Daily Updates

From: rika@netcom.com (Melissa Martin)
Subject: PC: Update, Tuesday, 7/22/97
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 19:13:08 GMT

                      PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                     Tuesday, July 22, 1997

In the immortal words of "The Little Mermaid's" Ursula the Sea
Witch, "Life's full of tough choices, i'n't it?"

* To Associate or Not to Associate
* To Stay Married or Not to Stay Married
* To Tell or Not to Tell
* To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate

Joe Scanlon is lunching at The Recovery Room.  Mike sees his
newspaper and asks if he was reading about Sonny and Brenda.  He
assures Joe it is just a pack of lies, and asks if Mary is aware
of it.  He'd understand if Mary thought it better not to associate
with him.

Joe assures Mike that the lies about Sonny wouldn't influence Mary.
She hasn't been avoiding Mike - she's visiting Joe's aunt in Buffalo.
Once Mary "takes somebody on," that's it.  Joe smiles and tells
Mike not to give Mary any trouble.  As Joe leaves for the hospital,
Mike tells him that, whatever's on his mind, he should just trust his

It's morning.  Karen is at her apartment (Serena is on the patio),
talking on the phone to Grace about Cooper.  A donut-laden Scott
arrives.  Hearing Karen talk about the police, Scott thinks she's
talking about Jagger.  She shows Scott a newspaper article about
Cooper, and tells him about Joe's violent reaction to seeing Cooper.
she describes Joe as "impulsive, passionate."  Scott notes her choice
of words and remarks a doctor ought to maintain "a bit of a bedside
manner."  Karen defends Joe, blaming his reaction on extenuating

Serena comes in from the patio to get a pad to draw on; Scott tells
her later they'll go to the "fish store" and see the fish.  Serena
bounds back out to the patio.

Scott asks about Karen's relationship with Joe.  She awkwardly
tries to explain about their friendship.  Scott remarks that, after
hearing about Jagger and Joe, "Everything you want in your marriage
with Jagger is right here in your own back yard."  (Plants?  Grass?
A patio table?  Some begonias in a clay pot?)

Karen defends her marriage to Jagger.  Scott says he can't wait
to see Jagger, and she explains that one of the reasons Jagger is
going to visit is to see Scott.  "Jagger's father-in-law...."  That
makes Scott feel "ancient."  He and Serena prepare to leave for
the fish store (one hopes this is a pet store and not the local
fish market.....)

In the OCR, Jake asks Karen for pointers on marriage, but she
insists she's no expert.  After Jake leaves, Joe starts talking
about a patient, but Karen stops him and asks about Cooper.  They
discuss Joe's outburst when Cooper came in.  She is afraid he
reacted that way because he was angry with her.  They agree that
they are still friends.

Kevin and Lucy are lunching at the Recovery Room, and Mike is
fuming about the reporters who keep calling him, using various
tactics to try to get information about Sonny and Brenda.  Lucy
has been getting those calls too; she has even changed her answering
machine message to include a denial of any knowledge about Sonny
and Brenda's whereabouts.  Kevin tells them it's been his experience
(and I bet he got quite a bit of it last fall and winter) that all
you can do in such a situation is roll with the punches.  He suggests
calling Mac, who might have ideas on handling the press (due to his
police-commissioner background, I guess), and Mike, who's clearly
been listening to Luke, replies, "You know, Doc Shrink, that is a
good idea."

Lucy isn't eating her sandwich, and Kevin remarks that she is
supposed to be eating for two.  Apparently she ate an entire bag of
cookies in the car on the way over.  (Nice pre-natal nutrition, but
never mind).  Kevin, thinking she's still obsessing over Scott and
Serena, assures her that Serena *will* be back.  Lucy says that
isn't the problem, exactly (right - now she's obsessing over Scott's
family instead.  Kevin will be *so* relieved).  She needs to discuss
something about Scott with Kevin.  Kevin doesn't want to have another
argument about Scott, but Lucy tells him that isn't going to happen.
She explains in an elliptical, uniquely-Lucy way about Rex and
Danielle (one advantage to giving Lucy exposition is that we get
through it quickly).  Kevin nods and remarks, with a trace of
amusement, "I followed that."  Lucy is relieved, and she asks Kevin's
advice - "Do I tell Scott or do I not?"

