Daily Updates

From: rika@netcom.com (Melissa Martin)
Subject: PC: Update, 6/1/97
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 01:24:13 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
               Premiere Episode - Sunday, June 1, 1997
                  (warning - this is quite long)

* "This is General Hospital - what's gonna happen here?"
* "Sometimes She Holds My Hand"

The Words of Doom quoted above are uttered by a hospital security
guard as the show begins.  We focus in on one of the security
cameras, which shows Lucy Coe going down a hallway.

Prologue:  Kevin and Lucy
Lucy pauses nervously outside a door, and then knocks.  Her
doctor opens the door, and Lucy babbles at her nervously until
the doctor tells her - "Lucy, it's positive."  At the news of
her pregnancy, Lucy shrieks, hugs the doctor several times, grabs
all the pamphlets on prenatal care available in the office, and
generally has a Lucy-ish celebration, much to the doctor's amuse-
ment.  She leaves the office, squealing, "Kevin, here I come!"

Kevin, meanwhile, is in Gail's office.  As usual, he's drawn to
Gail's fish-tank-mutated-into-a-goldfish-bowl:  today he feeds
the fish.  Kevin is glad that all his secrets are out.  Now he
has lots of excess energy, and he doesn't know what to do with
it.  (Stick around, Kevin - that won't be a problem for long.)
Once, most of his energy went into his psychiatry practice; he
didn't even consider the possibility of being happy.  But now,
with Lucy.....

The conversation turns to Scott's refusal to allow Serena to visit,
because of Scott's fears about Kevin.  Gail is annoyed with Scott;
Kevin doesn't want her to be angry with Scott on his account.  Gail
is more frustrated than angry.  "If anyone should avoid the high
moral ground, it is Scott."  It is a complicated situation for
Gail; Kevin is her patient, Scott is her son, and she's in the

Prologue:  Meet the Interns
We see the interns, each preparing to attend a cocktail reception
in their honor at GH that evening.  The reception is being held
in the East wing, 6th floor, and the invitations are signed from
Monica Quartermaine.  The interns are:

(1)Dr. Chris Ramsey - He lives in an apparently expensive high-
rise, and we first see him in bed with an unidentified blonde
female.  We learn from the blonde that Chris is rich; we learn
from Chris's reactions to her that he has quite an ego.

(2) Dr. Joe Scanlon - we see him preparing to leave for the
reception, after getting a healthy dose of kidding about his
choice of clothing and about a non-existent hospital dress code
from his brother Frank.  Frank is an EMT; Joe has been one but
is about to become an interns  Frank's beeper goes off and he
leaves, complaining that he didn't get to finish his crossword
puzzle.  Joe calls after him, "7-letter word for older brother:
AS....."  (Updater's note - there's some nice brother chemistry
operating here.)

(3) Dr. Julie Devlin - A limo driver meets her as she gets off a
plane from Chicago.  He is there to take her to the GH reception.
Julie is annoyed - she told her father she didn't want this.  But
she takes the ride after all, after instructing the driver to
call her "Dr. Julie Morris" instead of "Devlin."

(4) Dr. Matt Harmon - He is in his hotel room, talking to his mom
on the telephone, and that makes your updater like him right away.
He does a bit of a Robert DeNiro impression into the mirror ("Are
you talking to me?") and then laughs at himself.  We see that he's
in a wheelchair.  He looks at the invitation to the reception, and
smiles an irresistable smile.  With another big smile and the
words, "It's party time," he wheels out of his hotel room.  (If
he only knew....)

(5) Dr. Jake Marshak - He is on a pay phone in the GH lobby,
talking to Danielle's answering machine (we aren't told who she
is), telling her he can't "do this" without her, and begging her
to return his phone calls.  One suspects that this Danielle
person has Jake under her thumb in a big way.

(6) Dr. Eve Lambert - Bearing a somewhat uncanny resemblance to
Lisa Rinna, she races around her hotel room, running late, getting
dressed for the reception.  She calls the front desk for a taxi,
and is (remarkably) told they can't do that.  She snarls at the
front-desk person and hangs up.  One gets the sense that this woman
isn't going into medicine due to her love of humanity.

(7) Dr. Karen Wexler Cates - She is dashing across the hospital
courtyard (the place where Miranda shredded some flowers not
long before she left town), and her necklace falls off.  Along
comes Joe Scanlon, who helps her.  They don't recognize each
other, but when he introduces himself, they realize that they
knew each other as kids.  (Updater's note - there's some good
potential chemistry here.....)

A somewhat ratty-looking guy in a yellow shirt runs up to Karen
and Joe, asking if they know where the East wing is.  Joe points
the way and the guy rushes off.  As was posted elsewhere, later
events make this a strange question; maybe it was a red herring
on the part of the ratty-looking guy to deflect suspicion for
long enough to..... well, never mind, that comes later.

The Plot Thickens
The security guard at GH notices that the 6th floor east wing
camera isn't transmitting anything.  We see the 6th floor east
wing area, where the reception is supposed to be held; there is
clearly construction going on, which makes it a funny place to
have a reception.  Is that the Knell of Doom I hear?  Up on a
desk in the area, we see eight champagne glasses and some file
folders with names of the various interns.  We see a disconnected
phone sitting on the desk.  We see a computer screen with a
digital clock superimposed over an electronic copy of the invi-
tation to the reception.  Next to the computer, there's a beeping
box with a flashing red light.  Perhaps that is the Beep of Doom.
At 7:00 precisely, a tape player starts up and the Classical Music
of Doom begins to play.

Lucy waits for the Elevator of Doom (sorry - I'll stop now) on the
tenth floor.  She is talking to herself about the baby.  She starts
to rehearse ways to tell Kevin about the baby:  "Okay, Kevin, sit
down."  Nope - he'd think bad news was to follow.  "Doc - you're
never going to guess what happened to me."  But she decides he
*would* guess, because "he's the one that made it happen to me."
Then, as she steps onto the elevator, she has an inspiration:
"Hi, how was your day...... daddy?"  Just then, the lights go
out and the elevator stops.  She uses the emergency phone in the
elevator, but she gets an answering machine instead of a person.
She Lucy-speaks her annoyance at getting a machine into the
machine, which eventually times out and hangs up on her.

Down in the hospital lobby, the interns have all assembled.  The
guard explains that, while the generators are now running to
provide power, the elevators shorted out, so they'll have to
take the stairs to the sixth floor.  Nobody is pleased, but Eve
gets an early start on irritating her fellow interns.  Karen
suggests that the patient elevator might be working, and Joe leads
the way.  As the gang heads off, Chris looks at the ratty-looking
guy, who is apparently also an intern, and remarks smugly, "So,
you've watched a lot of MASH, have you?"  (It's an extremely apt
insult, 'cause the guy is dressed just like Hawkeye Pierce.)

The interns arrive at the sixth floor, and find it weird that the
reception would be in a construction area.  Plus, why are they
the only people there?  We see a hand press a button, and the
doors electronically lock.  Matt tries to call the security guard,
but he finds the phone is dead, and he thinks it was disconnected
on purpose.  Joe notices that there are eight people there - why
is that the case, since there are only seven interns?  (It's a
good sign that at least two of these characters are apparently
customers of the Clue Shoppe!  They're already ahead of Bobbie
Jones.)  Chris finds the files with the interns' names and wonders
why they're there.

