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Does it matter? Christians revere Jesus, no DaVinci...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 27-Jul-2024 5:04:07 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post 🥀 posted by Leia
In reply to: Are Christians aware that DaVinci was probably a big ole queer? posted by K_StillNotOver2016
There has been no confirmation from the organizers that they intended to even depict DaVinci's "The Last Supper."

There's not been any denial either.

The only reason Christians (or heck the world) has a "unified" vision of The Last Supper is because of DaVinci's painting even though there are numerous other depictions that look very different. It became so recognized and so famous that it got connected with the event but for most of the world, it's simply a work of art.

I have no argument that it's one (queer) man's depiction of a holy event. Nor do I, or many other Christians, care that DaVinci was queer because he treated the subject matter with the proper reverence. Christians would be just as offended if someone painted a rendition of The Last Supper with Jesus in hot pants and his disciples wearing clown noses (and no doubt some artist trying to be "edgy" has done something similar). They'd be more offended if said rendition became a major part of an event aired across the world and meant to unify, not make personal statements about art.

I think the only reason people saw a resemblance (again, not confirmed other than to say the intent of the ceremony was to be inclusive and not mock) was because the camera focused on Dionysus, the God of wine making, in the center and on the table with people behind him. However, other angles showed there were people all along both sides of the table/runway. I've seen other interpretations of that scene to be a Bachialia. And given the fact that "Festivite" (Party) is captioned across the scene, I think that's an interpretation to consider. That differs from DaVinci's painting.

If this was supposed to be a Bachialia, and the central figure Dionysus rather than Jesus, then why the halo? Why the hands of "Dionysus" forming a heart and not holding a wineglass? Why no naked women, scattered pieces of fruit or sacrificed goats? If they were going for "party", why not show, oh, literally any other famous scene depicting a party? Why not A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jette by Georges Seurat (a French artist, a French setting) or Édouard Manet's Le déjeuner sur l'herb, another French artist, another French setting?

I truly feel this was meant to be a mockery of Christianity and those claiming it was just Dionysus at a Bachialia are backpedaling after the negative reactions to the skit or fashion show snippet or whatever it was.

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