Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 7/25
Date: 27 Jul 1997 23:41:19 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - July 25th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)

Frank read aloud the article he had just received in the mail, in a
monotone that covered his true feelings.  Julie stood behind him,
trembling in fear of the inevitable reaction. The article recounted
how Julie's father, famous heart surgeon Bennett Devlin  had given
the commencement speech at her graduation, and how Julie had
graduated third in her class.  A huge lavish party had been held
at their luxurious Winnetka home.  Julie interrupted to say she
knew how good the family parties were.  She couldn't stand for him
to keep reading it, revealing lie after lie she had told him.

"Frank, look at me," she begged him.

"I've seen you... on the outside.  It's the inside I seem to have gotten
wrong," Frank said accusingly.

In the ER Eve confronted Chris, who was casually going about
his business.  She was furious.  "Don't you ever do that to me
again," she spat.

"Do what?" he asked with false innocence.

"Contradict me in front of a patient." She said referring to the
incident where he had suggested a much more serious heart
condition to the poor old lady Eve was treating. "You do that
again and you'll be singing soprano, if you get what I mean."

"I get what you mean," he said nonchalantly, and walked away
from her.

"You think this is funny?" she demanded as she grabbed his arm.

"No, I think this is annoying," he said, refusing to validate her
anger. Eve threatened to make sure he and Julie were history.

Grace was talking on the phone. "She's in consultation right now.
I'll have her call you as soon as she can."  She hung up the phone
a frown of concern on her face.  Matt joined her at the Desk and
she told him that had been Dr. Alan Quartermaine calling,
and that he was looking for Dr. Burgess.  The problem was that
Grace didn't know where Dr. Burgess was.

Right then Ellen was walking out of the Hospital into the night
air with Kevin Collins.  They stopped by the large flower planter
out front.  She asked him why he wouldn't let her talk to him.
Kevin explained that, given his defrocked Doctor status, rules
of confidentiality might no longer apply.  Kevin gently asked
Ellen if she knew a lawyer.

Back at the Lighthouse Lucy tried to thread a needle.  It was
difficult and she complained about it, but she very much wanted
to make the clothes for the coming baby herself.  She was so
happy about that, she wasn't bothered by Scott's nattering.
Scotty demanded that she tell him her secret; what she had
been thinking when he had told her that Serena had looked
remarkably like Dominique the night before. She had been
thinking that the same thing had happened to her with Dominique's
half-sister Danielle.  But she couldn't tell Scott that because
she had promised Rex.

"What do you know that I don't know?" Scott demanded.

She smiled smugly. "I know a lot of things you don't know."

He continued to badger her and she got up from the couch.
"You can't get blood out of a clam," she mangled the saying.

"I didn't just fall off the fish wagon," he mangled his own.

A sudden pain stopped Lucy from answering.  Scott asked her
if she had pricked herself with the needle, and she could only
shake her head.  "Is it the baby?" he asked.

"I think so," she said.  The thought that there might be something
wrong with her baby was more terrifying than the pain.  She asked
Scott to take her to the hospital.  His earlier surliness had turned
to touching concern.  He told her to get into the car while he
woke little Serena to come with them.  While he went to the
child's room, Lucy leaned in the door way. " Doc, please make
this okay," she said to herself.

Kevin unaware of his lover's distress, was still talking to Ellen
outside the hospital.  Ellen didn't like the idea of having to
get a lawyer.  She believed perhaps she had made a mistake,
but in any case, the Hospital she had given her life to would
support her.  Kevin advised her to keep her doubts about her
performance to herself.  Her words could be used against her.
She asked if that was what had happened to him.


Julie stumbled over her words, desperate to have Frank understand.
"I was going to tell you."

He shrugged it off.  "What difference does it make.  What's in a
name."  He goes on to say, so what if she told him she was a
Morris not a Devlin, rich not poor, from Winnetka not Chicago.
So what if everything she had told him was a lie.

He walked away from her and she followed him.  Still not looking
at her, "Are you even Catholic?"

"No," she told him meekly.

"Do you have five brothers?" he asked.

"No," she admitted. "Everything I told you was a lie."

"Thank you for being honest," he said bitterly. "That was a
joke," he said, in case she had missed the sarcasm.

"Do me two favors," she said to him. "Look at me."

He did.  And the other favor?

"Let me tell you why," she pleaded.

"You don't owe me any explanation," he said, though he wanted
one.  Or rather he wanted this not to have happened at all.  He
wanted her to be who he thought she was.  In pain, he struck at
her.  Implying that she had been slumming, seeing how the little
folks lived, toying with him.

She insisted that she had been about to tell him.

"When?" he demanded.  They had spent the entire evening together.
Time enough to discuss his deep personal feelings, his tragic past
experience, but she couldn't find the time to slip in that everything
she ever said about herself was a lie.

She explained that she was going to tell him that night.  In fact
she had been downstairs trying not to throw up, because she knew
she had to tell him.  She then wondered aloud if the evil Cooper had
sent the revealing missive, but then she dismissed the idea as
irrelevant.  What was important was that she had lied.

She went on and explained to him how she had wanted to get
away from her father's shadow.  She wanted people to think
she had gained things on her own merit, not because they
had been handed to her by her father.  So she had asked the
Hospital to let her use another name.  She had created a
history for herself.  It was a history that she almost wished
were real.  But when she met Frank the lies suddenly started
to make a big difference.  And she tried to tell him the truth
many times, but couldn't go through with it.

