Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 8/29
Date: 2 Sep 1997 01:51:29 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - August 29th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)


The interns walk into their lounge, exhausted from a hard day
of surgery. Chris follows the others in and is very cheerful.  Joe
makes a nasty comment about Chris being buddy-buddy with
Boardman, and Chris responds that Joe is jealous. "It takes more
than Irish charm to save a patient's life." (A gratuitous slander
against a fine people.) "Irish charm," Chris continues, "Isn't that
an oxymoron, like... "Joe speaks over the rest of Chris' comparison.
"The only moron around here is you," he says quickly stooping to
his preferred sixth grade humor.  But what Chris said was, "Like
a good toupee." Karen comes in and heads straight for the shower.
The phone rings and Chris answers it. "Party Central."  Danielle is
on the other end on a cell phone at the Recovery Room.  She asks
if Jake is there and Chris says he isn't.  She hangs up.  Chris
comments, "Is it me or is trouble brewing at Ken and Barbie's
dream house?"

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
I just don't know what to do.  Rex told me that he poysend
Jake.  Well he didn't egsactly say that, he said he might have
poysend him.  Well I just had to try and find out where he
is so I called the hospital but he wasn't there.  What am I
going to do?  Uncle Rex is so mean.

Lucy comes into the den. Kevin and Scott follow her in.  Lucy
thinks they should congratulate themselves on not letting
Serena know they were worried.  It's New School Night and
Serena and Scott are going to a potluck. Kevin thinks that
Jake and Danielle might not be in on the plot with Rex.  Scott
thinks they definitely are because... because he thinks so.
They get into an argument about it. Scott says he's sorry, but
he isn't sensitive to Jake and Danielle's domestic problems.
Kevin replies that, "Sensitivity has never been your strong suit,
has it?" "No." Scott admits.  Serena comes into the room and
demands to know what they're arguing about.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Uncle Rex bought me another drink.  Now how does this
cell phone work again?

Danielle, still in the Recovery Room, is making another phone
call.  This time to the Airline trying to find out if Jake is on
the plane.  They put her on hold.  Rex asks if she likes her
cell phone, and he never got a thank you.  It must have gotten
lost in the mail.  Danielle tries to ignore him.  The airline
picks up again.  She tells them it's a matter of life and death.
Rex takes the phone from her and hangs it up.  "What are
you doing" she asks. "Saving you forty-five cents a minute,"
he replies.  They aren't going to tell her if Jake is on the plane.
They both know Jake's not at the hospital.  Now Danielle has
to figure out if Uncle Rex has really poisoned Jake or if this
isn't just part of his nasty game.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Darned airlines.  Why don't they just look it up on their silly
computers?  Did Uncle Rex really poysen Jake?  Is he lying
in a gutter somewhere dieing because he doesn't have the
auntiedote?  Uncle Rex is really, really mean.

Danielle says Rex is just trying to scare her.  He admits that's
possible and "Therein lies the rub," It's certainly possible
that Uncle Rex is lying, but maybe not.  If only Jake would
answer his darn pager.  It doesn't work on the plane, Danielle
tells him.  "Oh, is that where he is?" Rex says. "Is he dying
alone or traveling coach to Bayonne.  In my mind they're both
a kind of hell."  Danielle wants to know why he's torturing her
like this. (Why, how would she like to be tortured?)  "I'm
crazy," he reminds her.  She asks him not to hurt Jake.  Just
then Frank walks up and says hi to Danielle.  Then he asks her
what's wrong.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Is he lying?  He must be lying.  Oh, I don't know, he's just
so much more cleverer than I am.  Why doesn't he just tell
me what he wants?  And what does he mean about Bayonne?
He IS crazy!  Mean and crazy. Who's this guy?  Oh yeah,
I know him uh... Fred?  No... Frank, that's it.  Some interns

