Daily Updates

From: Robin Bradford <libbrad@cml.indstate.edu>
Subject: PC Update Thursday June 5
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 15:18:57 GMT

I know many of you may be wondering where this update has been.  Well,
that is a good question.  It was posted, but it never made it to the
group.  So, here it is again!  Cross your collective fingers. . . .

-----------Port Charles:  Thursday, June 5-----------------------

Frank posts a sign for an apartment for rent and runs into Jake and
Chris.  While Jake is friendly enough, Chris is his usually chilly
self.  (and haven't we come to love that about him?  uh. . .no.)  They
leave, Julie enters.  Frank is obviously tongue tied at seeing a towel
clad intern that is not his brother!  :)  He gets a chance to see
Julie's natural ability with iodine, however, and she soothes his minor
boo-boo.   What a gal!   Chris, meanwhile, is in the hall taking a sick
sort of fascination with the fact that Joe's hearing is coming up and he
is invited.   Using the bad apple cliche, he makes no attempt to hide
his glee from Eve; who, in turn, says he is the real bad apple.  (I
think she may be on to something there.)

Karen and Joe discuss the suspension, Scotty, and her leaving Port
Charles.  They exchange the usual amount of flirty talk, and Karen tells
Joe that she wants to "be there for him" through the whole thing.  (how
sweet.  What would Jagger think of that?)

All the interns minus Joe show up for a meeting and Karen walks in on
Chris pretending to feel bad for Joe.  Obviously seeing through his lame
act, she begins to go off.  Julie comes to his rescue and says they
shouldn't turn on each other.  (whatever.)

After having a nightmare about Serena, Scotty decides he must leave the
hospital.   When the straight forward approach doesn't work (and when
has it ever for Scotty) he resorts to his more basic nature--he cons his
way out.   The victim--Eve.  Scotty pretends to be the attorney for "Mr.
Baldwin" and demands Eve get a wheelchair for his patient.  She does, he
leaves.  Meanwhile, Mac visits the Lighthouse delivering "no news" to
Lucy who becomes frantic.  Kevin tries to calm her down and finally
succeeds.  They tell Mac about the baby, and the three of them share a
minute of happiness.  Then, Kevin and Mac shove off towards the hospital
to talk to Scotty.  WHen Mac gets to his room, he discovers that Scotty
had disappeared.   Scott shows up, and collapses, on Kevin & Lucy's

On a scale of 1-5, this show rates 3 tongue depressors!  Stay tuned!