The ratty guy in the yellow shirt offers that he can clear up the
confusion - and he does, in a way, by pulling an automatic weapon
out of his duffel bag and pointing it at the assembled group.
He tells them his name is Cooper.  Chris remembers a rumor that
one of the interns was going to be bumped from the program and
replaced.  Yup, that was Cooper.  And he is scary.  He planned
this "party" after he heard he was bumped.  He tells them that he
has GH under his control, thanks to "Univac, here" (which is his
computer - UNIVAC????  Oh - I get it - it's a mainframe, probably
with a PENTIUM in it!  Be VERY afraid, interns:  mainframes, as we
know from GH, are omnipotent if you own one).  They are cut off
from Port Charles, and he plans to play some "games" to find out
who took his spot.

Cooper insists on being called "Dr. Cooper".  He starts talking
about his family - he comes from a long history of doctors.  Chris
tries to draw him out, but it doesn't work.  Cooper's (oops -
Dr. Cooper's) grandfather went to med school with Steve Hardy.
While DR. Cooper talks about the pressure to be a doctor from
his father, which started when he was just a kid, Joe Scanlon
carefully gets out his cell phone and starts to dial.  Cooper
sees him, takes the phone away, and waves the gun at the interns.

Meanwhile, Frank Scanlon is in the hospital, having a none-too-
friendly discussion with the chief resident, who is displeased when
Frank gets a warm welcome from Audrey (who, BTW, looks great in a
lilac suit - the prettiest I've ever seen her, I think).  She's
known Frank and Joe since they delivered her newspapers when they
were kids.  She asks about Joe, and Frank explains that Joe just
beeped him a few minutes ago from the reception (aha!  Joe *did*
get a call through before Cooper took away the phone).  Reception?
What reception?  Audrey tells Frank there *is* no reception, and
Dr. Falk, the resident (who is a pompous jackass) looks down his
nose at Frank while agreeing with Audrey.  He figures it's just a
prank by an intern; he asks Audrey to go to the sixth floor with him
to investigate the situation.  Frank is concerned to hear that the
elevators are out of order, and he tries to convince the resident
to let him go along instead of Audrey.  The resident sneers at
Frank's "bad feeling" about the situation and tells him to stick
to his EMT job.  Audrey and Dr. Jackass (I mean Falk) head up to
the sixth floor.

Lucy is still in the elevator, and she is getting impatient.  She
is apparently hungry, too - a cart holding trays of partly-eaten
hospital food is on the elevator with her, but even Lucy of the
ever-present appetite can't stomach that thought (pun intended).
She remembers that she has her cellular phone in her purse.  She
calls the security desk; the guard tells her that maintenance is
working on the elevator.  Next, she calls home, leaving Kevin a
message on their machine letting him know where she is.

Lucy, who is REALLY getting impatient now, tries to call security
again.  Just then, the elevator falls a small distance and Lucy
is understandably frightened.  She begins a running monologue
addressed to her baby.  "Everything's going to be just fine -
mama's here."

All H*ll Breaks Loose
Frank goes to talk to the guard, who's on the phone with Lucy.
She explains that the elevator fell and she doesn't know what
floor she's on anymore.  She bangs on the elevator doors and
calls out, asking if anyone can hear her.  The answer is gunfire,
aimed at the elevator doors.  Lucy, screaming, dives for the floor.
The guard hears the shots and tells Frank, who asks if Lucy is near
the sixth floor.  They're not sure, but Frank tells the guard to
call the police.  (It appears that Frank is also a regular patron
of the clue shop - and your updater likes him a LOT.)  There are
more shots into the elevator, and a terrified Lucy promises her
baby that "it's up to Mama - I'll get you out of here."

Back with the interns, pandemonium has broken out due to Cooper's
gunshots.  Chris tries to reason with Cooper, telling him that
it's not too late for him to live his dreams instead of his
father's.  Apparently Chris can relate; his father has his own
expectations.  The other students chime in; Matt even uses part of
the Hippocratic Oath to promise Cooper that they won't tell what
he's done this evening if he turns over the gun now.  It almost
looks like Cooper's considering it, until......

