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I'm starting to hate going out to eat with Sis and her family whenever

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 10-Jul-2024 7:30:32 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: The large groups we go to restaurants with is mainly family. And very posted by Capricorn
I get to see them. Despite neither Sis nor BIL ever having a really high paying job (both did OK for most of their working life), they almost always insist on picking up the check whenever we go out. Which would be fine except a) Sis always orders way too many appetizers and/or desserts "for the table", so the bill is usually pretty high and b) she'll whine later about how expensive the meal was. The rest of us ALWAYS offer to pay and she ALWAYS says no. You don't get to kvetch about the cost when others have offered to help offset that cost.

The closest I feel we ever came to being pretty balanced was the family trip to Edisto Island two years ago. We stayed at an Airbnb and made our own breakfasts and lunches, though everyone willingly shared what they'd made and often someone bought an ingredient or two. We then took turns buying dinner, which we brought back to the Airbnb every night except the last night. Sis and BIL picked up the first check. The family friend who's practically Sis' kids' grandma picked up the second. I was mildly annoyed when the only meal left for me to buy for everyone was the last dinner, as that included a bigger tip, but I was grateful that the rest of the group agreed to keep the alcohol on a separate check and split that as opposed to making me--a teetotaler--pay for 2-3 rounds of booze. I did pay for everyone's non-alcoholic beverages though.

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