Daily Updates

From: rika@netcom.com (Melissa Martin)
Subject: PC: Update, Wednesday 7/2/97
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 20:14:47 GMT

                     PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                   Wednesday, July 2, 1997

This episode was probably the most light-hearted one so far (aside
from Rex threatening poor Danielle), with several good LOD can-
didates and some wonderful visual comedy associated with Serena's
game of dress-up.

* Redemption and the Blarney Stone
* Rex the Pit Bull (with apologies to T'n'T)
* It's Raining Cash
* Princess Jasmine and Mr. Magic Hat

Chris works frantically on an unconscious and barely-breathing child
whose hysterical mother brought him into the E.R.  He quizzes the
mother on allergies while Julie ventilates the child.  It turns out
to be an allergic reaction to an antibiotic prescribed for an ear
infection, causing anaphylactic shock.  Chris orders epinephrine as
Frank gently escorts the mother into the hall.

Frank is comforting the child's mother when Mary arrives.  Frank
gives her the rent money, and they discuss the poker game planned
for that evening.  Julie and Chris come out with the news that the
child is fine; the grateful mother embraces Chris and goes with him
to see her son.  Meanwhile, Mary invites Julie to join the poker
game while Frank looks on, slightly embarrassed but not displeased.
Chris walks up in time to hear Julie accept the offer.  After she
leaves with Chris, Frank takes Mary to task for her lack of subtlety.
She cajoles him until he remarks, "Why do I get the feeling the
Blarney Stone is covered with your lipstick?"

Later we see Mary counting the rent money (which we found out, in
another storyline - see below - is marked money) while Mike looks on.
Frank arrives with groceries and can't believe that Mary made him
lean on Julie's "evil roommate" for the rent just so she could
gamble the money away.  Mike swaps Mary 5 $10 bills for her $50 (and
thus now has a marked $50 bill in his wallet).

In a continuation of their Tuesday conversation, Danielle is horrified
to learn that Rex had Scott run over on purpose.  No, answers Rex,
"I was out of the country - you're the one who put Baldwin in the
hospital."  The car is full of Danielle's fingerprints.  Danielle is
in big trouble, he says - kidnapping, attempted murder...  all the
evidence points to her and not to Rex.  He reminds her that "I am
pretty good at covering my ass...ets".  But if Danielle goes along
with Rex and does what she's told, Rex will see that all the evidence
against her goes away.  Even the fingerprints don't have to be a
problem, since her fingerprints aren't on file anywhere.  She'll be
fine - as long as Rex doesn't give the cops an anonymous tip.  Danielle
tells him he's crazy, and he proves it by swiftly grabbing her by the
throat with one hand, making your updater shriek.  He holds on,
snarling through clenched teeth, "Don't you *ever* call me crazy."
(Okay, fine, you're a great guy, Rex - just PLEASE let her go!)

Rex wants Danielle to tell Jake everything.  He explains that Jake
has *always* been part of the plan - that's why he found him and
arranged for Danielle to hook up with him.  Rex congratulates Danielle
on an acting job well done in hooking Jake.  She insists that she is
in love with Jake.  Rex's reply:  "Method actors.  You just don't
know when to give it up, do you?"  Rex insists that Jake *is* part of
the plot - he might not willingly work for Rex, but he'd do anything
for Danielle.  Rex leaves, warning Danielle not to do anything stupid,
and your updater restrains herself from an all-too-obvious remark.

At the Scanlon home, Scott is talking to Eve, who wonders how he
found her.  She thinks he has found out that she stole the ransom
money, and starts to apologize, until she realizes that *he* thinks
she is talking about illegally treating him after he left the
hospital.  Scott offers her money in payment for her medical services;
Eve eyes his wallet speculatively.

Scott offers her a check; Eve tries to refuse the money, but after
a small amount of arm-twisting, Eve admits to a preference for cash.
Scott doesn't have enough cash with him, and he needs to get back
to Serena anyway; Eve asks if she can tag along because she lost
an earring at the lighthouse.  They head off in search of an ATM.

Lucy and Serena are playing dress-up in the Lighthouse den; the room
is strewn with glitzy clothing.  They both wear tiaras, elbow gloves,
and long strings of pearls.  Serena wears a red sequin cape with red
feather-boa trim around the edges.  Lucy has a pink boa wrapped around
her neck.

