Daily Updates

From: rika@netcom.com (Melissa Martin)
Subject: PC: Update, Monday, 6/30/97
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 20:35:51 GMT

                      PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                     Monday, June 30, 1997

* Uncle Rex Comes A-Calling
* Mike Corbin and the Seven Thirsty Interns
* "You Can Kiss Me Right Here"

On Friday's episode, Danielle arrived at Jake's apartment with a
load of groceries, only to find Rex there.  Today, Rex introduces
himself as Danielle's long-lost uncle, pretending they have
never met.  While Jake is in the kitchen stowing the groceries,
Danielle begs Rex not to tell Jake anything.  Rex makes it clear
that, if she continues to refuse to take part in his plan, he'll
tell Jake everything.

Jake returns; Rex gives Danielle an envelope of family documents
and photos.  Rex schmoozes with Jake until Jake invites him to stay
for dinner.  Danielle sends Jake off to light the broiler, since
"that thing really scares me."  Jake, not at all surprised to hear
of his inamorata's terror of cooking appliances, obediently trots
off; Danielle demands to know what Rex wants.  His answer:  loyalty,
and he'll do anything to get it.

Rex, apparently forgetting about dinner (either that or they ate
off-screen), begins to leave.  He wants to see Danielle tomorrow;
she begs off until Rex says he'll just leave a "message" with Jake.
Danielle then agrees to see him in the morning.  Just before Rex
leaves, he hands Danielle a supposed "family heirloom" - a huge
diamond pendant.  Danielle tries to refuse it, but Rex insists.
Jake doesn't understand why Danielle was so distant with dear ol'
Uncle Rex.  Danielle makes excuses.

Most of the interns, including recent arrival Chris, are still at
The Recovery Room.  Chris buys a round.  Frank refuses, saying he's
particular about who buys his drinks.  Chris snipes back, "That's
unusual for an Irishman."  Frank gets mad - he doesn't drink with
people he doesn't like.  This list includes people who stab his
brother in the back, and doctors "who don't care if people live
or die."  Oops.  Frank was talking about Chris's refusal to treat
Audrey, but it reminds Chris of the patient he just lost, and he
leaves in silence.

Nobody can believe that Chris passed up the chance for a snappy
comeback.  Ellen tells Julie about Chris losing a patient tonight.
Karen leaves to call Jagger (Eve:  "I wonder what the big deal is
about phone sex anyway?"), and Julie tells the others about Chris's
patient who died.  Frank doesn't think that excuses Chris for being
a jerk (and, let's face it, Chris isn't precisely a nouveau-jerk; he
has lots of practice.  But, OTOH, Frank, how many people are charmed
and flattered when you refuse their offer of a drink?).  Julie
leaves, intending to make sure Chris is okay.  Matt leaves Frank and
Joe sitting with Eve.  Frank tosses her mail at her - it looks like
bills, though Eve claims otherwise.  She goes to another table to
look at them and worry.

Matt, meanwhile, has joined Ellen, who was standing alone, leaning
against the jukebox.  He offers to buy her a drink; she refuses.
He laughingly suggests that she buy him one; she stares at him.
He asks that they move to a table because "I only like to look up
to women on the job."  She stares at him.  (Poor Matt has his work
cut out for him; getting a smile out of Ellen Burgess is going to
make his internship look easy).

The Brothers Scanlon have several problems.  First, women:  Karen
is off calling her hubby, and Julie is consoling Chris.  Frank
remarks, "You've got to hand it to us - we've got a way with women."
Second, their mortgage payment is due to Mary.  This is especially
problematic because Julie, the basketball hustler, doesn't have to
pay rent this month.  Mary pops over to collect - cash or certified
checks work for her.  Learning of their problem with deadbeat
tenants, she drops by Eve's table to assure her that she can feel
free to wait to pay her rent - until first thing tomorrow.

Eve goes to ask Ellen (whom Matt apparently did convince to move
to a table with him) when she will be getting paid.  Ellen explains
that Eve's check had to be reissued.  Part of it was garnished for
overdue loans of some sort.  Eve claims it's a misunderstanding;
Ellen reminds Eve not to repeat her disappearing act.  Eve leaves
in a huff, cursing Scott Baldwin under her breath.  Matt remarks,
"Well, that was effective."  Ellen gives him a freezing look and
reminds him that *she* evaluates *his* performance, not the other
way around.

