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That's what I said!!!

From: Tanya24 Find all posts by Tanya24 Send private message to Tanya24
Date: Tue, 09-Jul-2024 7:15:26 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: It's cute and I love Tommy's sass but I get why they cut it. posted by The_Cat_Did_It
Granted, I've watched 9-1-1 more off than on, but I don't remember Abby, Taylor, or any of Buck's other potential partners being asked their intentions, and if anybody should have had their intentions questioned, it was Abby!

Buck is a full-grown a$$ man. He's a firefighter; heck, he was almost a Navy Seal. Ugh, Karen, Hen, go do something with yourselves instead of being so dang cringe-worthy! LOL I agree, the Bobby scene was so much better.

Tommy was so cute, but Tommy is always so cute.

Tommy's line about "trying to keep up" with Buck. Yeah, they've been doing stuff 😈 but ABC I'm going to need actual proof or it never happened.

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