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I was a live viewer and I didn't hate Dawn.

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Wed, 26-Feb-2025 10:04:16 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF FEB 24 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I just saw this :( RIP. Horrible news. I remember last year everyone was posted by senorbrightside
It was actually quite rare for me to outright hate Buffy characters. I hated some storylines, hated certain pairings, but generally not characters. Dawn was...a lot in the first few episodes, but Michelle grew into the role and I thought Dawn grew into her own.

In recent years, I've mostly been concerned about how Michelle was treated on set. There was some kind of rule how Joss was not allowed to be alone with her (which never happens out of thin air, and Joss is a known creep). And that song James Marsters wrote about her, OMG. So creepy. I've never been able to rewatch Spike and Dawn scenes the same way.

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