Daily Updates

From: Newberry@HUDCE.HARVARD.EDU (Newberry)
Subject: PC: Update for Wed, 6-18
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 09:18:08 -0400

This update will be short as I've been incapacitated this week by an
actual pain in the neck.  But here is a brief summary of a very eventful

I.  Lucy and the "mystery" kidnapper
Having been lured to the lab by a telephone call, Lucy arrives outside the
door and hears Serena singing.  She rushes into the lab calling out for
her but finds it's only a tape.  Suddenly she's grabbed from behind by
Rex.  He proceeds to tell her that she and Scott will be responsible for
determining how the money drop will take place, but that it must be during
the Nurse's Ball.  Lucy wants assurances that Serena is alright.  He says
they'll have some kind of proof tomorrow.  All the while Rex is holding
her from behind in a very painful embrace and trying to disguise his voice
against future recognition.  He's been watching her...knows all about her,
including her recent engagement, so she shouldn't try anything funny.
He's successful in intimidating the heck out of her.  Later, she's got a
plateful of food in front of her (in the hospital cafeteria or a nearby
restaurant, we're not sure) when Kevin arrives.  He knows she's hiding
something.  She's so edgy.  He wants to go to with her to see Dr. Newman.
She convinces him he should go see his father and she can handle the
checkup on her own.  He knows she's not being upfront about something.
She says she just wishes that Serena were back safely with Scott so that
she and the Doc could concentrate on what should be the happiest time of
their lives.

2.  Scott, the defender of truth, justice, and the Am....oh hell, give the
kid a break
Scott has arrived at the Review Board hearing to defend Joe Scanlon.  Lee
tries to explain that this isn't a courtroom.  Scott insists Joe needs
someone to look out for his rights and that the Board doesn't want to face
a huge lawsuit down the line because they didn't let the kid defend
himself.  The Board agrees to hear Scott out, provided Joe agrees.  In
bewilderment, Joe says sure, why not.  Scott then proceeds to make a
Vietnam War triage analogy to the hostage situation, noting how the
experiences of doctors during the war changed the way ER's are run today.
He says when you're in a combat situation, you have to take desperate
measures to fulfill your responsibilities and any one of them in Joe's
place would have done the same thing.  There are some skeptics.  Alan then
invites Joe to speak for himself.  Joe explains that he's gone over and
over that night in his head; it has changed all of their lives forever.
But he wouldn't do anything different.  At that point Mary Scanlon wheels
in Audrey, who says that she, for one, is very glad he did perform the
surgery.  If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be here (in more ways than
one.)  She makes an eloquent plea to give these interns the benefit of the
doubt, invoking the memory of Steve Hardy in the process.  Eventually the
Board votes not to terminate Joe's internship.  The meeting concludes with
a rather odd statement from Tony Jones about no intern being above anyone
else and it's now time to get back to what their original purpose was.
Karen stops to talk with Scott, but Dr. Burgess tells her to report to
duty immediately.  Karen smiles at Scott, mouths the words "thank you" and
heads off.  Scott has a warm, fuzzy glow (yes really!).[To those of you
who are just being introduced to Scott, this was an example of his better
nature...he really does have one...kind of.  To know and love Scott is
mostly to be irritated by him :-)]

3.  No crust, please
Danielle, complete in brown wig, is making a lunch for Serena, who
requests the crusts be cut off her sandwich.  Danielle is striving to make
Serena is comfortable as possible and reassuring her that she'll see her
Daddy soon.  Serena doesn't want to hear any more of Charlotte's Web...she
has a lot of coloring to do...pictures she's drawing for Daddy.
Danielle's guilt level soars and when Rex returns she begs him to put an
end to all of this soon.  Rex assures Danielle it will all be over as soon
as Lucy and Scott do exactly as he wants.

4.  Uh-0h
Lucy has rushed into the Review Board meeting as it is breaking up,
needing to find Scott and give a report on her meeting.  She is just ready
to tell him about how the two of them are responsible for coming up with a
plan for the money drop when Kevin appears in the doorway.  It's obvious
he knows something is going on and from the look on the faces of Lucy and
Scott, they know that he knows that they know more than they're
telling...well, you know what I mean.

[Author's note:  to those of you who watch both PC and GH:  it will be
interesting to see if PC picks right up with this scene tomorrow, as in
the meantime Lucy has been quite evident on GH, in a completely different
dress, making plans for the Nurse's Ball and worrying over the money
drop.  I record the shows and watch them one after another and the quick
jump from the last scene on PC to Lucy's interactions on GH was quite a
jolt IMHO.]

Respectfully submitted,

Linda N.
CEO, FGC Jason, Keeper of Jason Morgan's Lust
VP, FGC Robin, Keeper of the Cameo Ring
Just Another Mouse-Pushing Wacko