Serena tells Kevin, Lucy and Scotty that they should all have
time-out.  Kevin thinks she's right, and explains that grown-ups
sometimes get a little edgy if they're together too much.
Serena understands and asks if it's time to go yet. Serena asks
Lucy to fix her hair.  As Lucy brushes it Serena says she hopes
to make lots of new friends. Lucy suggests that if she gets back
early enough they could go to the video store.  Serena requests
that they get a movie with Cary Grant in it.  Serena asks Scott
what they'll take to the Potluck and he suggests a six pack of
yoo-hoo.  Lucy tells them that there's a loaf of french bread in
the kitchen for this purpose.  Serena offers to go and get it, but
before she leaves she asks Kevin how his father is. He says that
he's better.  Scott says he's glad to hear Victor is better and
Kevin says he appreciates Scott's concern for Serena.  Both
imply an apology for the earlier argument.  Kevin turns to see
if Lucy appreciates the civility.  But she isn't paying attention to
them.  Kevin asks her what she's thinking about and she says,
"Cary Grant."

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
You know, sometimes I think about Cary Grant.

In the interns room Eve is applying her make-up as Chris looks
on.  She says that Joe was right, "your sucking up to Boardman
was truly disgusting." Chris smiles, "Wasn't it? And he fell for it
hook line and sinker."  Chris informs Eve that Boardman has
invited him to go fishing.  She says she wouldn't fish with Chris.
He takes no offense and suggests they go.  As they leave, Matt
and Joe come out of the bathroom.  Matt suggest they go to
The Recovery Room. Joe says no, he wants to wait for Karen.
Boardman had given her a hard time that day.  Julie comes out
of the bathroom (How many interns can you fit in there?)  She
says that she has to meet Frank at the Recovery Room.  Matt
and she leave.  He asks her, "If I hate surgeons so much, why
do I want to become one?"  Shortly after they leave Karen emerges
from the dimensionally transcendental bathroom.   Joe tells
her that he thought she could use a friend.  She says that he
thought she would fall apart.

Frank says to Danielle, "It's none of my business, but you seem
upset."  Danielle told him that she is concerned about Jake who
had a family emergency.  Rex asks to be introduced to Frank.
She does so, explaining that Jake works with Frank's brother.
Rex says that he'd love to stay and chat, but that he has to get
Danielle to work.  (At that hour?  Lucy's never works that
late.) Lowering his voice Rex tells her that he's going to teach
her to handle Lucy, which she'll have to do if she wants to
save Jake's pathetic life.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Who's Cary Grant?  Nevermind.  With Rex making all these
threats it's really hard to concentrate.  And Frank standing
there doesn't make it any eaiser. Handle Lucy? What is he
talking about?  I better do just what he says or Jake is dead.
Gosh, Uncle Rex is super mean.

Chris and Eve walk into the Recovery Room.  Chris asks
Eve how things are at home.   If he means Frank and Julie,
says Eve, they are  "So much in love it's nauseating."  Eve
spots Frank at his table and points out to Chris that "he even
dressed up in his Sunday best for her." Julie and Matt come
in and join Frank.  Matt offers to buy the first round.  He goes
to get it and Frank and Julie discuss how they're going to
meet her father for dinner.

Back in the interns room Karen wonders if Boardman will
ever stop giving her a hard time.  Joe tells her that he noticed
tears in her eyes in the OR.  She says she wasn't going to
cry.  He knew that.  He knew she was angry, but she held
it together and did her work.   Karen says she wanted to
throw Boardman against the wall.  Joe says, if the guy didn't
hold their future in his hands he d perform surgery on him.
(With a power drill, no doubt.) Karen goes on to criticize
Boardman's treatment of patients.    She doesn't want to
be successful if it means being like Boardman.  Joe says it
doesn't and that he's proud of her.

