Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 7/4
Date: 6 Jul 1997 03:08:37 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - July 4th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)

Top Ten Signs That Scotty Is An Idiot
10) Escapes from the hospital after major surgery

Matt enters the Recovery room where Mike and Frank are remodeling.
He asks if Mike will help him bring the rest of his stuff in.  He's moved
out of the hotel.  Mikes resists the invasion as the room isn't "fit for a
mouse" yet.  "Call, me Mickey", Matt says cheerfully.  Mike is still

Karen, dressed in white, walks into the interns room.  Joe is lying on
the couch asleep.  She walks over to him. He wakes up and she kisses
him deeply.  Just as all the Karen/Joe fans are getting excited, Joe really
wakes up to the sound of Karen calling his name.  She apologizes for
waking him but has no intention of kissing him.

 9) Still waiting for Karen to cash her check

Scott walks into the ER.  Eve who is at the desk, is surprised to see
him. He is carrying a package in one hand, and asks Eve if Karen is
there.  She's around somewhere.  Scott tells Eve that he's had a
surgeon check him out and he's just fine.  Eve faints.

 8) Doesn't take advantage of a willing fainting girl in his arms

At the lighthouse, Lucy takes care of Serena.  Lucy tells the little
girl to go and wash her hands, and then make lemonade, and Serena
can squeeze the lemons.   When Serena leaves Lucy approaches
Kevin who is working on the computer.   She massages his shoulders
and tells him why she's happy.  Scott is trusting her with Serena.
The phone rings.  Lucy takes a message for Scotty.

7) Leaves Kevin and Lucy's phone number to receive private

Joe and Karen discuss the well-being of the baby the delivered the
night before.  Karen fears that she hasn't developed "Medical
Objectivity".  She tells Joe that she has to go back on the floor.

The phone call Lucy got was from the airport.  They tell her that Mr.
Baldwin's plane is ready.  Lucy hangs up.  She is upset that Scott is
taking Serena away.  Kevin tries to reason with her.  It is Scott's
choice where he wants to live with his daughter.  Lucy remembers
carrying Serena inside of her, and now that she knows the little
girl, she won't go back to just getting a video at Christmas.  Kevin
suggests that Scott might not be moving permanently to Canada.
Lucy is not reassured .

6) Thinks Canadian Mounties are his private police force;
   disappointed they couldn't come to Port Charles

Eve comes out of her faint, and tells Scott it was just because she
had.  Scott offers too buy her a steak in the hospital cafteria. She
insists she's fine.  He tells her he's going to "miss your sunny
dispostion".  She asks if he's leaving.  He tells her he's off to
Canada with Serena.  She wishes him good luck.  Karen has just
come into the room and overheard that Scott is leaving.  She
looks hurt and grim.

5) Thinks you can buy steak in the hospital cafeteria

Karen takes Scott to the intern room.  He apologizes for her hearing
the news of his departure that way.   She shrugs it off.  Scott
admires the motif of the room.  She says she has to get back to
work.  He hands her a gift.  She unwraps the little wooden box.
Scott tells her that his phone and address are in it, in case she
ever needs to contact him.  Scott tells her that Serena did the
sanding on the box.  Karen asks if she can come and thank Serena
and say goodbye.  Scott regrets that he hadn't contacted her
before.  Karen says it's her own fault for tearing up the check and
note that he sent. (On her wedding day). Scott explains that
he sacrificed a lot of relationships to protect Serena and that he
hopes Serena will turn out as well as Karen.  Karen tells Scott
that watching him at the review board, was the first time she ever
felt like she had a father.

4) Wasting a perfectly good daughter

Kevin facetiously suggests to Lucy that she could blow up Scott's
plane.  Lucy considers it. "That's a great idea.  Let's do it."  Kevin
suggests that Lucy just go and talk to Scott.  But Lucy has tried
that and Scott just won't listen.  Kevin returns to sabotage, and
says she should take out Scott's directional gyro.  Lucy complains
that Scott thinks's she's selfish, and maybe she is, but she doesn't
want Serena to leave.  Serena walks in, and asks if her clothes are
all right.  Lucy says no, absolutely not.  She has to wear something
snazzier for The Fourth of July, and put on some sparkly nail polish.
Lucy and Serena go to get properly dressed.

