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Whatcha reading, SZ? March 2025 Edition

From: senorbrightside Find all posts by senorbrightside View senorbrightside's profile Send private message to senorbrightside
Date: Fri, 07-Mar-2025 4:22:21 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
My laptop isn't letting me type an emoji today...ah well, imagine the book one!

Whatcha reading, SZ? (Besides this post!) How is it? Good? Bad? Ugly? Caused you to have to fix the wall from the dent it left when you threw it because it was that bad? Still in the freezer because it's that scary? So amazing you're telling everyone all about it? (Hope it's that one!)

Whether it's a traditional book, e-book, audio book, graphic novel or whatever, it's time to talk about books!

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