Daily Updates

From: "Justene Adamec" <Justene@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: PC:  Update Thursday October 2, 1997
Date: 4 Oct 1997 17:23:33 GMT

With all the changes of updaters and Rika's thanks to the updaters, I just
wanted to add my thanks to the most important part of the PC update program
-- RIKA!!!   She organizes the updaters, gathering volunteers and
replacements, fills in whenever there's a spot that can't be filled, and
takes the "leftover" day.    But for her, this program would be less than
it is and maybe not at all.

        I now have Thursday, closer to the end of the week when life is a little
saner.  I hope to keep the updates prompt.  Comments, questions,
suggestions are always welcome.  Here are some questions that I am curious
about:  How do you use the updates?  To catch up on a day you missed?  To
substitute altogether for not watching the show?  To compensate for that
fact that you still don't get PC in your area?

        Thursday's episode started with the beginning of Blue's Clue's, a
wonderful Nickelodeon show that never gets plugged by Serena.  Finally, the
timers kicked in and took the dish over to PC.  I'll be resetting the
controls for next week.  Maybe after 10 years, I'll finally break out of my
box and set the timers for 40 minutes instead of trying to catch that 30
minutes just right.  (Quick, assuage my neurosis, half of you do that, too,


        We join PC with Rex on the phone with an attorney. Rex tells him that his
grandniece, Serena Stanton Baldwin, was abducted due to her father's
neglect.  (Hmm, I have never heard that cause before.  In fact, negligence
is not a defense to intentional conduct, but I guess this lawyer went to a
different law school than I did.)

        We cut to Scott "working" with his briefcase open and some papers spread.
A moment of tension as we wonder if now is the time that he will lick one
of those envelopes. DRAMATIC MOMENT  The doorbell rings, saving him.  It's
Karen, who wonders if she is interrupting anything important.  Scott
explains that he is doing the permission slip so that Serena can go to
Pinocchio.  Because of the increased security, it is more complicated that
the usual permission slip.  He tries to do it out of Serena's sight so that
Serena has a "normal" life.  Karen assures him that Serena is very normal
and that she, Karen, feels badly about bringing her troubles to him.

We interrupt this update for this important fashion note:  Scott looks
great in those glasses.

        At the hospital Matt and Hothead, the character formerly known as Joe, are
discussing what happened in the lounge area in front of Grace's nurses
station.  Matt calmly goes over the facts that Karen left and then the
trouble happened.  Hothead accuses Matt of thinking that Karen did it.
Matt explains that he thinks that someone set Karen up.

        Frank arrives to the expected admonitions of getting out of bed too soon.
Frank is looking for Julie.

        Julie is in the OCR, humming.  Eve arrives and teasingly acomplains about
Julie's perkiness.  Julie is excited because Frank is in the Chicago
American, a Chicago newspaper.  Eve finds this suspicious, as she should.
Julie does not.  Julie comments that her father was surprised.  (yeah,
right.)  Julie says she's not going to let anything come between her and
Frank now.  DRAMATIC MOMENT Ben walks in and plays her like a fiddle.
First he mentions that Alan wants him to stay.  When she looks
uncomfortable, he insists on leaving, insisting on how he is no longer
worried about her because Frank is such a great guy.

        Grace is teasing Frank about being a hero when Julie arrives, takes him
aside and calls him her hero.  She asks how he got in the Chicago Amaerican
and he say that the writer called out of the blue.  Slight muffled sounds
as the wool over his eyes slips into his mouth.  Julie comments about
bedrest and he propositions her.  He wants to be with her -- now.

        Grace and Hothead are talking.  Grace has jumped to the most logical
conclusion that the person seting the IV made the mistake with the IV.
Hothead defends Karen, that she would never do that.

        Back at the ranch, er, lighthouse, Scott is telling Karen not to second
guess herself.  If she didn't remember doing it wrong yesterday, she didn't
do it wrong.  He offers to help her, if need be, taking pleasure in the
secondary benefit of being able to knock Devlin down a few pegs.

        After his phone call,, Rex stretches out on the couch and fantasizes about
his expected victory, Scott announcing "ok, you win" and handing over the
100 million and Serena who runs happily to "Uncle Rex".  Rex comments in
the fantasy that he is resuming his rightful place with the family fortune.

        DRAMATIC MOMENT Eve comes out of the shower room and confronts Devlin.
she has heard him playing that fiddle song with Julie.  She knows that the
editor of the Chicago American is eternally grateful to Devlin for a
run-of-the-mill bypass that the editor thought was a miracle.  Eve offers
to deal.  DRAMATIC MOMENT  If Devlin leaves Frank and Julie alone, she will
keep her past a secret.  (Like that deal would give us *any* storyline.)

        Julie tells Frank that Ben's leaving and they'll have plenty of time
together.  Frank gets paged.  On duty?  No, mom.  He comments that he has
to get that woman a hobby.  (Send her to my house guys.  I can always enjoy
a little cooking, cleaning and unconditional love, you ingrates.)

        Karen tells Scott about what she expects to come out in the inquiry,
including the letter from Jagger.  Letter from Jagger?  Oh that's right,
Scott doesn't know about tht.  (Please, if Karen can't remember that she
purposely kept that letter a secret, maybe she did screw up that IV.)
Karen tells the whole story for Scott and those who joined us late.  Scott
offers to fly to SF and talk to Jagger.  Karen declines.

        Matt tells Grace that she is being closeminded about Karen.  Even if Karen
is having a bad day, she is on top of every medical procedure.

        Julie has a bright idea and goes to plead Karen's case to her father.  Ben
says that Karen almost cost a patient his life.  Julie sighs and whines "I
just said she didn't."  Ben says that Karen should take her medicine and
not lie.  Julie goes back to her friends and Ben heads toward the elevator.

        Frank returns and says that the dean of Cotran College read the article,
had just lost his football coach and wants Frank to replace him.  Julie
says "isn't that in Chicago?"  Ben looks over from the elevator and smiles.

        Rex meets with the lawyer who asks if there's evidence of Scott's neglect.
 Rex says there will be soon enough.  DRAMATIC MOMENT.

        At Scott's house, he is once again working on those permission slips when
the doorbell rings.  It is Eve.