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Yes--YES! Exactly! I was thinking about how back in high school and

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 28-Sep-2024 10:55:36 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23rd Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: I get it. I have frequently had things I've been borderline obsessed with that posted by Kris
college, three high school friends and I were *super* into The Monkees, thanks to MTV airing the episodes in February of 1986, which sparked a revival of Monkeemania across the nation. We went to concerts, travelled to a convention once, saw their terrible movie (Head), bought all the (reissued) albums, obsessively quoted the episodes...heck, two of the others even started a small fanzine that I wrote a couple articles for. We swore we'd be fans forever, that when the first one passed, no matter where we all were, we'd go to the funeral (or at least the city where the funeral was held). That...didn't come close to happening. One of us is a little embarrassed to even talk about our obsession. Two of us remember it fondly and will still occasionally listen to the music or catch a rerun of the show (there was a marathon not too long ago on an obscure cable channel--Catchy Comedy--and I watched a few episodes and marveled at how little I remembered <g>). And the one who was the most obsessed, well, she's still obsessed. From one of her pictures on Instagram, it looks like she's pretty well known to the last surviving Monkee, Mickey Dolenz. Mom was right again...she said the obsession would burn out.

On the one hand, it seems kind of natural. OTOH, it saddens me that no obsession of mine has lasted more than maybe 10 years. The longest was probably Supernatural; I started watching live in season six and made it to the end of the show (barely) but even then, I didn't anticipate the new episodes like I once did. That may have more to do with how bad the show was by the end though...

Incidentally, in addition to Supernatural, we share a couple (former) obsessions. I was briefly obsessed with Highlander: The Series, though I never watched the movie and, unlike millions of other fans, I wasn't living for a Duncan/Amanda hookup or drooling over Methos. I actually liked Duncan/Tess and was a Richie fan (and we know how well both of those ended <g>). I also was super into Harry Potter for a while and while I still want to someday go to Wizarding World and--because my favorites were always the Weasley twins and their portrayers--will probably check out the Food Network's competition Wizards of Baking, I'm kind of ambivalent about the HP world now and have no desire (for several reasons) to check out any new developments in the HP 'verse.

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