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Re: i have NO IDEA who spoiler

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Fri, 20-Sep-2024 9:56:23 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 📺Week of Sept 16 TV Post posted by Leia
In reply to: i have NO IDEA who posted by chloe
either podcaster is - and I'm okay with watching for who they are presenting themselves on the show.

You aren't alone, but I do think it's fair to speculate about how the fact that they are well-known in certain circles impacts the game. Lovett, in addition to being a former Obama speechwriter, is one of the "podcast bros" that were being railed about after calling for Biden to step back from the nomination. He was also engaged to Ronan Farrow for a bit. He's been on Colbert and At Midnight. He's got a small profile, but he's probably the most famous person on the cast.

Since Aysha is on RHAP, she might be the person most recognizable TO the cast. It was funny to have Jon say he was the host of Pod Save America and just get blank looks. He's mentioned that it' the "most embarrassing job title" in the world.

ohhhh, Andy. This is the 3rd season where people seem to be having true emotional difficulties, or downright lose their ish.

RIGHT? What is going on? It's worth looking into.

I'm not a fan and I think they need to do a better job screening the contestants, because almost all of the former players talk about how being on the show effects their mental health. For people who are already struggling, that could be so damaging.

I do think that the specific issues that keep arising aren't that apparent through screening. Andy, if you watch his pre-game press, is very composed and confident. The game just hit him hard and he felt like he was backsliding. The lack of sleep is what did in the woman from a few seasons ago. I think that stuff can be hard to entirely figure out. But I also think that this has to be examined more carefully.

I'm also in favour of not taking away their flint. It just makes it harder for the power to shift between teams and I think it exacerbates this.

The Idol thing is crazy pants. just crazy! one tribal, three tribals, 5.....keys on keys on keys!!!

I do like that they keep making it more and more insane. Something Andy said pre-game that i really agreed with was that advantages weren't worth much at this point. It's better to know who has them than to have them yourself. There's merit to that.

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