Daily Updates

From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC:  Update, 9/25/97
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 19:13:18 GMT
X-Server-Date: 28 Sep 1997 19:13:50 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                   Thursday, September 25, 1997

Today we've got trouble, yes sir, we've got trouble right here in Port
Charles.  With a capital T, and that rhymes with:
    * C, and that stands for Concussion
    * D, and that stands for Danielle
    * C, and that stands for Carbon Monoxide

The episode starts where Wednesday's left off:  Kevin lies unconscious
on the floor in the ER, while Lucy kneels over him calling out for help.
Eve and Scott are the first on the scene; soon Ellen, Karen, and Chris
arrive too.  They take Kevin away on a gurney while Ellen tries to get
information from a near-hysterical Lucy:  Kevin had lost consciousness
before arriving in the ER, and he was irritable and not like himself.
Lucy tries to follow after Kevin, but Scott and Eve manage to restrain
her.  Lucy cries to Scott:  "I can't lose him.  I've lost him already
once tonight; I can't lose him again."

Scott assures Lucy she won't lose anyone; Lucy, recognizing that Scott
doesn't understand how she feels about Kevin, tries to explain Kevin's
importance in her life.  He is part of her, and he has helped her to
become a better person.  Scott suggests Lucy always had that inside her,
but she denies it:  "Not like this.  He gave me that."  Without Kevin,
she is empty and scared.

The doctors return with a still-unconscious Kevin on the gurney.  Ellen
tells Lucy they need further tests.  Lucy kneels beside the gurney and
reminds Kevin what he said to her about choosing to live life with her -
she wants that too, so he has to fight for that.  Lucy can't tear
herself away from Kevin; finally Scott, at Karen's urging, pulls Lucy to
her feet so they can take Kevin to get the tests done.  Eve tries to
reassure Lucy with no luck.  Scott wants to take Lucy out for a "break",
but Lucy refuses to leave the waiting area until Eve offers her beeper
and promises to beep Lucy the moment they know anything.  Lucy goes to
get her purse; while Scott waits, he overhears Chris teasing Eve about
"leaving with a Devlin and coming back with a Baldwin."

Lucy and Scott go to the hospital roof.  She tells Scott about Kevin's
marriage proposal right before his collapse.  This was supposed to be
the first day of their future together.  Scott assures her that it still
is, but Lucy shakes her head.  Kevin could be dying; she could lose
Kevin just like she lost the baby.  Scott tries to tease Lucy out of
feeling sorry for herself, reminding her how tough she can be.  She
shakes her head again:  "Not anymore, Scott.  I never really fell in
love like this before.  I never really needed somebody like I need him."
Scott reminds her that Kevin needs her now.  He remembers the time when
Dominique was dying:  he was scared, but he had to fight for Dom, and
now Lucy has to fight for Kevin.  Lucy says that she can be tough for
Kevin; then the beeper goes off and Lucy dashes for the door with Scott
on her heels.

Lucy rushes into the ER, where Eve tells her she can see Kevin now.
Scott thanks Eve for helping Lucy; Eve assures him that it's the least
she can do after he helped her.  At the other end of the station desk,
Karen spills part of a cup of coffee.  Devlin berates her for it while
Chris, Scott, and Eve looks on.  Scott, furious, walks towards Devlin.

In Kevin's hospital room, Lucy sits by his bed.  She assures him he'll
be fine.  And then they will plan their wedding ("with Sigmund waddling
down the aisle, and Serena looking so pretty").  And eventually he did
promise her a baby, so he has to stick around.  Ellen enters the room
and tells Lucy that Kevin's test results are back.  He needs surgery as
soon as possible.

Upstairs on the surgical floor, Matt is on the phone with Joe, finding
out about Frank's condition.  Jake (hasn't it been almost 2 weeks since
we saw him?) is annoyed that Devlin changed one of his patients'
medications.  Matt, the Lord of Exposition, fills Jake in on the
explosion and Frank's problems.  Jake, to his credit, appears to be the
first person to recall that Cooper was a resident of Forrest Hills.

Matt is about to leave the surgical floor without permission to check on
Frank when Julie calls to tell them that Frank will be fine.  Jake is
relieved to hear it - "I don't think I could take another disaster".
Matt asks what that means, and Jake flashes back to Danielle leaving and
Rex threatening to kill Danielle.  Jake explains that he broke up with
Danielle.  Matt notes that Jake seems pretty unhappy about the break-up.
He encourages Jake to look for Danielle.  Matt heads for the elevator;
Jake heads for a pay phone, and books a flight to New York.

Mary is saying her rosary while Mike watches.  She remembers the night
her husband had his accident, and Mike reassures her that this is a
different situation.

Meanwhile, Julie examines Frank, who is experiencing SVT's (some sort of
heartbeat irregularity).  She bets him a month's rent that he can't
stabilize.  Joe calls the lab and yells at them for not having Frank's
blood gas results available yet.  Devlin arrives while this is going on,
and congratulates Joe on his no-nonsense approach with the lab.  Devlin
says Frank's problem is carbon monoxide poisoning; he recommends that
Frank be put in a hyperbaric chamber with 100% oxygen.  Julie reassures
Frank, promising to stay with him.  Devlin reminds her she has other
responsibilities, but she informs him that she is off duty now.  "I'm
going to stay with Frank until he can walk out of here.  She reminds
Frank that he won the bet - he stabilized, so she owes him a month's

Devlin leaves the room; Julie follows him and thanks him for his help.
Devlin reminds her she needs to remain detached from patients; Julie
protests that it was Frank, after all.  He insists that emotion has no
place in medicine.  Eve overhears and asks pointedly, "Isn't pride an
emotion, or is it one of the seven deadly sins?"  Eve gushes about
Frank's heroics (primarily to annoy Devlin), and asks Julie how he is.
Julie and Eve walk off together as Devlin watches through narrowed eyes.
After they leave, Chris approaches Devlin, volunteering his services
with Frank's "follow-up."

Joe is with Frank, teasing him.  Frank pulls off his oxygen mask to
respond, but Joe puts it back on his face and tells him to keep his
mouth shut.  Frank removes the mask again, asking Joe to tell their mom
that he is okay, and he thanks Joe for helping to save him.

Later, Joe teasingly asks Frank, "If you don't make it, can I have your
room?"  Frank assure him he would haunt it in that case (removing that
mask again).  Joe leaves, and Frank takes Julie's hand.  He apologizes
for their fight last night; Julie apologizes too.  She tells him that
she knows he'd never try to hurt her.  He should just lie back and let
her take care of him.  She kisses his forehead and puts the oxygen mask
back on him.

Outside, Joe is filling Mary and Mike in on the details; Mary is
thrilled at the news.  Karen awkwardly tells Joe she's glad to hear
about Frank; he notes that she seems exhausted and upset.  After he
leaves, she rereads a portion of Jagger's letter.  Ellen comes up to
Karen with a file of Kevin's test results, telling Karen, "You'd better
get familiar with them."

Matt arrives downstairs in time to see Julie, Joe, Mary, and Mike
walking Frank's bed through the lobby.  Matt teases Frank about
collecting disability pay; at the mention of "pay", Mike suggests that
maybe the hyperbaric chamber is big enough to host the weekly poker
game.  Frank asks Joe to let him know about Kevin's condition; then
Julie, Mary, and Mike take Frank off to the hyperbaric chamber.  Matt
asks Joe about Kevin - he thought he was okay.  Joe explains about
Kevin's collapse.

by Rika, subbing for the Thursday updater