Kevin told Ellen that no one had used his words against him.
He had been emotionally ill and a danger to his patients. The
Hospital had been more than fair with him.  Ellen recalled the
malpractice suits and how GH had almost gone under.  Kevin
told her that was why, she had to get a lawyer, because he
had made the hospital vulnerable, and they wouldn't risk another
suit for her case.  They'd protect their own butt and she should
protect hers. Ellen began to understand the situation and the
jeopardy she stood in.

She walked over to the water fountain. "Can I ask you a personal
question?"  He allowed that she could. "When you're a Doctor
and you can't be a Doctor anymore..." she trailed off.

"You get on with your life," he told her.

"But being a Doctor is my life," she said.

"That's what I thought," he said.  "Before Lucy...before our baby."
He smiled at the though of the two of them, who were his life now.

Dr. Chris Ramsey, pushed Lucy's wheelchair into the emergency
room.  Little Serena held Lucy's hand and Scott buzzed around them.
Serena told them she didn't like it here, and then she asked if Lucy was
going to have the baby now.

"It's too early," Lucy said, trying to hide her anguish from the child.

Chris tells them that he has called Lucy's obstetrician, Dr. Neumann,
and that he'll take Lucy to an examination room now.  Serena said sullenly
that she doesn't want to wait out here.  Scott asked Chris if Serena could
go in with them.  Chris supposed that would be okay, but Serena doesn't
want that either.

Chris pushed Lucy away to her room while Scott stayed behind to try
and reason with Serena.  "I'm scared.  I want to go home," Serena told
her Daddy.  Scott had a dilemma. He wanted to prevent Serena from
being frightened, but he didn't feel he could leave his pal Lucy alone in
this situation.  Over by the ER desk, Eve could see what Scott was
going through. She came over and introduced herself to Serena.
"I'm a friend of your Father's," she told the little girl.

"I don't know you," Serena said suspiciously.  Scott silently reassured

Eve offered to take Serena out for ice cream, since she was going
off duty.  Scott offered to pop for it and handed Eve the money.
Eve took Serena by the hand and started to lead the little girl out.
Serena stopped and looked back at Scott. "Tell Lucy I love her."

Chris had gotten Lucy on to the exam table and was trying to make
her comfortable.  Scott came in.  He delivered Serena's message
to Lucy, and.  Lucy  asked him to tell her, she loved her too. Then
she begged Scott, "Find Kevin." Scott promised he would and left
the room.

Again Frank asked Julie to drop the conversation.  Still desperate
to make him understand her, she would not.  "Call me crazy, I
happen to care for you."  She went on to say that when she had
arrived in town in had been like hopping on a runaway train.
Her father had told her about interns that washed out and she
was sure she would be one of those.  Then the hostage situation
had come up.  Cooper had killed someone right in from of her.
Into this a man had leaped out of the elevator; a man who had
been taking care of his little brother, who she had found was
calm and strong and who made being scared unnecessary; a man
who was so quietly sure of himself that she could use her good
jump hook.  She had hoped that his calm would rub off on her.
It had and she was grateful.

She didn't expect him to believe it, but she was a basically truthful
person.  Now she had lied to the one person who she most wanted
to believe in her. He had caught her in the first really big, complicated
lie of her life. Her point was, that she hadn't lied to him to fool him
or trick him or hurt him. "Have I screwed things up beyond hope?"
She asked him.  And then awaited his verdict as the man she loved
stared dispassionately at her.

Ellen congratulated Kevin on the coming baby.  "I have no family
myself," Ellen said. "Some people would say I have no life."  Kevin
was about to say something to deny that, when Eve and Serena
came out of the hospital.

Kevin greeted the child happily, but asked Eve, almost angrily, what
she was doing with Serena.  Eve reminded Kevin that she was Scott's
friend Dr. Eve Lambert.  Kevin hadn't forgotten.  He wanted to know
why she was with Serena.  Serena provided the explanation. "Lucy
doesn't feel good."  Kevin looked at Eve.

"She's in the ER," Eve told him. "Her Doctor's on the way." Kevin
could tell from Eve's expression that it was serious.   He ran into
the hospital.

Lee walked into the Emergency Room and asked Grace where
he could find Dr. Burgess.  Grace didn't know, and had to direct
Dr. Neumann to Lucy's room.  Dr. Neumann sailed into Lucy's
room.  Now that Lucy's primary physician had arrived, Chris
asked if he could stay and observe, his detachment crumbling
around the edges.  Dr. Neumann refused to let him stay and
asked Scott to leave the room as well.

Kevin slid into the emergency room, nearly falling over Matt.
On demand Matt told him where Lucy was, and Kevin  raced off.
Ellen trailed behind him, and was stopped by Lee.

Kevin came into Lucy's room and hastened to her side.  He
embraced her.

Lee warned Ellen not to speak with anyone about Cooper's treatment.
When she asked why he told her that Cooper's family had filed
a malpractice suit.  Chris overheard the news, and seemed to have
an idea the information would be useful.

Kevin let go of Lucy and she told him, tearfully, that she loved
him.  Quietly he told her that he loved her too.

Director - Andrew Lee

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  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_|              tntmur@aol.com             |_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca