Daily Updates

From: Justene Adamec <Justene@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: PC: Update Tuesday, 9-9-97
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 06:49:34 -0700

We start the day with Joe asleep at the kitchen table of the Scanlon
house.  Karen walks in on him.  Haven't we seen this somewhere before?
Amazingly, we are not treated to a scene of Joe dreaming that he is
holding Karen.  She wakes him up and insteqad he tells her about his
dream of jumping off a building.

Downstairs, Julie and Eve are arguing, although not with the same igor
as the good old days.  It starts as an argument about the conditioner
and ends up an argument about Eve's conversation with Bennett.  In the
course of the argument, Eve speculates on how difficult Bennett has made
life for Julie and Julie asks "when did you become such an expert on my
father?"  (I am not falling for these cliffhangers.)

Jake is studying in the interns' room.  Danielle enters, gets a blank
look, and has a flashblack about Jake being poisoned -- or not
poisoned.   As it ends, she says "Jake".  He rolls his eyes (my
sentiments exactly).

At the lighthouse, it's the first day of school.  Kevin is relaxing on
the couch with a cup of coffee (great mug  -- I got one just like it for
my birthday).  Scott is pacing and yelling into the bedroom.  Lucy says
they're putting on the final beauty touches.  (Memo to Lucy: she's six.
All beauty touches must be able to survive recess.)

Lee arrives with the camcorder and a present.  Scott complains about
spoiling Serena, Lee says he found it on the porch.  Scott grabs it and
starts ripping it open.  Serena and Lucy comeout of the bedroom and
Serena asks "Daddy what are you doing?"  As I feared, Serena is a tad
overdressed for the first day of school in a faux fur Dalmation jacket.
My six-year-olds were not allowed to watch this episode for fear they
would get ideas.


Scott says the present was so nice looking, he wanted to open it
himself.  Lucy suggests checking the card first (oh yeah, like the bomb
people wouldn't forge a card).  The present is from Serena's big sister,
Karen (who should have called the night before).  It is a Disney Little
Mermaid backpack.  (For those who want to point out the high number of
Disney mentions, I would note that her Disney paraphanelia can't hold a
candle to my kids' stash and we're not owned by Disney.)

Scott starts to get mushy and Serena reminds him of their deal -- if he
gets mushy, then Kevin and Lucy get to take her to the bus. Scott
continues to be mushy, apparently unable to help himself.  Lee gives
Kevin the camcorder, the bus is honking and off they go.  Lee tells
Scott a security car is following the bus.  Scott knows.  He tells Lee
about Danielle.

Danielle sits down with Jake and looks sad.  Jake tells her that she
either has to leave or tell Lucy the truth. This is a new idea to
Danielle who looks around amazed.

Karen and Joe are having OJ and patting themselves on the back for being
ready.  Karen says that if you want something, you can have it and Joe
says she's proof of that since she saved her marriage in SF.

Frank arrives.  He's off to teach English.

In the basement, Eve says that she doesn't know Bennett but she knows
the type (good thing I didn't fall for that cliffhanger.)  They discuss
it a bit more and then Eve agrees to let Julie handle it.  Frank calls
down that he's leaving if anyone needs a ride.  Julie asks him to come
down and he does.  Eve leaves them alone.

Julie tells him that she can't keep the secret and he hugs her.  She's
concerned about whether it will look like she's taking advantage of the
situation by announcing it just before rounds.  Eve knows but what about
the others?  She rattles off a few names but not Chris'.  Frank says
that if Eve isn't bothering you, why would anyone else (he has also
forgotten Chris).

Julie and Frank head to the kitchen, where Eve Karen and Joe are eating
bagels. Karen asks "why did you skip out of cram session early?  Is
there something about Devlin that you know that we don't know?"

Danielle says she can't tell them (must be a loose Spencer gene).  Jake
tells her to leave because Scott will certainly figure it out.  Danielle
starts whining about how she wishes he loved her again (move to strike
as nonresponsive).  He tells her to go to NY (that's far enough?!?!).
She wants him to go with her.  His medical career is in PC.  She returns
his ring, says she loves him and leaves with all the appropriate sad

Lee says the Danielle thing is crazy.  Scott explains how it's not
crazy.  Lee comments that it sounds like he's geting ready to leave.
Scott doesn't want to go but he's not letting Serena hear that Dominique
is not her mother.  (After she weathered the Lucy as surrogate shock, I
bet the Dom egg would be less traumatic than moving, but no one was
asking me.)

Kevin and Lucy return with the picture report. Scott grabs his jacket
and leaves, saying "there's another option."

At the interns' room, Jake thanks Joe and Karen for calling him.  Joe
says "there's nothing about Devlin we don't know."  Julie says "there's
one thing you don't know."