Lucy goes on to explain that Rex asked her not to say anything -
"I'm not sure he wants to be part of our lives at all."  "OUR
lives - I see," responds Kevin (and your updater sighs a sad little
sigh for him).  He mentally pushes this thought aside and suggests
that everybody will meet when they're "darn good and ready."  (Not
with Lucy Doer-Not-Viewer Coe around, Kevin).  Lucy's not so sure.

Kevin says he's never told Lucy what to do (which isn't precisely
true, but he hasn't done it for quite a while, so we'll cut him some
slack), and he isn't about to start now.  She asks for some advice,
at least.  He asks *my* question:  "Aside from this Rex person's
strange request, what would stop you from telling Scott in the first
place?"  She thinks Scott's life is emotionally stressful enough
already.  Kevin asks what would be my second question, if I didn't
already know the answer:  "Do you have any doubts that Rex and
Danielle are for real?"  There's only one way to find out, Lucy
says, suddenly rising to leave.  She doesn't say where she's going,
except that she's going to stop home to take something out of the
freezer for Kevin to cook for dinner.  After she leaves, Kevin remarks
to himself, "There's something cooking, all right, but it isn't

Kevin arrives home to find the house uncharacteristically empty.
He calls Mac and asks for a favor - information on Rex Stanton.

Outside, on the bench by the pond, Serena wants to feed Sigmund
another donut.  Scott figures if Siggy has any more sugar, "he'll
quack more than Lucy."  Serena asks if Scott ever misses Canada;
he does, "but the TV is better down here."  (Given that Kin Shriner
was on a Canadian soap at one point, this was a nice little inside
joke).  Serena misses Canada sometimes, but she likes Port Charles
better, because she has a sister and grandparents.  Scott agrees
that "family is nice."

Jake is getting ready to go to the hospital; Danielle re-ties his
tie for some reason.  She thanks him for announcing their engagement
to the other interns.  Jake wanted to see the envy on their faces;
Danielle thought they were all nice (especially Julie and Frank).

Unca Rex arrives with an engagement present - several CD's.  Jake
is surprised that Rex knew about the engagement.  Jake leaves for
the hospital while Rex puts in a CD.  We hear "Dulcinea" from
"Man of La Mancha."  He again points out parallels between Quixote/
Dulcinea and Jake/Danielle, using it to threaten her if she doesn't
cooperate with him.

Rex tells Danielle that he confessed their secret to Lucy Coe.
Danielle worries that Lucy will know they're after the money, but
Rex assures her that he took care of that.  He asked Lucy to keep
the secret, but he knows she won't be able to do so.  And now that
Lucy knows about Danielle, "a team of wild horses couldn't keep her
away from you," so Danielle should expect a visit.  (You have to
give Rex credit; he understands Lucy all too well.)

Rex can't see why Lucy is so upset by this prospect - all she has
to do is tell the truth:  she didn't know till recently that Avery
Stanton was her father.  He assures her that Lucy will be along
soon:  "If there's one thing her heart bleeds for, it's a stray."
Next comes Scott Baldwin, and Rex will handle Scott himself.  (A
hint, Rex - right about now, Kevin might consider helping you....)
Danielle notes Rex's tone when he mentioned Scott, which certainly
made a shiver go up your updater's spine.  She used to think this
was just about the money, but now she sees that it's not - it's
"a sick revenge thing."  Rex warns her not to use words like "sick"
with him.

Rex assures Danielle that everything will work out fine.  He starts
the music again, and tells her that if anything should ever happen
to him, there's enough information in his safe deposit box to assure
that "Dulcinea and her Don Quixote" will wind up in jail.

There is a knock at the door; Rex hides in the next room, and
Danielle opens the door to find Lucy there.

by Rika, 1/2 of the Tuesday PC Update Team