Enter Dr. Jackass/Falk and Audrey.  Cooper goes postal and opens
fire.  We see Dr. Falk get hit; Audrey goes down, but we can't tell
if she was hit or is just ducking the bullets.  Cooper points a
gun at Julie, and then we see that Audrey's okay.  She walks over
to Julie to comfort her and to escort her out of the room.  A
courageous move, but also a dumb one.  Cooper whacks Audrey in
the head with his gun; she falls to the ground, and Joe runs to
her side.

Back at the Lighthouse, Kevin enters, calling out to Lucy, as
the phone rings.  It's Gail.  She tells him about the hostage
situation, and is much relieved to know that he got out of the
hospital before the trouble started.  He plays the message from
Lucy telling him she's in the elevator.  Before Kevin can leave
for the hospital, the phone rings again.  He picks it up, asking
immediately, "Lucy - is it over?"  But it's Scott on the phone
(see below), yelling, "You're not going to get away with this!"
When Kevin hears that it's not Lucy, he hangs up and leaves
immediately.  Scott is left to yell Kevin's name into the phone.

Audrey and the Interns
Audrey is conscious and recognizes Joe.  Cooper orders Chris
to check on Dr. Falk.  He won't do it without gloves - there's a
lot of blood, and Chris heard rumors that Falk was gay.  Julie,
disgusted with Chris, runs over to check on Falk, and says that he
is dead.  Matt gently covers Falk's face with his suit jacket, and
then wheels over to where Joe and Karen are examining Audrey.
Cooper uses his computer to shut down the generator, and the
lights go out.

Audrey loses consciousness; Joe, Karen, Matt, and Jake work on
her.  Karen points out to Cooper that Audrey might die.  She says
that she's apparently the one who took his spot, so she's the one
he wants, and he ought to let the others go. Cooper says, no, the
interns can perform the surgery.  She needs a CAT scan and a neuro-
surgeon, insists Joe, but Cooper doesn't care.

Eve continues to snipe; Julie basically tells her to shut up and
stop just hanging on the sidelines "where it's safe".  Eve responds
by going to Cooper and taunting him, getting his attention while
the others work on Audrey.  Cooper taunts her back - apparently her
father left when she was three, and she developed a taste for
father-figure men as a result, such that "men your own age don't
have a chance."  Eve:  "If you're referring to yourself, I make it
a policy never to sleep with men who still wet the bed."

The remaining interns, huddled over Audrey, discuss possible plans
to overpower Cooper.  Jake shows them a pocket case containing
medical instruments, including a scalpel, and suggests slitting
Cooper's throat.  Karen:  "I'm okay with that; I'm just wondering
how we're going to get within slitting distance."  (YOU GO, KAREN!)
Matt suggests that, with these instruments, maybe they could do
the surgery Audrey needs to relieve the pressure on her brain.
The others think he's nuts - but then Audrey has a seizure.  Matt
gets a drill out of a toolkit, to be used to put burr-holes in
Audrey's skull.  Joe says he'll do the procedure.

Matt uses a butane flame to sterilize the drill.  Chris argues
with Joe, warning him against doing the procedure; Matt offers to
assist, but he'd have to get out of his wheelchair, and Joe
figures he'd better stay there in case "we have to move quickly at
some point."  Julie would help, but she's got Falk's blood on her,
so she probably shouldn't.  Karen and Eve agree to assist, though
Eve clarifies that "the decision to operate wasn't mine."  Julie
snarks at Eve about sounding like a lawyer.  These two are clearly
not going to be best girlfriends.  Joe turns on the drill.

Lucy's Line in the Sand
While all this is going on, Lucy is still in the elevator,
which now has no lights.  Lucy pulls out a small penlight and
starts looking around.  She sees a removable panel in the ceiling
of the elevator, and tells her baby that "this is where Mom draws
a line in the sand."  She gets a collapsible umbrella out of her
purse.  She momentarily hesitates - it's bad luck to open an
umbrella inside - but then decides, what the heck, it can't get
any worse than this (just wait, Lucy - just wait).

The umbrella turns out not to be helpful, but she climbs up the
food tray cart and removes the ceiling panel.  It makes a lot of
noise when it hits the ground, causing Cooper to shoot into the
elevator again.  Lucy has to jump off the top of the tray cart to
avoid being hit.  She cowers in a corner until the gunshots stop,
and then tries to call the guard again - but the line is busy.

Kevin races up to the guard, asking about Lucy.  The guard isn't
much help - but he tells Kevin that the "nut" has already shot
into the elevator once.  Where's Mac?  Well, he's on his way.
The guard explains that the nut is "some kind of computer genius."
Kevin says they can bypass the computer and operate the elevator
manually.  The guard, unimpressed, answers the phone again, and
Kevin decides he'd better go save Lucy himself.

Outside the hospital, FINALLY, Mac arrives.  Hey, why hurry -
nothing much going on, just a run-of-the-mill little hostage
situation.  Mac barks a bunch of orders at a uniformed cop, in-
cluding an order to find Kevin, who can help him "talk to that
maniac."  (Sorry, Mac, but Kevin's a little busy right now, saving
the lives of Lucy and his unborn child, about whom he doesn't even
know anything yet....)

Lucy climbs out of the opening in the elevator roof, while
explaining to her baby that she figures maybe she can find a
ladder in the elevator shaft.  She makes it up on top of the car
just as it falls further, leaving her to grab a beam to avoid
falling.  Worse yet, she can't scream loudly for help, for fear
that Cooper will start shooting again.

On the way up the stairs, Kevin meets a security guard coming
down the stairs who tries to stop him - it's a restricted area,
yadda, yadda, yadda.  Kevin's not about to be stopped.  He thinks
he can re-wire the elevator.  The security guy isn't buying it.
Frank comes along - he knows the security guard, and he promises
that he will deal with Kevin.  After the guard leaves, Frank
introduces himself.  Kevin's response:  "Kevin Collins.  I'm not
going anywhere."  Frank:  "Yes, you are."  Frank wants to go with
Kevin to the control panel, and help him get Lucy out of the
elevator.  Kevin:  "Nice to meet you, Frank."  (You had to be
there.  These guys could be interesting as friends.)  Frank
explains that his brother is on the sixth floor, and asks Kevin
how he knows the building so well.  Kevin gets a LOD candidate:
"Let's just say I've stalked every corner of it."

Just as Joe is starting Audrey's surgery, we hear Lucy's cries
for help from the elevator shaft, and Cooper fires shots in that
direction.  Poor thing - she's still hanging from a beam, and now
she's getting shot at.  She begs God to help her and her baby.
Her prayers are answered - Kevin calls out to her.  He and Frank
are above her, having forced open the elevator doors at a higher
floor.  Cooper hears them and fires shots in her direction again.
Kevin and Frank climb down a ladder, and stand on the roof of the
elevator car.  Lucy is afraid to let go of the beam.  Kevin reminds
her that he would never let anything happen to her, and he per-
suades Lucy to give him her hand.  He and Frank then lower Lucy to
the roof of the elevator car.  Amidst hugs and kisses, she calls
Kevin her "knight in shining armor."  Frank climbs down into the
elevator car; Kevin will try to get the elevator working.

The Rescue - Kevin and Lucy
Kevin wants Lucy to take off her shoes, which have high heels,
before they climb up the ladder.  But the shoes cost her $200, and
she won't consider it.  She sees her purse, which fell on top of
the elevator car when she had to grab for the beam earlier, and
she's glad to get it - *it* cost her $250.  Kevin:  "Okay, let me
have it."  He looks it over and pitches it down the elevator shaft,
and they begin their climb.  Lucy looks down, not entirely sure
about the whole thing, and looking a bit light-headed.

Kevin and Lucy have climbed up to the elevator control panel, and
Kevin is working on the wiring.  Lucy doesn't look well.  Kevin
asks if she's feeling okay - he wonders 'cause she's not talking.
Lucy starts to babble, until Kevin stops her, saying:  "Okay, I
feel better now."  Unfortunately, Lucy doesn't feel better in
the slightest, but Kevin doesn't know it.

Kevin is almost done with the elevator wiring; unfortunately,
Lucy is on the verge of fainting.  She manages to say, "Doc..."
before she passes out, and Kevin grabs her before she falls,
holding her by one arm.  Her arm nearly slips out of his grasp
as he struggles to hold onto her.  Kevin calls out to her,
begging her to wake up.  He finally cries out, "Lucy, I need
you!", and she revives herself and grabs the ladder.  Kevin,
exhausted with exertion and relief, goes back to work on the
elevator after making sure Lucy is able to hang onto the ladder.

Kevin is almost done with the elevator - there's one more
adjustment, but he needs a hammer.  Lucy removes one of her
$200 shoes and hands it to him - the heel will work nicely.
They agree that they are a good team.

The Rescue - Frank and the Interns
Joe tries to concentrate on the surgery while Cooper reads Joe's
essay about why he wanted to be a doctor:  Joe's father died in an
accident when he was younger.  Then Cooper starts giving Jake a
hard time - he gets along with test tubes and not people.  And
Danielle dumped him, didn't she?  Cooper goes back to reading
Joe's essay about his father's death, as Joe continues to drill
the burr-holes in Audrey's skull.

Meanwhile, Frank forces the elevator doors open slightly with a
tool of some kind, and he can see what is happening.  He closes
the doors and calls the police; he fills Mac in on Cooper, the
interns, Audrey, Falk, Kevin, and Lucy.  Mac is lucky to have
this guy handling the situation!

Audrey's surgery is over and her vital signs are a bit improved.
Mac calls Cooper on his cell phone.  Mac's hostage negotiation
skills are less than stellar; Cooper hangs up.  At this point,
your updater decided that Frank Scanlon would make a better
police commish than anyone Port Charles has seen in recent memory.
Cooper threatens to play a game of Musical Chairs with the interns:
whoever's left standing will be killed.

Frank calls Mac again and tells him about the death threats,
recommending that Mac get snipers positioned.  Meanwhile, Cooper
taunts the interns with things he knows about them, ending by
telling everyone that Karen once was "a pill-popping stripper...
Dr. Gypsy Rose Wexler."  He tells the story of Karen and Sonny.
Karen, in great shame, looks away and sees Frank, watching
through the partly-open elevator doors.  To distract Cooper,
Karen tells him she'll do her strip act.  For the most part,
the other interns try not to watch, but Cooper pays attention
to little else.  Matt wheels silently over behind Cooper, who
doesn't notice him moving.  Joe and Jake quietly join him as
Karen continues her striptease.

Matt rolls his wheelchair into Cooper from behind, knocking him
off balance.  The other interns rush him and struggle for the
gun.  It slides across the floor, and Eve grabs it, pointing it at
Cooper and barely restraining herself from pulling the trigger.

Kevin gets the elevator going right about then, and Frank bursts
through the now-open elevator doors just as the police also race
into the room.  Tony Jones arrives.  Joe explains Audrey's condition,
and Tony takes her away.  Frank congratulates Matt for his quick
thinking; Matt's explanation is so probably-true that it's very
sad:  "I was the only one he didn't see as a threat."

Julie tries to be nice to Eve:  "About what I said to you before.."
but Eve stops her:  "Please.  I don't want to bond." Julie
responds, "I don't think that's going to be a problem."  Nope,
no slumber parties for these two.  Joe checks on Karen, who is
standing alone, wearing Frank's EMT jacket.  She is upset:  "No one
knew.  Now they know everything."  She leaves, and Joe picks up
Karen's necklace off the floor.  Chris picks up the Julie Morris
file off the desk and leaves with it hidden in his jacket.

Outside the hospital, Alan tells Monica about Audrey.  Lucy and
Kevin join them, and we learn more about Cooper.  His internship
was rescinded because GH learned he had a history of emotional

The interns come outside; Alan and Monica meet them.  Joe is
obviously interested in, and concerned about, Karen, but she is
evasive.  Alan asks to speak to Joe:  Joe must face a review board
because of what he did to Audrey.  Joe gets angry, and challenges
Alan.  "What kind of doctor - what kind of man would I be if I
thought more about saving my professional butt than I thought about
Audrey's life?"  Alan:  "This isn't something I enjoy doing."
Joe:  "Well, let me tell you something, Dr. Quartermaine, it's
going to get less enjoyable for you."  Joe intends to fight, and
to win.  He leaves, saying, "I'll see you Monday."

The scene:  Ontario, Canada.  Beautiful countryside - hillsides,
waterfalls - and Scott Baldwin driving a pick-up truck.  (Chances
are he's on his way back from a lunch date with Ryan, Damian,
and Lily!)  Scott arrives at a rustic-looking school and Serena
(who has been SORAS'd - she should be 3 1/2 but appears to be
about 6) runs to meet him.  Scott is now a furniture builder,
and he has a delivery to make.  Serena doesn't want to go along -
it's too long a trip in the truck.  Scott talks about rescheduling
the delivery, but Serena convinces him to go ahead; she'll stay at
school.  After all, "no matter how long we're apart, at the end
of every day, we'll still say good night to Mommy's star, and do
the secret handshake, just like always."  Serena convinces him
to make the delivery (he teasingly calls her "a bit of a nag"),
they do the secret handshake, and Scott drives off.  We see a
mysterious green car lurking.....

(Updater's note - Serena's a cute little girl and she seems to
have a mind of her own.  Lucy's gonna ADORE this child.)

Later, Scott arrives back at school.  He's late - flat tire.  A
substitute teacher is waiting at the school - but Serena is gone.
The teacher says Scott's "friends" picked Serena up, and that
Serena told her it would be all right with Scott.  The teacher,
says she saw the car - two people in it, with New York plates.
Scott asks if one was a woman with long brown hair; the teacher
finally says, "Yes."  Scott drives off, growling, "I'm gonna kill

Scott has become a licensed pilot during his stay in Canada, and
he flies to Port Charles now.  In the airplane, Scott remembers
another flight when Serena was with him.  They talk about bird
happiness, and Serena asked if her mommy was in heaven; she wondered
if Dominique could see them better when they're up in the sky.
Scott told her that mommy can always see them.  Then Serena tells
him, "Sometimes, she holds my hand."  Scott, back in the present,
says, "Hold her hand, Dominique - hold it now more than ever."

Scott arrives at the airport in Port Charles and sees Lee.  Scott
asks Lee if he knows where Lucy is; he leaves without further
explanations for a perplexed Lee.

Outside GH, Kevin and Lucy, who have just emerged from the ele-
vator shaft, are stopped by a policeman.  He tells a perplexed
Mac that this is "a Federal matter."  Mac tells K&L to go home,
but the policeman insists that he has his orders and Lucy has
to go to HQ for questioning.

Lucy is more or less dragged down the hall and shoved into a
chair at police HQ by some FBI agents.  Kevin is in major
protective mode, but there's not much he can do for her.  The
FBI asks Lucy about her activities for the day.  First stop:  her
hairdresser (Luigi).  The FBI guy asks for a last name.  Lucy:
"Nobody has a last name at Luigi's."  After that, Lucy had lunch
at the Outback.  Next - a walk in the woods.  Did anyone see her?
"Squirrels."  Then, an appointment, and she left that office at
about 7:00.  Who was the appointment with?  Lucy refuses to say.
The FBI arrests Lucy, and just then Scott rushes in, shouting,
"What have you done with my daughter?"
