leaping from Caraxes to drive his sword through Aemond's remaining eye. But Caraxes and Vhagar tear each other apart :( Caraxes goes out like a boss, though - manages to rip Vhagar's throat out even after Vhagar has literally gutted him and ripped off one wing.

I wish we'd seen more of Sunfyre before he was wounded - Sunfyre is, so it was recorded, the most beautiful dragon Westeros has ever seen, with his gold-and-pink wings.

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