Eve is eating a granola bar.  The Nurse hands her a chart.  "What
fresh hell is this?" Eve inquires.  Wilma, a homeless person, is
waiting for her in cubicle three. Eve marches in.  Wilma wants
to know what her problem is so Eve tells her.  She just met a decent
good looking guy who's a carpenter. "Dump  im," Wilma advises.
He's  also a zillionaire.  "Grab  im," Wilma advises. The problem is
he's leaving town.  Wilma comments that men are either, "married,
gay, gone."  Wilma's complaint is swollen feet.  They can't run
tests until tomorrow because the lab is closed for the holiday.  Eve
admits her anyway, so she won't be on the street for that night.

Mike and Matt argue over whether or not he can move in.  Mike
is reluctant, but Matt is adamant.  He can't stay at a hotel
anymore because his parents can't afford to keep paying the bill.
Mary brings in groceries and starts fixing sandwiches. Mike caves
in and tells Frank they'll start remodeling in the back right away.
Matt offers to help.  Mike says, "You bet your  I use a wheelchair'
butt, you can."

Joe walks into the bar and wants to know if this is all they've gotten
done.  Nobody smacks him.  He comments that Mike has a new
helper (referring to Matt).  Mike says that Matt is "dynamite with
a hammer."  (We momentarily feared that another operation was
imminent.)  Joe goes over to his Mom to bum a sandwich.  Mary
says that there's a great view of the fireworks from the GH roof
and Joe's says yeah he's trying to get a group together to go up
there.  Mary indiscreetly tells Joe what Rhonda told her about
Karen's marriage being in trouble.  The workers decided to call
it a day.  Mary hands out sandwiches to Matt and Frank and the
younger people leave.  Mike and Mary chat, and he asks her to go
out to dinner with him.  Their plans are promptly ruined as a pair
of police officers come in and arrest Mike for having stolen money.
Mary pipes up that the money was hers, not Mike's.  They arrest
her too.  (The PCPD is doing it's usual bang up job.  Arresting the
proprietor of a commercial establishment for having stolen money
when the odds are high that he got it from a customer. Silly.)

Karen is already on the General Hospital roof-top, looking very
forlorn.   Perhaps she's remembering the time Jagger almost fell
off of it.  Joe and Frank and Matt join Karen on the roof.  Matt
comments that "Port Charles looks so beautiful from up here".
The fireworks start and Joe looks longingly at Karen.

Out by the Lighthouse duck pond, Kevin, Lucy, Scott and Serena
watch the Fireworks.  Serena says there's no fireworks like this
in Canada.  "Not even on Canada day?" Kevin asks.   "Not like
this," says Serena.  Lucy pointedly says that there are a lot of
things here that they don't have in Canada. Scott notices Serena's
sparkly nail polish and doesn't seem to like it. Lucy excuses
herself for a moment and goes into the house to make a phone
call.  She calls the airport, tells them she's Scott's assistant, that
he was cancelling his flight plans, and to completely overhaul the
plane, especially the directional gyro.  She doesn't mind that it will
take three whole weeks.  Lucy slips back to the fireworks and
snuggles up to Kevin.  Serena asks her where she's been, and she
says she just went to order more fireworks.

3) Scott doesn't even use his directional gyro

Eve is still working in the ER, and not getting to watch any
fireworks.  The nurse brings her a pizza.  Eve insists that she
didn't order it and she's not going to pay for it.  The nurse tells
her it's a gift from Mr. Baldwin.  Eve gets a speculative look on
her face.  Maybe she hasn't lost this one after all.

2) It's flowers and candy not pizza and marked cash

Karen tells Joe that Scotty is going back to Canada. She laments
that she was just getting used to him and now she's going to be
all alone again. (Hey, what is Rhonda, chopped liver?  And Lee...
and Gail... and Gina... and Joe for that matter.  She'll be killed
if this crowd tramples her.)

And the number one sign Scott is an idiot:
 1) Does not recognize Kevin as a superior being

"Duh, hello, Superior Being." -- Stimpson J. Cat

Director - Anthony Morina
            XXXXXXXX            XXXXXXXX
   *           !!    ( |\  | (     !!          *
  *!*          !!      | \ |       !!         *!*
  |~|          !!      |  \|       !!         |~|
  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_|            tntmur@aol.com               |_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca