Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Update Friday 9/26/97
Date: 29 Sep 1997 05:08:23 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - September 26th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)


Danielle, back in New York City, is sitting on a park bench, eating
an ice cream cone and remembering her first meeting with Jake.
Rollerblading in a skimpy black outfit she falls on the unsuspecting
Jake, tossing her ice cream cone right in his lap.  She apologizes.
After he scrapes off some of the ice cream they sit down together.
She picks up his books, which have fallen to the ground.  Somehow
she deduces (doubtless clued in by Rex) that these are medical
books and he is studying to be a Doctor.  She thinks he must be
pretty smart.  He tells her he's a genius, but not to spread it around.
(Compared to her, we suppose he is.) She's sorry she interrupted
his work. She apologizes again for being such a klutz.  He says
she was doing well until she hit the crack.  Danielle offers him
lessons in rollerblading.  She and Jake exchange numbers.  He
leaves.  She rolls away, but then comes right back.  She sits down
on the bench and looks satisfied with herself.  There is the sound of
applause and Rex emerges from the shadows. He thinks she's quite
an actress and she thinks that Jake is a nice guy.  He says she should
use that sincerity in her performance.  "Nothing's going to happen
to him, is it?" She asks Rex.  "Nothing bad is going to happen to
anybody," he assures her.

Message #52 (55 is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 12:16:53 1997
From: Dani6969@aol.com (Danielle Ashley)
Subject: Keys
To: Thedon@jaxcosmetics.com

Don, i'm so sorry.  When I left, you know I had to leave sudenly
because of that sick aunt, I totally forgot to tell you where I left the
keys to the lipstick lab. There  on the top of the grey filing cabinet
in your office.  Sorry.


At present day General Hospital, a nurse answers the phone and
explains to another nurse that it's the Port Charles Herald calling.
She proceeds to give out, what we would think was confidential
medical information.  Collins, Victor, condition good, in for
observation.  Scanlon, Frank, condition fair, in for overnight
observation.  Collins, Kevin, condition serious, scheduled for
surgery.  We then see the person on the other end of the phone.
It's Rex.  "Poor, Dr. Collins," says Rex, he'll have to occupy Ms.
Coe's attention while Kevin is indisposed.  Which could be fun.

Message #53 (102  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 10:09:27 1997
From: victorc@portcharles.univ.edu (Dr. Victor Collins)
Subject: Back at GH
To: lynelle@delphi.com

Lynelle, my good Internet friend.  I am now back at General Hospital.
The Forest Hills thing didn't work out at all.  First they didn't give
me the right room and then the room they did give me blew up.  I
knew that place wouldn't be very good, but Monk wouldn't listen
to me.  But enough about that, lets talk mathematics.  Have you
looked over the last set of equations I sent you?


Lucy is at Kevin's bedside in the hospital.  Ellen is trying to explain
to her that surgery is necessary.  Lucy wants to believe it's just a
bump on the head, but Ellen tells her it's the dreaded subdural
hematoma.  They have to go in and stop the bleeding.  Kevin starts
to wake up.  He mutters something about getting Victor out.
Lucy assures him that Victor is fine.  Now that he's awake they
won't have to operate.  He'll be fine, won't he?

Message #10 (22 is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 11:12:23 1997
From: drjake@pc.genhosp.org (Jake Marshak)
Subject: Surgical Rotation
To: eburgess@pc.genhosp.org

I'm sorry I had to leave town suddenly again.  It was, of course,
an emergency.  I'll be right back and Joe agreed to cover me.  I
shouldn't miss more than a couple hours if all goes as planned.
Being a Doctor is the most important thing in the world to me
and that's why I'm doing this.

Dr. Jake Marshak
Intern - General Hospital

Karen apologizes to Devlin for spilling her coffee.  He says
that neither coffee nor clumsy interns belong in the ER (What!?
Those are two fine General Hospital traditions.  Visiting
Doctors *humph* they never get it.)  She says it won't happen
again.  He remembers that she missed the question during the
infamous pop inquisition.   She smiles at him and says sweetly
that she could have the answer for him now.  He says a pretty
smile won't help her in surgery. (Well, not while she's wearing
a surgical mask.)  Scott has been watching, and is no longer
able to restrain himself.  He takes a hold of Devlin's arm and
asks him who he thinks he's speaking to. (For his information
it's the hospital lawyer's granddaughter among other relationships,
like being Dr. Alan Quartermaine's protege.  Watch it, bub.)

Message #52 (55 is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 13:34:48 1997
From: bdevlin@chimed.org (Dr. Bennet Devlin)
Subject: New Intern not coming
To: drcristello@massgen.org

Contrary to my prior request, the intern I wished you to take
into your program will not be coming.   It turns out that the
young lady was really not of the proper caliber for a fine
institution such as yours.  She belongs at a second rate hospital,
say one with regular black-outs, only one neurosurgeon and
till recently a flourishing drug trade.  She'll fit in perfectly.
I apologize for any inconvenience I may have put you to,
and expect you to take the proper measures in the event the
young lady changes her mind.

Dr. Bennet Devlin M.D.

"Get your hand off me," Devlin says to Scott.  Not until he
starts treating Karen like a human being.  Devlin asks who
he is.  "Someone who knows a jerk when he sees one."
Karen half-heartedly objects to Scott's intervention.
Scott accuses Devlin of picking on young women so he
can feel like a big-shot.   Chris and Eve are both looking
on from the other side of the station.  Devlin asks Karen
if she knows this man.  She admits he's her father.  "That
explains a lot," says Devlin.  That finally touches off Karen's
temper. "What's that supposed to mean?" she snaps.  She
decides not to stay for the answer.  Devlin says that a strategic
retreat is a good idea.  She's not retreating, she just has a
patient she has to check on.   She leaves.  Chris comments
to Eve that it's a good floor show.  Eve agrees that it's the
best.  Devlin asks Scott if he always fights his daughter's battles
for her.

Message #23 (42  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:15:59 1997
From: eburgess@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Ellen Burgess)
Subject: Missing Interns
To: mboardman@pc.genhosp.org

Dr. Boardman, it's come to my attention that since you took
over the training of this year's interns, no one can seem to
find one when they need one.  You remember what happened last
year.  Let's try not to repeat that fiasco.  Please be careful with
the interns, and return them to their room when you're
finished with them.   Neglect is also a problem.  Please make
use of Dr. Matt Harmon whenever possible.

Thank you.
Dr. Ellen Burgess, Chief Resident

Ellen tells Lucy that this is not an emotional issue.  Kevin is in
urgent need of an operation.  Lucy worries that brain surgery
is dangerous.   Now that he's conscious, doesn't that mean he's
better?  Kevin asks what's wrong with him.  Ellen tells him that
he has the dreaded subdural hematoma.  He tells her to operate.
Lucy objects.  Kevin tells her that the sooner they operate the
less likely he is to have permanent damage. Lucy tells him not
even to think that.  Ellen tells him that she has a call out for
Tony Jones.  Lucy likes that idea.  She trusts Tony.  Karen
walks in and tells them that Tony is unavailable.  He's been in
surgery for five hours and doesn't look to be coming out anytime
soon.  Ellen asks for a list of  available surgeons and tells Karen
to contact Mercy.  Lucy says no, Mercy is second rate. (The nuns
are deeply insulted.) Maybe they can fly someone in, Lucy
suggests.  But there's no time.  Kevin has his own suggestion.
"Joe Scanlon's done this kind of thing.  Anybody have a power
drill?"  They try hard, and ignore his black humor.  Karen says
that Dr. Bennet Devlin is right outside... arguing with Scott.
Ellen agrees that he is very good, but technically he's not on
staff.  Lucy says that she will get Devlin to do the operation.
(Nobody but "All 4 1" says no to Lucy.)

Message #03 (5  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:19:36 1997
From: kwexlercates@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Karen Wexler)
Subject: Your reputation is growing
To: jscanlon@pc.genhosp.org

Hey, Joe, guess what?  GH patients are already talking about
your amazing surgical skills.  Why, just a little while ago I heard
one ask for you specifically to do his surgery.  "Joe Scanlon's
done this kind of thing.  Anybody have a power drill?"
Unfortunately Dr. Collins decided to go with Dr. Devlin for
his surgery.  Better luck next time.

Your Friend, Karen

During her flashback Danielle's Ice Cream cone has started
melting on her hand.  "Ah, man," she says, apparently having
been unaware of the effects of sunlight on ice cream cones.
She gets up and throws away the cone.  As she wipes off her
hand Jake comes up behind her. She is surprised to see him.
She asks him what he's doing there.  He tells her that Rex
threatened to kill her if Jake didn't cooperate.   Danielle thought
that her leaving would make Rex give up.  Jake says that Rex
never gives up, he's like the Terminator. (He'll be back.)  But
Jake intends to stop him.  Danielle warns him not to go against

Subj:     Ooops my mistake
Date: Fri Sep 26 12:27:53 1997
From:     Dani6969
To:    Dani6969

Sorry Don, that's not where I left the keys at all.  Their inside the
filing cabinet, under the letter C.


Bennett and Scott continue their confrontation.  Devlin asks Scott
what kind of work he does, because in the medical profession
it doesn't help when Daddy interferes.  Spectator Eve, objects
softly, "Since when?"  Scott tells Devlin that in the real world
surgeons who pick on stressed-out overworked interns are jerks.
Devlin assumes that means Scott knows who he is. Yes, Scott's
heard of him, but nothing complimentary.  Devlin asks if Karen's
been complaining.  Scott says no, she wouldn't.  Scott gets around
and the sort of thing that he just saw could get Devlin into big
legal trouble.   "That's what we lawyers thrive on."  Scott's
itching to get back in the courtroom.  Devlin asks if Scott is
threatening him.  Scott tells him that he's saying watch the way
you treat people.  Chris wonders what it was all about, and
Eve tells him that was a gallant man defending his daughter.
Lucy comes in and asks Scott if he wasn't just in The Bennett
Devlin's face.  "Dr. Jerk Devlin," Scott specifies.  Lucy tells
him he should keep his mouth shut and then goes over and
asks Bennett to help her.  He asks who she is.   She introduces
herself and he asks if she's a friend of Scott's.  Lucy glares at

Message #20 (33  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 17:08:29 1997
From: ChipdBeef@aol.com (Scott Baldwin)
Subject: Pull out the law books
To: Rwexler@ix.netcom.com

Rhonda, get out my civil law books.  I'm especially interested in any
cases involving on the job sexual harassment.  I think I'm going
to need the information.

Scott Baldwin - Attorney at law

Jake tells Danielle that he's been working on a plan.  "What is it?"
She asks. (It's a scheme for making, doing or arranging some thing,
a project, a program, a schedule, but that's not important right now.)
He hesitates. (Probably trying to think of the right one-syllable words.)
She says he doesn't trust her, so why did he bother to track her
down.  He needs her to pull this off.   She doesn't want to run from
Rex forever, does she?  She says she knows how to disappear. (Yeah,
right. Then how come everyone knows where she is?)  She's missed
the point.  She can't run away, he needs her in Port Charles.  Jake
is sick of being threatened.  He can't love somebody he doesn't
trust, but you don't let them twist in the wind.  She apologizes
yet again. He says she went along with all the rotten things Rex
told her to do.  He wants to know why and how so he can do the
same to Rex.  He wants to hear the truth.

Message #52 (55 is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 12:31:44 1997
From: Dani6969@aol.com (Danielle Ashley)
Subject: Those darn keys
To: Thedon@jaxcosmetics.com

Sorry, I accidentally sent that last e-mail to myself. Duh.  What
I meant to tell you was where I really put those keys, but now
I remember that I already gave them back to you, so disrigard
my prior two notes.


Lucy admits that she and Scott are acquainted.  She gives Dr. Devlin
a lucy-speed explanation of Kevin's condition. (Having the dreaded
subdural hematoma and all.)  He needs an operation.  "Since when?"
Scott asks.  Lucy tells Devlin he is the only one available to perform
the operation. (What with Joe and his tool belt being off duty.) Scott
interrupts again to ask about Tony.  Lucy says shortly that Tony is
busy.    She begs Devlin to do the operation.  Scott says it isn't a
good idea.  Devlin takes that as an insult.  Emotions won't influence
his medical decisions.  Lucy offers to pay whatever his fee is.  Bennett
brushes that off. (Soap Doctors never discuss money.)  Of course
he'll do it.  He needs to talk to the admitting Doctor and get an update
on Kevin's condition.  Lucy starts to give him that update, but is
interrupted when Ellen comes over.  She fills him in on Kevin having
the dreaded subdural hematoma.  He asks to have Boardman assist him
in the surgery.  She asks to have Dr. Wexler observe.   Devlin makes
a face, but says, "fine".    He leaves.  Lucy thanks god that Devlin is
going to do the surgery.  Scott says, "He thinks he's god."  Lucy
doesn't care if he "rips up his shirt and pounds on his chest" as long
as he helps Kevin.  That man has to get Kevin through the operation.

Message #03 (5  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:35:36 1997
From: jscanlon@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Joey Scanlon)
Subject: Re: Your reputation is growing
To: kwexlercates@pc.genhosp.org

Ha, ha.


Chris comes up to the nurses station and greets Eve and Karen.
He comments on Karen's stained Lab coat and she peevishly tells
him that she'll get a new one when she has the time to eat,
sleep and go to the bathroom, not necessarily in that order.
Chris says that interns should always be presentable.  Eve tells
him to lighten up and go wax Devlin's car or something.
Karen being little fun, Chris chooses to trade quips with Eve.
He noticed her pom-poms coming out when the subject of
Devlin's treatment of women came up.  Was that a sore spot
for her?  For every woman who's trained to be a Doctor, Eve
states.  Chris complains about the feminist rhetoric to come.
Ellen gets within striking distance, and Chris homes in.  He
asks to be allowed to observe Kevin's surgery.  Ellen tells him
that Dr. Wexler is assisting.  Chris points out that Karen is
exhausted.  Ellen commends his (fake) altruism, but Dr. Wexler
has the assignment.  Ellen walks away.  "Losing your touch,
Machiavelli?" Eve says to Chris.  Chris still maintains that he's
worried about Karen's state of exhaustion.  He's looking out
for the hospital's best interests.  "Poor Baby," says Eve. "Kiss,
Dr. Devlin for luck."  Chris has no comeback for that. Ellen tells
Karen that she wants her to assist Dr. Devlin. She asks Karen if
she's up to it. Karen says she's 100%.

Message #05 (10 is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:19:63 1997
From: elambert@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Eve Lambert)
Subject: You're such a jerk
To: cramsey@pc.genhosp.org

The subject line says it all, Ramsey.  Do you think you could
be just a little more obvious about sucking up to every one
in sight?  All the good it's doing you, loser.


Ellen gives Karen the details of Kevin's surgery, and what can
be expected for the rest of the night.  Is Karen ready to impress
the big doctor?  Ellen thinks that pressure brings out the best
in young Doctors. "Make me look good in there," says Ellen.
(And win one for the gipper, Karen.)  Ellen leaves.  Karen takes
off her lab coat.  She pulls out the letter from Jagger, decides
not to look at that depressing thing again, and tucks it and the
lab coat under the counter.  She pulls out a pair of fresh scrubs.
As she leaves she tells Chris that they'll have a pow-wow as soon
as she gets out.  Chris, casually says sure, anytime.  As soon as
she's out of sight he snatches her letter from under the counter
and begins reading it.

Message #03 (5  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:22:56 1997
From: cramsey@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Chris Ramsey)
Subject: Re: You're such a jerk
To: elambert@pc.genhosp.org

I love you too, Babe.  You should stop fighting the attraction.


Danielle tells Jake her pathetic, "I was all alone until Uncle
Rexie came and convinced me to kidnap Serena" story.
The only new information being that Rex told Danielle Scott
was an abusive drunkard.  It was too late when she found
out Rex was lying.  Before she met Jake she didn't know
right from wrong, but now she's changed. (Is she sure that
wasn't right from left?)   Jake asks her to help him.  She
hesitates and he angrily starts to leave. She insists she still
loves him.  He says that's irrelevant. (Like in a circus?)
They have to try to stop Rex from hurting anyone else, will
she come back with him and cooperate?  Danielle says it won't
be easy, but if anyone can do it, it's Jake.

Message #23 (42  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 16:15:59 1997
From: mboardman@pc.genhosp.org (Dr. Mark Boardman)
Subject:Re: Missing Interns
To: eburgess@pc.genhosp.org

Who's Doctor Matt Harmon?


Rex breaks into the lighthouse through the patio doors.  He
disarms the alarm system and insults Kevin's security system.
"Dr. Collins you're going to need a much better security system
as long as I'm in town."

Message #20 (33  is last):
Date: Fri Sep 26 17:38:24 1997
From: bv143@freenet.carleton.ca (T.A. Murray)
Subject: Invasion of Lighthouse
To: gbausch@theriver.com

Rex, this time you've gone too far.  Kidnaping, death threats,
bugging duck ponds are one thing, but this is serious business,
a B&E into the Lighthouse.  You know, Felicia lost her case
against Kevin this way.  Just watch it and don't mess with the
globes in the living room, or any art supplies.

T  n' T
FGC Kevin - Lighthouse Keepers

Karen is adjusting Kevin's bed.  He reminds her that 30 degrees
is the max.  She tells him to mind the commentary.  He lightly
apologizes.  She looks up at his IV and yawns.  He asks if she's
been nipping at the sauce again.  She says nope, she's fine.

Lucy asks Dr. Devlin if he's done this kind of surgery before.  He
asks if she wants to see his diploma.  He assures her the dreaded
subdural hematoma operation is basic.  And Kevin should fully
recover.  Lucy worries about Kevin only partially recovering.
Nothing will happen, Scott tells her, Devlin's too good a Doctor,
right?  Devlin says the risks are minimal. Risks? Lucy worries some
more.  He'll be fine.  The nurse, who gave all the info to Rex,
gives the X-Rays to Devlin.  Devlin walks over to the nurses
station.  (Light must be better over there.)  Scott tells Lucy that
Devlin is just doing his playing god act.  Lucy has a strange feeling
that something is not quite right.

Media Reference of the Day - Jake Marshak mentions "The
Terminator" (Oh, and congrats to Arnold Schwarzenegger, he
and Maria just had another bundle of joy.)

Director - Jill Ackles
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  |~|          !!      |  \|       !!         |~|
  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_| twinsofevil@geocities.com*tntmur@aol.com|_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca