Daily Updates

From: Justene Adamec <Justene@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: PC: Update. Tuesday August 12, 1997
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 07:30:09 -0700

Update, Tuesday, August 12, 1997

Updater's notes:

My apologies for the VERY late update.  My available PC/GH viewing time,
and updating time, is the wee morning hours before anyone else is up.
The arrival of a summer head cold has caught me sleeping those extra
hours.  :(

There seems to have been some mistake with this past Tuesday's show.
See, since we started, my updates have been filled with marvelous Kevin
and Lucy scenes.  Instead, I'm stuck with a mooning Karen and Joe and a
mooning Frank and Julie.  Karen, I understand, though I could do without
the flashbacks, but as for the rest of them . . . I find it a bit
difficult to swallow when anyone over the age of 14 is crushed about the
loss of a relationship that lasted about a minute and a half.  Of
course, these are the same writers who brought us Jax and Miranda,
another minute and a half relationship with unending (snore)

This update is more summary than usual due to the lateness and the


We start the show with Karen flashing back to Fran, to Scott, and
walking around Joe's apt.  then she starts to clean up, gets about
aminute into it, and makes a call trying to track him down.  several
scenes later, she's still wandering around when the Cheif of Detectives
arrives at the door.  Karen tries, futilely, to explain how important it
is that she talk to her husband.  The Chief explains how critical the
current assignment is and insists on Karen's patience.  Since he is not
giving her any ability to reach Jagger, she has to agree.   (Plot device
warning:  Jagger could come out for a "hearing" and to call Rhonda, but
can't come out now.  Right.)  Karen messes up the apt some more.

In a quick flight, Karen returns home to mope around her own apt.  the
answering machine has a call from Grace and none from Jagger.  Karen
calls and says she'll be home at the scheduled time -- tomorrow.  She
wants to mope for a whole day, apparently.


The other half of this relaionship is being cheered up by Grace.  Well,
first there's a throwaway scene in which Burgess yells at Joe and Chris
for performing a procedure w/o her permission.  Then Grace and Joe have
several scenes with nary an important bit of plot development.

Frank, Julie and Chris with a little bit of Mary & Mike

We got another throwaway scene in which Mike talks about Sonny on the
run.  Mike is behind the bar, Mary is seated at the bar, and Frank is at
the side of the bar facing the door.  Julie and Chris walk in.  Frank
looks at Julie, Mary looks at Frank then turns to look at Julie in
absolute horror.  Chris suggests they leave and Julie insists on
staying.  They order food.  Mike calls back to "Francois", comments that
Francois is tempermental, and then heads back to "help."  I thought this
was a bit of bartender humor pretending that there really is a staff but
lo and behold a couple of scenes later, Francois serves the sandwich.
Chris confesses that he told Frnk about Julie's brother "accidentally."
Julie is annoyed.  They eventually leave and Frank and Julie meet up in
the kitchen where they snipe at each other and Julie wants to know what
she did wrong.

Matt and Ellen

This was the most interesting part of the show but it was dribbled out.
Matt has been sleuthing around.  Ellen wants him to stop.  The usual
yadda yadda yadda about her being the cool, I don't need your help,
supervisor and him insisting on helping anyway.  Eventually we find out
the results of his most recent sleuthing.  Cooper met with a malpractice
lawyer in the hospital BEFORE the second seizure.  (Boy, did Cooper
suddenly sink to new levels of dumbness.)  Later, Matt and Ellen go to
breakfast.  Ellen refers to the Monica -- Dorman case.  Monica was one
of the richest, most powerful women in the state and still got hung out
to dry.  Matt says that Ellen has the truth and him.  We get music
designed to tell us that this is a special moment.