Daily Updates

From: Newberry@HUDCE.HARVARD.EDU (Newberry)
Subject: PC:  Update 6/25/97
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:00:07 -0400

Just as I was grousing on Tuesday that the best shows on PC so far have
fallen on Tuesdays, along came Wednesday's show, giving us our first long
look at Serena and an opportunity to wallow in Lucy's happiness.  And, for
those who doubted, we also got a terrific look at Scott's good side (see
there, you doubters, he does have one).

First, I'll briefly dispatch with the non-Lucy/Kevin/Scott/Serena scenes.

Julie and Frank are definitely smitten.  Frank is leaving the house and
sees the abandoned basketball, picks it up, and flashes back (sorry) to
the game the night before, while a funky version of this song plays softly
in the background.  Julie is on her way to work and stops to invite Frank
to party with the gang that night at the Recovery Room (they're
celebrating getting their first paychecks).  Frank inquires if this would
be a date.  She says yes; he accepts.  Later, at the hospital, she
inquires of Joe, in a not-so-very-subtle fashion, if she's stepping on
anyone's toes by asking Frank out.  Joe assures her there is no woman
currently on the scene.  As she prepares to report for duty, the telephone
in the on-call room (henceforth referred to as the OCR) rings.  She
answers it, "Dr. Morris."  It's obviously for her.  She wants to know how
the caller got the number.  She says she hasn't found a place to live yet
and if they MUST call, call the OCR and be sure to ask for DR. MORRIS.

Karen bounds into the OCR and wakes Joe, who is sleeping on a couch.  She
reports that Scott called her answering machine and left a message for her
that Serena had been found.  She was so excited she had to share it with
someone and Joe is more than happy to oblige with a congratulatory hug.
She mentions she had tried to reach Jagger to share the news, but couldn't
get through to him.  Joe wants to know what the story is...he tells her he
overheard her talking with Gina and wonders if she's going to divorce
Jagger.  Karen evades the question, saying it's just a hard thing to have
two careers that require them to be so far apart.  Joe responds that
there's a police force in PC.  Karen acknowledges that, but says he's
being working on a drug operation for a long time and, because of his
feelings about Stone, which she explains to Joe, he doesn't want to give
up on it yet.  Later, Joe overhears Karen speaking on the telephone with
someone about an apartment for rent.

The show began by showing Scott in a chair beside Serena's bed in the
lighthouse.  It's the perfect fantasy room for a little girl...complete
with canopy bed.  Lucy has outdone herself in preparing for Serena's
visit.  Serena wakens and gets hugs from Daddy.  She says he looks tired.
He says he's being busy trying to find her.  She wants to know if this is
a dream.  He says no, it's real.  Doesn't he look real.  Isn't Dirty Kitty
real?  Serena says yes, but she's skeptical and wants proof...their secret
handshake.  That accomplished, she's more at ease.  He asks how she
feels.  She feels fine.  She says she had a dream that they were in a
round house.  He explains that they are staying at a lighthouse with some
friends of his, explaining the purpose of a lighthouse.  Silly Daddy,
Serena knows what a lighthouse is for!

Meanwhile, downstairs Kevin comes in with a coffee cup Lucy has set by his
side of the bed.  She's bustling around being little-miss-suzy-homemaker.
She's got a breakfast table set with enough food to feed, well, Guam, as
Kevin notes.  He also notes she has cleaned up, make his coffee, is going
a mile a minute.  She says she's just so excited because now she can tell
everyone about their engagement and about the baby.  And, Kevin says,
because today she meets Serena.  Her Doc knows Lucy so well.  She's
continues to fuss over the table while Kevin compliments her on holding
back the night before so Scott and Serena could be together; he knows that
was very difficult for her.  Lucy expresses her amazement over how well
Serena handled everything...she was so together and not scared at all.
Kevin comments that Scott did well in not showing his fear to Serena so
that she didn't realize how much danger she'd been in.

Lucy is concerned about how to approach Serena.  After all, Serena doesn't
know Lucy but Lucy thinks of Serena has her daughter.  She wonders if
Serena will like her.  Kevin reassures her, wondering how Serena could NOT
like Lucy.  Lucy worries again about the food...will there be enough, will
Serena like it.  My nomination for LOD= "What am I doing?  She's Scott's
daughter!  She'll want orange soda and devil-dogs!"

Upstairs Scott explains to Serena that he has some friends who would like
to ask her some questions about the people who took her.  She says fine.
But she's getting hungry and smells bacon, pancakes and eggs (blech!)
Scott assures her she doesn't have to eat the eggs.  He wants her to meet
his friends whose house they are staying in.  He takes her down to meet

In the doorway, Serena pauses, momentarily shy.  Scott introduces her to
Dr. Collins, who helped Daddy find her.  Kevin introduces himself, "Yes,
I'm Dr. Collins but you can call me Kevin," and says how pleased he is to
meet her.  Serena seems to like him (she's a very smart girl).  Scott
introduces Lucy, who gets down on her knees so she can be eye-level with
Serena.  She tells Serena, "I'm a very good friend of your Daddy's and I
was a very good friend of your mother's and, well, I was hoping, really,
really hoping, that you and I could be best pals."

After breakfast, they are gathered on or around the couch and Serena
inquires of Scott, "Why does she keep staring at me?"  You can tell that
Lucy wants to grab her and squeeze the stuffing out of her.  Kevin tells
Serena that Lucy has her very own duck and who sometimes just wanders
right into the middle of the room.  Serena asks if it's to use the
telephone.  Lucy tells her about Sigmund and asks if Serena would like to
meet him.  Serena thinks that would be great.  Scott tells Serena that
both Kevin and Lucy helped him a lot while she was gone and he hasn't
gotten around to thanking them, at which time he does so (a terrific Scott
moment).  Later, Scott talks to Kevin while Lucy and Serena go through a
photo album and Serena laughs at old pictures of her father ("Daddy,
you're wearing a suit!"  Reply: "Yeah, well that must be a really old
picture.")  Scott expresses his concern to Kevin about Serena's
well-being, saying he keeps thinking he would be able to tell if they had
done something to her.  Kevin reassures him that if she seems fine, she
probably is.  Scott goes over to Serena and suggests that they go see
Grandma and Grandpa at work at General Hospital and while they're there,
maybe a Dr. will take a look at Serena and just make sure she's ok.
Serena balks at this idea.  She feels fine.  Why does she have to go?
Scott just wants to make sure everything is ok.  "No!" Serena insists,
"I'm not going and you can't make me!" and she runs from the room.
"What," Lucy wants to know, "was that all about?"  Scott is baffled;
Serena never behaves like that.

(Author's note:  I thought the little actress playing Serena was
enchanting.  I look forward to watching her develop as she gains a little
more confidence and becomes more accustomed to working with Jon, Lynn and
Kin.  By far and away, it's the storylines revolving around these
characters that has me glued to PC.)

Respectfully submitted,

Linda N.
CEO, FGC Jason, Keeper of Jason Morgan's Lust
VP, FGC Robin, Keeper of the Cameo Ring
Just Another Mouse-Pushing Wacko