Julie visits Chris at his apartment; he doesn't really want company,
but she comes in anyway.  Chris talks a bit about his dead patient.
There's never before been anything he couldn't do if he really tried.
Julie assures him that he will be able to help others in the future.
She heads to the kitchen to fix him an omelet.

Meanwhile, back at the Recovery Room, Matt tells Ellen that it was
nice of her to check up on Chris, while Mike Corbin sweeps around
their feet, preparing to close.  When Mike holds up a Polaroid photo
of the interns (his "hopefully regular customers, the very thirsty
interns"), he actually wrings a *smile* out of Ellen.  It's mostly
gone by the time Matt turns back to her, but he does notice - as
she rises to leave, he notes that "your armor is slipping."  He
insists on escorting her to her car, and they leave just as Kevin
and Lucy arrive (see below).

It's Serena's bedtime, and she insists on being tucked in by Lucy.
Scott tries to object, but Serena and Lucy plead with him and he
finally gives in.  Up in Serena's room, they sit on the windowsill
and bid goodnight to Dominique, who Serena explains is the brightest
star in the sky.

Lucy asks Serena how she likes the room - Kevin thinks it's too
"girly". Serena thinks it's beautiful.  Lucy explains that she
hasn't had much experience tucking little girls in, and Serena
offers, "You can practice on me."  Lucy does so, fighting back tears;
then Serena points at her forehead, saying, "You can kiss me right
here."  This is almost too much for Lucy.  After the kiss, Lucy is
about to leave, but Serena asks her to tell about Dominique, because
"Daddy always gets so sad."  Lucy talks about Dominique; what she
liked best about Dom was that she was brave.  Among other things,
Dom liked Lucy even when people thought she was "nuts".  Serena
replied, "I know why she liked you - because you're cool."  Lucy
thinks Serena is "way, way cool" too.

Meanwhile, down in the den, Scott is pacing and fidgeting and
fuming.  He doesn't understand what is taking Lucy so long.  Kevin
is frustrated with Scott for worrying so much:  is Scott upset
because Lucy and Serena are talking, because Serena has a friend?
Scott is annoyed that Kevin keeps analyzing everything he says.
Kevin can't fight the temptation.  Lucy arrives, shushing the

The doorbell rings; it's Eve ("your little friend," as Lucy calls
her).  Scott requests "some privacy" - i.e., he wants Kevin and
Lucy to get lost.  Lucy points out that it's *their* house, but
Kevin, who is intrigued by the whole scenario but is polite
nonetheless, suggests that they go out for a drive.  He greets Eve
("Hello, whoever you are,") and he and Lucy leave after Lucy
pointedly reminds Scott that Serena is in the next room.

Eve is glad Scott got his daughter back - but she notices that the
bag of money is still there.  Scott explains that he didn't need
it after all.  Serena calls to Scott; while Scott is in Serena's
room, Eve moves a chair to look at the bag of money, and a bundle of
cash falls out of the bag and into her purse.  Eve says to herself,
"Is this a sign, or what?"  (What, but never mind.)  Scott comes
back and offers to talk to the chief resident on Eve's behalf;
Eve, now in a hurry to depart, tells him not to worry.  She hurries
off, with an iron grip on her now-cash-infested purse.

Meanwhile, Kevin and Lucy arrive at The Recovery Room; they came
to congratulate Mike on his new place.  (One wonders how they
found out, since he just bought it earlier that day.  But maybe
they stopped in at Luke's first and heard the news.)  Lucy keeps
trying to find excuses to go back home so Scott won't be alone with
"that tramp", but Kevin wants to stay.  Kevin, ever the Finder of
Lost Clues, notes the Polaroid photo Mike took of the interns.  He
recognizes Eve, reads the inscription (identifying them as the
Interns of '97), and remarks, "Besides, she's a tramp with a medical
degree."  Lucy figures they met at the hospital; Kevin doesn't care
and convinces Lucy to dance instead of worrying.

Rika, substituting for Marguerite