SoapZone Community Message Board


Rain in the northeast...UGH

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Mon, 19-Aug-2024 9:09:04 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY CHATFEST~ posted by chloe
we had a river in our backyard our chimney leaked.

my mom and sister each had 6+ inches of water in their basements, and their town is destroyed. There are 3 roads that go through their town, and one is completely closed. other bridges have been washed out, roads washed out, it's a mess.

I couldn't get to their houses now. No way in. only way out goes NORTH.

I'm just glad none of us lost power. I hope everyone else effected is drying out!!!

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