Daily Updates

From: Newberry@HUDCE.HARVARD.EDU (Newberry)
Subject: PC:  Wed 6/11 Update
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 12:13:45 -0400

Update for Port Charles, Wednesday, June 11, 1997

I.  First Day Jitters

The interns are gathering for their first day on the job.  Chris is
organizing a weekly pool; whoever gets the "Quartermaine Residency" at the
end of the year takes the losers, oops sorry, others out on the town.
Chris ribs Joe that maybe he shouldn't even bother to put anything in the
pot, since it's doubtful he'll be reinstated.  Matt asks Joe to come with
him to check out the coffee quality while Julie and Eve tell Chris off
(Eve:  Your charm is underwelming everybody.)  Jake and Danielle arrive
and he introduces her to everyone.  She wishes them well, telling them
she's so excited for them.  Chris' reply:  Yeah, I'm getting excited too.
(smirk-boy strtikes again!)  Jake rushes Danielle away and Chris complains
that Jake obviously doesn't like to share.  Chris, Julie and Eve proceed
to dish about Jake and Danielle.  Meanwhile, Matt offers to go before the
Review Board on Joe's behalf, but Joe doesn't want him to risk his own
career.  Matt says it's worth the risk.  Joe then tells him he has trouble
accepting help from others, wants to do things on his own.  Matt can
empathize with that, so he backs off.  Jake is giving Danielle the third
degree about leaving so abruptly.  She says she had an idea to go out and
get a job and acted upon it.  He says she doesn't need to work; they can
live off what he makes.  She replies that they can play off what she
makes.  They talk more, but to tell you the truth, I haven't been able to
get interested in these two and can't remember what else was said.  Sorry.

Later, the interns are reporting for work and Nurse Grace asks them to
pose for a group photo for her collection.  Frank appears (his only brief
appearance for the day), sees a picture on the bulletin board from the
previous year and remarks "They all looked so young."  Grace notes:  That
doesn't last long.  Dr. Burgess hands out the assignments and tells Joe to
go find the vending machines.  Matt goes to deal with his first patient, a
burly, unruly drunk with a gash in his head who doesn't want to be treated
by a "cripple."  Instruments go flying.  Joe watches in distress from the

II.  My marriage is on the rocks, it's my first day of my internship, and
my mother wants to make me lunch for the first time in her life.

Karen has been on the phone for two hours with Jagger.  She tearfully
agrees with what he's saying, then tries to talk him into coming for the
weekend so they can discuss it face to face and hold each other.  He says
no, it's better this way.  She says she wants what is best for him and
that she loves him.  They say goodbye.  It's obvious that he feels it's
over.  Rhonda was hovering in the doorway to the kitchen and inquires if
that was Jagger.  Karen obviously doesn't want to discuss it and begins to
hurry about getting ready to go to the hospital...she should be there
now.  Rhonda wants to help, maybe make her a lunch.  Karen:  It'd be the
first time.  Then she immediately apologizes.  Rhonda acknowledges that
she was a rotten mother but is hoping to make up for that now.  Does Karen
want new curtains in her room?  Karen lets Rhonda know she'll probably get
a place of her own.  Rhonda goes off to iron a blouse for Karen.  Later,
as Karen rushes off she gives her mother a quick hug, pauses on her way
out the door, and returns to put more feeling and honesty into the
embrace.  She confides, "I feel like a big fake."  At what?  Her marriage?
Being a good doctor?  Trying to have a decent relationship with her
mother?  All of the above?  We don't know; she doesn't clarify.

III.  Pacman's Grand Pére

Kevin has been worried about the stress Lucy has been under and its effect
on the baby so he convinced her to see a doctor.  They have just come from
there and have heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.  Lucy, in
that Lucy-way of hers, says that the baby sounds like a little Pacman in
there, going wacka, wacka, wacka and although she'd heard Serena's
heartbeat, this was just so magical and special.  Kevin agrees about the
magic.  It seems they are both blown away by the experience.  But now
Kevin has to go see his father and he doesn't want Lucy to go with him.
She argues that since she's officially his fiancée now and he's Pacman's
Daddy, she should come along.  He's worried it will cause additional
stress.  "Stress?" she says, "stress would be meeting my mother-in-law!"
(I have to agree with Mel that this was certainly the LOD.)  Kev gives in,
tho' we knew he would.  They go in and Lucy immediately kneels down beside
Victor, who is staring at a television.  She begins to introduce herself
and try to get him remember when he saw her before.  Kevin tells her she
shouldn't be trying to have a conversation with him, that his mind is
there but he has no personality behind it.  Suddenly Victor says,
"Idiots!  They're all idiots!"  At first taken aback, Lucy looks at the TV
screen.  Yes, those are politicians and she'd certain agree with Victor
that they're all idiots.  Kevin says they should go, but as she's heading
towards the door Lucy turns back and announces that Victor is going to be
a grandfather.  She approaches him again, saying she understands how some
people don't particularly enjoy being thought of as a grandparent and they
could come up with a suitable name for the baby to call him, finally
settling on "Grandpere" because "it's sorta European."  Kevin tells Lucy,
he doesn't hear you.  He's psychologically shut down.  We should go.  Lucy
decides he's right, thanks Dr. Collins for the visit and they begin to

Victor then says, "Congratulations...Monk."  Lucy and Kevin are stunned.
Slowly Kevin approaches his father, lays a hand gently on his shoulder and
says, "Thanks."  Totally amazed, Kevin and Lucy step outside of the room.
Kevin is overcome with gratitude to Lucy.  "You got through to him when no
one else could.  Lucy, you're so amazing."  (Yes, doc, she is, but so are
you!)  But Lucy says maybe its the hormones raging inside of her but she
feels that new life makes amazing things happen and she's certain
everything is going to be wonderful, Serena will be found and will be so
happy about her new little brother or sister, and Lucy will be happy, and
Kevin will be happy...everyone will be so happy.  (is that a bell of doom
I hear not too far off in the distance?)  Kevin says, let's go start our
happy lives.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda N.
CEO, FGC Jason, Keeper of Jason Morgan's Lust
VP, FGC Robin, Keeper of the Cameo Ring
Just Another Mouse-Pushing Wacko