Kevin walks up, pretending not to recognize the ladies.  A giggling
Serena identifies herself, but Kevin looks closely and insists,
"You're Cinderella."  Serena, astonished that Kevin couldn't tell,
retorts, "I'm Princess Jasmine!"  She gallops off, the cape flying
around her, in search of a purple scarf, and Kevin sums up the scene
succinctly:  "Wow."

Kevin is amazed that Scott actually left Serena with Lucy - and he
is even more astonished to find that Scott actually *went* somewhere:
"Incredible.  I was beginning to mistake him for a piece of fur-
niture."  Serena returns with a navy blue knit vest and a multi-
colored turban for Kevin to wear.  Kevin, perhaps out of nostalgia
for his days in a sari and a black wig, lets them bully him into
dressing up.  Serena declares his ensemble to be "perfect", while
Lucy and your updater have a good laugh.  Serena dashes off to get
more clothes, and Kevin laughingly removes the turban.

Lucy has a business meeting and asks Kevin to watch Serena; that's
fine with Kevin if Serena approves, and Kevin figures Scott will be
back soon anyway.  Lucy remarks that Scott and Serena do seem to be
attached at the hip, and Kevin points out that Scott is Serena's dad:
"I intend to be pretty attached to our baby too, you know."  Lucy is
glad that their baby will have lots of attachments.  She worries
about Serena - a hermit's existence is wrong for a child, she says,
and it's wrong that Scott isn't willing to share Serena.  Kevin
figures that the main problem is that Scott won't share Serena with
Lucy.  Lucy is having a hard time taking Kevin seriously.  "Because
you don't like what I'm saying," he comments.  She retorts, "No,
because you look pretty silly in that vest."  Kevin puts the turban
back on and asks, "How's that?"

Lucy continues to talk about how Scott and Serena should stay in
Port Charles, while Kevin tries to convince her that it's Scott's
decision, not hers.

When we see them again, Lucy has changed into a yellow suit and
removed the tiara and gloves, but she has added a red feather boa
for a festive touch.  Mr. Magic Hat (aka Kevin in his costume) is
apparently showing Serena a magic trick.  Scott and Eve arrive.
Lucy greets Eve, "Hello, Doctor."  Eve is concerned that Lucy knows
who she is - Lucy assures her the secret is safe.  "And all this
time I thought you were this money-grubbing cheap little hustler
looking for a sugar daddy.  Ha - silly little me!"  Eve explains
about the lost earring; Lucy doesn't believe her but tells her to
go ahead and look.

Agent Conklin and another FBI guy arrive just as Kevin and Serena,
with perfectly matching Madame-Maiaesque accents, begin their act:
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls....."  Conklin, amused,
apologizes for intruding; he's there to collect the money.  They
will count it and give Scott a cashier's check the next day.  Eve,
crawling on the floor towards the money bag while pretending to look
for her earring, nearly reaches the bag, but Conklin gets there
first.  Conklin's partner picks up the bag as Eve looks on in dismay.

Gail and Lee arrive - evidently Lucy called to invite them over.
Serena runs to them enthusiastically, and Scott, Kevin, and Lucy
cluster around them while Conklin and his buddy look on, smiling.
Eve drops an earring and then "notices" it, asking Conklin to get
it for her.  While he's out of the way, she carefully drops a
bundle of cash into the money bag and then leaves in a hurry.

Scott takes Lucy aside and yells at her for inviting his parents
over, while Serena places a tiara on Lee's head and declares him
to be the king.  Lucy interrupts Scott's harangue, saying she has
to go to a meeting.  She rushes off, kissing Kevin, who pulls the
red boa from around her neck.

Serena takes Lee and Gail out to see Sigmund.  Scott, with the
air of a child tattling on a sibling, explains to Kevin (who is
still in his Mr. Magic Hat outfit, but also has Lucy's red feather
boa draped around his neck) that Lucy invited Lee and Gail over
without Scott's permission.  Kevin narrowly wins the LOD award,
mainly because of the accompanying visual:  he wraps the boa around
his neck, flinging it over his shoulder with great panache, and
replies, "That *is* serious.  Well, what should we do?  String her
up now or shoot her first?"

Conklin returns to get Scott to sign for the money, and lets slip
the fact that, despite the kidnappers' instructions, the money was
marked.  Scott is furious.

Meanwhile, Lucy arrives at the airport.  She approaches a man reading
the Port Charles Herald, asking if he is Mr. Gustav Bausch.  Indeed
he is - sort of.  It's Rex behind that newspaper.

by Rika, subbing for Linda