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From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Tuesday 9/2/97
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 1997 03:44:59 GMT
X-Server-Date: 7 Sep 1997 03:47:19 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                    Tuesday, September 2, 1997

* Three's Company
* Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
* Make Room for Daddy
* The Invisible Man

THREE'S COMPANY (or a crowd, depending on who you ask)
Kevin and Lucy, at the Lighthouse, are trying to stay calm in the
wake of Danielle's claim (on Monday's show) that she is Serena's
mother.  They are trying to figure out how to tell Scott, fearing
his reaction (good instinct).  Scott walks in from the potluck at
school with a sleeping Serena in his arms.  After he heads for
Serena's room, Lucy suggests waiting a while to tell Scott; Kevin
thinks they should get it over with.  Lucy tries to convince Kevin
to break the news to Scott - as a "male bonding moment or something".
Kevin wisely refuses, reminding Lucy of her own words:  "Kevin, you
don't understand.  He's my friend - we're so close."

Scott returns to the den and tells them about the evening at the
school - it went great.  Scott tells Lucy he owes her for "forcing"
him to stay in Port Charles.  He notes Kevin and Lucy's awkward
silence and asks what is wrong.

They - well, mostly Lucy - tell Scott about Danielle's visit.  They
assure him they didn't believe it.  Scott interrupts and blusters
until Kevin asks him to let Lucy explain.  Scott almost blows up,
and Kevin and Lucy again assure him that they don't believe Danielle.
Kevin is afraid that this is the first move in the next phase of the
plan (gold star, Doc!).

Scott starts to rant about Dominique's honesty, etc., etc.  Suddenly
he decides to shoot the messenger, sniping at Lucy, "How long have
you known?"  Kevin and Lucy rise to their feet in unison, both
indignant at the accusation.  Scott adds insult to injury, suggesting
that maybe Lucy has been in on Danielle's plan from the beginning.
Kevin shouts, "Don't you DARE take this out on her!"  Scott, realizing
that he has gone too far, apologizes tersely.

When we return, Kevin and Lucy are sitting down again.  Kevin's arms
are folded across his chest; he looks angry.  Scott asks Kevin about
his reference to the next phase of the plan.  Kevin reminds Scott of
Serena's bruise; maybe Rex and Danielle took Serena's blood to back
up their claim.  Scott points out that this will only prove that
Danielle is lying; Lucy admits that they haven't figure out that
part yet.  Kevin points out that they learned something important
tonight - Danielle is involved in the plot.

Scott gets up suddenly and tells Kevin and Lucy to watch Serena;
he is going to "throw a monkey wrench into their little plan over
there."  Lucy begs him not to go, and Scott answers, "No, it's my
kid, so stay out of it."  (Lucky for him Lucy and Kevin didn't stay
out of it during the kidnapping, but never mind - naturally Scott
always knows best.)

After he leaves, Lucy remarks, "So much for partnerships."  Kevin
figures Scott has never been a team player.  Kevin is sick of it -
Scott has no right to explode and then run out, leaving Lucy with
all the pain.  Lucy defends Scott - he is in pain too, but he
gets irrational where Dom and Serena are involved.  Kevin points out
that Lucy loves Serena, and loved Dom, too - does Scott realize what
Lucy has been through, and does he care about anyone's feelings
but his own?  Lucy doesn't want to argue about it, but Kevin isn't
going to keep his mouth shut anymore about the pattern that keeps
repeating itself:  "The hell with Scott Baldwin."  Kevin won't stand
by and watch anymore while Scott treats Lucy like a punching bag and
then throws her aside.  Lucy nods slightly but says nothing.

At the end of Monday's episode, an angry Danielle shattered a wine
glass at Rex's house.  Today, he reminds her of the value of the
glass (Baccarat crystal), but on the other hand, he realizes that
they don't need to worry about the cost of a wine glass - or two,
he chortles, as he tosses his own glass into the fire.

Danielle just wants to know where Jake is.  Rex pulls out his
little case containing the poison and the antidote, pulls out
the syringe which supposedly contains the poison - and drinks it.
He chokes and grabs his throat - and then remarks, "It could use
a little more sugar, I think."  Danielle is furious that he duped
her - she wishes that *had* been the poison.

Danielle asks if Jake is all right.  That depends on your definition,
Rex remarks - "he is, after all, somewhere in New Jersey."  Danielle
dials Jake's parents' house (oh, yeah, I really believe that she has
their phone number memorized).  No answer - Rex suggests he might be
taking them to their airport for their flight back to Poland.
Danielle angrily asks where Jake is.  Rex, with a deadly calm tone
of voice that Danielle ought to recognize by now, tells her that her
temper is starting to annoy him - she needs to pull herself together.
Speaking very slowly (wise choice), he says he will tell her what
comes next.

Danielle glares at him, and then asks what's next.  She reminds him
of everything she's suffered - worry about Jake, the need to lie to
Kevin and Lucy.  Rex insists he cares about her too - she'll see
that when she never has to work again.  Danielle tells him that
Kevin and Lucy didn't buy a word of it.  Of course not, answers
Rex - he didn't expect them to.  Who would believe it?  But a seed
has been sown.  Danielle tells Rex he is the most evil person she
has ever known - but he points out that she is the one who upset
Kevin and Lucy with this story.  Then he tells Danielle she has to
leave - he's expecting company.

Back at home, Danielle calls the hospital looking for Jake.  He's
not there.  The phone rings - it's Jake, at his parents' house,
calling to check phone messages.  He tells Danielle that "Uncle
Rex can't do anything to us anymore."  Yeah, right.

Speaking of Uncle Rex, he is cleaning up the shattered remnants of
the wine glasses when he hears a loud knock at the door.  "Ah,
right on time," he remarks.  He opens the door - it's Scott.

Julie and Frank are at the Recovery Room, discussing the fact that
Julie's father is staying in Port Charles for a while.  They are
both a bit concerned about it.  Matt wheels up and Frank offers
him a drink.  He says no - he has a lot of reading to do.  Julie
wonders how he has the energy; he explains that he had an "easy day" -
Boardman saw to that.  He leaves to talk to Ellen, who just arrived.

Frank remarks that he doesn't have a problem working in the same
place as his mom.  Julie admits that when her father is working,
he's oblivious to anything else.  But now she's worried about keeping
the secret of her identity from the other interns - it doesn't seem
fair.  Frank, though, doesn't think she should tell.  But now that
he's at the hospital, Julie doesn't think it's right to keep the
secret from people; it also makes it complicated for Frank, since
he knows the truth and would have to lie.  Okay, says Frank, then
you could just come clean - but Julie remarks that this would mean
giving up something that meant a lot to her.

She is afraid the other interns will be angry at the deception.
Frank thinks they will understand (at least eventually) her reasons.
But if she wants to keep her identity a secret, he'll go along with
that too.  The scene as Julie uses Frank's necktie to pull him
across the table for a kiss.

After chatting with Frank and Julie (see above), Matt talks to Ellen.
She says things are fairly quiet in the ER, without her "flock of
interns."  Matt wonders if she stopped in to get her "intern fix" -
but she had a turkey sandwich in mind (so, instead of getting her
fix, she's going cold turkey?).  Matt makes a bitter remark about
surgery, and Ellen asks what's wrong.

Matt remarks that the interns were more involved in the ER.  Ellen
points out that the role of an intern in surgery has to be limited.
Matt goes on to describe the surgeons - egotistical, self-involved.
Ellen remarks on Matt's "obsession" with doing the right thing, and
wonders if surgery is the right choice for Matt.  (Personally, I
can't see why *every* one of these interns except Jake seems to
want to be a surgeon....)  But Matt wants to be a surgeon; it's a
job, not a personality.  Sometimes, remarks Ellen, a job creates a

Matt misses working with Ellen.  She might be a dictator, but at
least she's insightful.  Isn't Boardman insightful, she asks.  Matt
responds sarcastically.  He tells the story of Boardman's treatment
of the interns - he behaves like a sexist jerk towards Karen and
treats Chris like an equal.  Prodded by Ellen, Matt then tells what
Boardman has done to him - nothing.  Literally.  He simply ignores
Matt, acting as though he is invisible.  Matt has learned to put up
with people's insensitivity and ignorance, but he can't handle
people treating him like he isn't there.

by Rika, 1/2 of the Tuesday Update Team