Daily Updates

From: rika@netcom.com (Melissa Martin)
Subject: PC: Update, Tuesday, 6/10/97
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 15:50:09 GMT

                        PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                      Tuesday, June 10, 1997

Being an updater is somewhat of a gamble.  Some days, you get stuck
with a "Why Me, Lord?" update of an episode which is chock-full of
every character you truly detest - an episode which was torture to
watch once, much less over and over and over.  But other times,
fortune smiles on you and you get an episode containing an event
fans have been awaiting for years, such as:

* "Will You Marry Me?"
* What the Heck is a Bilateral Orchiectomy?
* Is There a Doctor in the House?
* The Recovery Room

We see Lucy, sitting on a bench somewhere on the grounds of the
lighthouse.  It's a lovely setting - tall grasses, sounds of the
water, moonlight filtering through the trees.  She is talking to
Dominique, begging her to help them to find Serena.  Kevin walks
up to Lucy - he has an important question to ask her.  He sits down
beside her and begins to babble nervously.  It's not a good time to
ask this question, and if she needs time to think about it, he
understands, etc.  Lucy puts her hand over his mouth to stop him,
warning that he's starting to sound like her, and he'd better
just ask the question.

Kevin opens a jeweler's box he has been holding, opens it to
display a diamond ring, looks up at Lucy, and asks, "Will you
marry me?"  Lucy is speechless; Kevin thus has undisputed control
of the conversation ("Wow, this is a first for me," he remarks).
Kevin knows she's worried about Serena, and thus it's probably a
bad time to bring up the subject.  I can't improve on Kevin's words,
so I'm just going to quote him:  "But I remember when I went through
a bad time.  I was lying in a hospital room, and I was convinced that
my mind was gone and my life was over, and I was down.  And this
beautiful, strong woman walked into my room and asked this basket
case if he'd marry her.....  At first I thought it was out of
pity, but then she found a way to convince me that she meant it....
Suddenly the darkness wasn't so dark.  And I know you're going
through a pretty dark time now, and you need to know that no
matter what happens, you won't be going through it alone.  I'll
be there with you.  I love you, Lucy, and I want to spend my
life with you."

Kevin reminds her she hasn't answered him - and Lucy, teasing,
asks him what the question was.  He repeats, "Will you marry me?"
Lucy says no - and for a moment Kevin looks worried - but she goes
on to explain her reasons.  Kevin is unemployed (which isn't true,
unless he quit Cassadine, Inc. and we weren't told, but that's a
side issue at the moment), he's "a bit of a fruitcake," and he's
messy around the house, and as an evolved woman she doesn't think -

Kevin interrupts Lucy by taking her face in his hands and kissing
her, and kissing her, and *kissing* her.  When we return, the ring
is on her finger and she is admiring it.  It fits, and Lucy wonders
how Kevin knew her ring size.  He knows everything about her, he
explains - just like she knows he's a fruitcake and is unemployed
and is messy around the house - this time, Lucy interrupts *him*
with a kiss.

They decide they'd better go check on Scott; Lucy asks Kevin not
to tell Scott about their engagement until Serena is found.  Kevin
understands - things are bad for Scott right now, and they don't
want to rub their happiness in his face.  Kevin tells Lucy that he
has a strong feeling that everything is going to turn out fine with
Serena; when he says that, Lucy finds that she can believe it.

Lucy has to tell *someone* - she can't keep their news to herself.
And along walks - make that waddles - SIGMUND!  Lucy scoops him up
in her arms and tells Siggy the good news; Kevin asks him to keep
it to himself for a while.  Not to worry - Siggy is a trustworthy
sort.  Besides, I doubt Scott speaks Duck.....

Scott is still lying on the sofa in the den of the lighthouse.
Eve is calling in a prescription for him.  She reminds him that
she's allowed to prescribe medication, but that caring for him
outside the hospital is illegal - and she's only agreeing to do
it because of Serena.  In return, she insists that he not tell
anyone what she's doing - if he does, she'll perform an involuntary
bilateral orchiectomy on him without anaesthesia.  She doesn't tell
him what that is, but your updater looked it up - Eve threatened
Scott with castration.  You've got to admire her style.....

Eve departs, promising to return tomorrow.  As she leaves, she
meets Karen coming in the door.  (I don't think the Lighthouse
has *ever* had so many visitors, and Kevin and Lucy are missing
the whole thing.)  Scott asks Karen not to tell anyone about seeing
Eve, and she agrees.  Karen explains the purpose of her visit -
she wants Scott to help Joe fight his suspension, perhaps by
recommending some lawyers.  Scott agrees to help, and Karen leaves
after telling him she hopes Serena is found soon.