Lucy says she's been thinking of a Cary Grant movie.
Scott scoffs.  She explains that in the film she's thinking of
a federal agency creates a man who doesn't exist by
leaving a paper trail, to fool the bad guy James Mason.
She then goes into further unnecessary details.  Scott
asks what movie this is, and as she answers "North by
Northwest" he cuts her off, saying it doesn't matter. Kevin
assures him that Lucy has a point.  She explains that Rex
might have done the same thing, left a paper trail to prove
he was where he wasn't.  After all, Lucy points out, Serena
only saw a woman and Lucy only saw a man.  Scott jumps
on that and says it's what he's believed all along that Rex
is driving the boat and Danielle was doing the dirty work.
Lucy is still not sure it's Danielle.  She suggests that Scott
let her and Kevin keep an eye on Jake and Danielle.  Scott
would prefer to choke it out of her. (What's with all the
advocation of violence on this show?)  Kevin and Lucy do
not agree.  The doorbell rings.  Serena, still getting the
french bread from the kitchen, shouts that she'll get it, but
Scott, being much closer, answers the door.  He opens it and
Danielle is there.  Kevin, Lucy and Scotty  exchange the famous,
"gosh, the person we were just talking about is at the door" look.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Boy, I hope I can pull this off or Jake'll be dead!  Now how
does this doorbell work again?  Rex is really, really, really
mean to make me do this.

Karen tells Joe, how important his friendship is to her.  No one
else would look into her eyes, see the tears, and know they meant
anger.  He says something about her being married.  And she
says she's not talking about that.  She's about to continue when
Boardman enters.  He comments that she's still standing.  And
she bravely asks, why she wouldn't be.  "Surgery can take it's
toll if you're not strong enough."  "I am," she says defiantly.
"Good," he says, and puts them both on the night shift to cover
for Jake.

Julie, Frank and Matt are still enjoying their drinks in the
recovery room.  Matt finishes his and goes off to study.
Frank suggests they leave, but Julie wants to talk with Eve first.
She thanks Eve for keeping the secret about her father. (The
one about his being the famous Bennett Devlin, not the one
about Eve sleeping with the famous Bennett Devlin.) Eve asks
who else knows and Julie tells her Frank and Chris know.
Eve suggests that Julie tell Boardman and Boardman might
even come over and clean their apartment.  Julie takes the
facetiousness seriously and says she doesn't want anyone to know.
Frank and Julie leave. Chris quickly pounces on Eve and she
tells him that Julie's father came to town. She tells him he can
"try his famous kiss-up routine on the famous Bennett Devlin."
She asks him to deny it, but he just smirks at her.

Rex is being fitted by his tailor, a rather old man.  The tailor
likes Rex's appreciation of good workmanship.  This sends Rex
into a monologue.  "I'm just old fashioned, although sometimes
I feel assaulted by the modern world.  Does that ever happen to
you?" "All the time, " says the tailor.  Rex continues. "The monied
class has become so crude.  People with a veritable fortune at
their disposal and what do they do?  They drive around in pick-up
trucks, dressing like they're running some road side vegetable
stand and sending their children to public school.  And what was
with that goatee he finally shaved off anyway?  I mean what did he
think he was?  The wayward brother of Peter, Paul and Mary? I
kept waiting for him to break into "If I had a Hammer"."  The tailor
stares at him, obviously doubting his sanity.  "Sorry," said Rex.
"I have a lot of feelings on the subject.  All I was trying to say is
that there are those who deserve to be wealthy and those who

Danielle walks into the Lighthouse.  Serena runs into the room
with the loaf of french bread.  Again she remembers Danielle from
the park and the hospital.  Lucy tells Serena that Danielle is
working for her now.  Scott and Serena leave for the potluck.
Scott makes some sort of joke as they leave, about Serena's
teacher's name being Ms. Deville, and they'll call her Cruella.
Lucy tells them to have fun and think Cary Grant afterwards.
Danielle is near tears and Kevin asks her what's wrong.  She
says it's about Serena.

August 29th 1997 - From the Secret Diary of Danielle Ashley.
Oh what a cute little girl.  And didn't I promise something on
my sister's grave?  Oh what was it?  My brain is going to burst.
It's all I can do to remember the script Uncle Rex gave me.
Oh, my God, where is the Teleprompter.  Rex is... Rex is...
meaner than my agent.

Director - Andrew Lee

And the nominees for today's Media Reference are:
Shakespeare's Hamlet - "Therein lies the rub."
Peter, Paul and Mary - Sixties folk group
Cruella Deville - 101 Dalmatians
Cary Grant in Hitchcock's North by Northwest

And the winner is: Cruella Deville - 101 Dalmatians
(Because it has levels.)
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  | | "It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain" | |
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bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca