SoapZone Community Message Board


Oh, I can SO relate to this...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 07-Mar-2025 7:10:16 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Whatcha reading, SZ? March 2025 Edition posted by senorbrightside
In reply to: I did a challenge on TheStoryGraph posted by senorbrightside
Every time I get a book off my to-read list, I find at least 20 more.

Yep. I have a hard copy notebook that I jot down titles (and authors and brief summaries) of books I want to read. Not only am I constantly adding to it (usually after the latest issue of Book List comes out at our library), I'm also always randomly picking up interesting-sounding books at the library. I just made a library run today, intent on getting just TWO books (one from my notebook)...I came home with 8 books 😁

ETA--you're making me consider re-reading the Shannara books, which I too read in junior high.

[Edited by Wahoo on Fri, 07-Mar-2025 7:10:56 PM PST]
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