Our newly-engaged couple enter the house in time to see Scott
staggering over to use the phone.  Lucy tells him to sit down.  She
asks about the car she saw;  Scott explains about Karen's visit.
Kevin tells Scott he can stay as long as he needs to; Scott thanks
him, and the guys exchange looks and nods which seem to communicate
a temporary truce.  Scott tells them a bit more about Karen's visit.
Her defense of Joe reminds him of Serena.  He tells a story about
Serena's defense of a schoolmate who gets harrassed by the other
kids.  In mid-story, Scott stops and demands to know why the
kidnappers haven't called.  He'll give them anything they want to get
his daughter back.  Lucy assures Scott that they will find Serena.
How does she know that, Scott asks?  "I know because I have an unim-
peachable source."  Lucy turns and smiles at Kevin.

Then we see Serena, asleep in a bed.  A gloved hand pulls the
covers up around her shoulders.

Frank and Joe arrive home to find Mary there (I think the guys
had better change the locks before they have any women stay the
night).  She hands out glasses of champagne and gives Joe a gift -
a medical bag.  She proposes a toast to "the most gifted intern
GH is ever going to be lucky enough to have."  Frank and Joe look
at each other nervously while clinking glasses.

Mary can tell something is wrong, and Joe decides to tell her about
his suspension.  He apparently did so during the commercial, because
when we return to them, she is leaving a message for Alan Quarter-
maine, resigning from the hospital.  Alan "doesn't seem to mind
that his whole family are suspects in a murder investigation, but
when my son steps in and saves Audrey Hardy, not *one* word of
thanks....."  She hangs up and continues to rant.  She'd stay and
try to solve the problem right then, but she and Frank both have
plans to meet people at The Recovery Room, a local bar.  Joe wants
to stay home.  Mary decides to retreat for the moment, and a nice
bit of dialogue ensues:
    Mary: "Far be it from Mary Scanlon to interfere in her sons'
           lives, but I do have one more thing I want to say."
    Frank: "Well, you wouldn't want to leave without an exit line."
    Mary:  "Oh, shush."
Mary tells Joe that he is a better doctor - and man - than anyone
who is going to be judging him.  She and Frank leave Joe alone to

Joe is sitting on the porch later, and Karen arrives.  They talk
about playing Marco Polo as kids.  She hated being blindfolded.
Joe was always kind to her in those situations - whenever she said,
"Marco," he was right close by to say, "Polo" so she could get out
of the blindfold.  She tells him about her conversation with Scott.
Joe can't afford a lawyer - Karen assures him Scott understands and
will find someone he can afford.

Joe asks if she got Jagger's message.  Karen explains that they've
been playing phone tag; Jagger doesn't even know she is staying in
Port Charles.  Joe wonders if Jagger will move back to PC - Karen
isn't sure.  She leaves, and as she walks away, Joe calls after her,
"Marco" - and Karen answers, "Polo."

Julie and Chris are having drinks together at a bar called The
Recovery Room.  They both say they are nervous about starting their
internships tomorrow (though Julie remarks that Chris doesn't *seem*
nervous).  She tells him about her apartment; unfortunately, she has
to spend one more night in her hated hotel room.  Chris, ever the
altruist, offers the pull-out couch in his apartment; mercifully,
Matt arrives just then.  Chris is less than pleased to find out
that Julie called all the interns, not just him.  Well, all the
interns except Joe - Julie felt awkward about that, and wound up
inviting Frank instead.

When we rejoin them, Eve and Chris are at the bar waiting for drinks.
Eve has some characteristically cynical things to say about how
"clubby" the interns are becoming.  Chris suggests it's the calm
before the storm.  They join Julie and Matt at the table.  They
talk about their anticipation of starting their internships; Matt
says he's great with cadavers, but he's not sure about real people.
Eve:  "Well, on the whole, I don't find there's much difference."
Chris:  "Ooh, doesn't say much for your love life."  Julie decided
to become a doctor at age 6; Matt decided at 18, after his accident.
Chris's father wanted Chris to be a doctor.  Chris didn't want it
at first, but finally changed his mind, probably because of the
money he could make.  Eve:  "He'd like us to think he's joking."

Frank and Mary arrive - and who should greet them but Mike Corbin,
who has been anxiously awaiting Mary's arrival.  Mike is thinking
about buying the bar, and he asked Mary to meet him to check it out.
Julie comes over to greet Frank.

by Rika, 1/2 of the Tuesday Update Team