Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC:Update: Wednesday, 22 October 1997
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:04:55 -0300

PC Update, 22 October 1997

In which Eve becomes homeless, and Scott buys a new home.  How many
guesses that Eve will somehow end up on Scott's doorstep?

At The Recovery Room

Karen and Joe drink coffee and discuss how they both spent last night
worrying about Matt's case and who sabotaged the interns.  Grace joins
them.  She tells them Scott hit Devlin.  Karen is worried her dad hit
one of her bosses.

At the Lighthouse

Scott teases Lucy about her and Kevin getting some rest last night.
Scott tells her there were traces of drugs in his system — tries to joke
that he could have got that much drug from poppy seeds on a muffin.
Lucy wants to know what happened to the hand Scott is favouring.

At the hospital desk

Julie has a break; long enough, she tells Eve, for her to go home to
pack to move out.  She has their expenses broken down for what Eve owes
her.  Eve says Julie can stay, as Eve can't pay all the rent herself.
Julie says "OK — you can leave then".  Julie exits stage right.

At the Lighthouse

Scott tells Lucy he was teaching Devlin a lesson in manners — how to
keep his hands to himself.  Kevin enters, he's off to do something with
his day.  He reminds Lucy about her doctor's appointment and leaves.
Scott wants to know what's up with the doctor's appointment.  She is
going to see Dr. Neuman, a gynecologist.  Lucy wants to see her about
getting tests to see if she can carry a child to term (she is worried
about her three previous miscarriages).  They talk about Lucy's
readiness to be a parent now, and how the time wasn't right for either
of them back when she was pregnant with Scott's child. [This is a very
touching discussion].  She's worried she will never be able to have a
child.  Scott tells her that even if the news is bad, she still has

Who, of course, enters on cue.  Serena hugs Lucy and wants to know why
Lucy is sad.  Lucy says she just wants to give her a hug.  Scott gives
Lucy the chance to walk Serena to the bus, for which Lucy is grateful.
They leave.  Scott picks up the phone.  Puts in a call to Justus Ward.

At Julie and Eve's Basement Apartment

Eve is packing.  Julie and Eve fight over a skirt of Julie's Eve is
trying to pack as her own.  This develops into an argument over who is
worse — Julie because she lied about who she is or Eve that she had an
affair with Julie's father.  Frank comes down the stairs.  Wants to know
what's going on.  Eve leaves.  Julie tells Frank about Eve and her dad's
affair and that she caught them kissing.  She's mad at both of them, but
mostly with Eve.  Frank tells her she shouldn't put all the blame on
Eve.  Julie leaves for the hospital to be by herself.  Frank apologizes
as she goes up the stairs — he wishes he had been wrong about her dad.
He stays in the apartment to fix the sink.

At The Recovery Room

Chris joins Karen, Joe and Grace.  Tells them he heard Scott broke
Devlin's jaw.  Rumour has it he has two teeth gone as well! They ask
Chris for help getting Matt back on the surgical rotation.  They want to
write a letter of support signed by all the interns.  Chris neither
commits or doesn't, but looks hesitant about helping. Karen leaves and
passes Eve on her way out.  Eve asks if she can room with Karen.  Karen
says Eve can stay on her floor for a couple of days.  Karen leaves
first, Eve follows shortly.

As Eve leaves, a creepy guy with shades and a moustache follows her down
the alley from the Recovery Room.

At Julie's (formerly Eve and Julie's Basement Apartment)

Frank is under the sink fixing it.  Devlin comes in.  He is looking for
Julie.  Frank tells him he thinks he's a pretty lousy guy for cheating
on his wife and hitting on a medical student.  Frank is happy Julie will
get to see what a piece of work her old man is.  Devlin leaves.

At the hospital desk

The creepy guy is keeping up his surveillance of Eve.  Scott enters and
enquires of Eve if she's seen Lucy.  She hasn't.  Scott downplays to Eve
his attack of Devlin.  Eve leaves.  The creepy guy is still there, but
now it seems as if he's keeping an eye on Scott.  Karen shows up and
questions him about Devlin.  He tells Karen he hit him because of the
nasty things he was saying about Scott's parenting skills.  They

At the desk, several nurses are gossiping about the extent of Devlin's
injuries.  The rumour mill has gone amuck. [Where's Amy Vining when you
need her?] Julie is there, and Karen sets the record straight with her —
it was one punch only.  Julie settles down to tell Karen about Eve and
her dad.

At The Recovery Room

Chris and Joe are discussing the setups of the interns.  Mike joins
them.  They want Mike's advice about goings on at the hospital.
Sabotage or random accidents?  Mike's opinion: a setup.  Mike leaves.
Chris thinks they should all stick together.  Matt enters.  He's mad at
Chris for a discussion Chris had with Boardman about Matt being able to
do surgery.  Matt is mad because none of this is Chris's business.  Matt
leaves.  Joe and Chris argue about Matt.  Chris plays the role of
Boardman and Joe plays the role of Ellen, recycling Boardman and Ellen's
conversation of last week.  Chris says it's a safety issue, political
correctness shouldn't come into it and Joe says Matt is a good doctor
who should be given the same opportunities in the surgical rotation as
the other interns.

At the Lighthouse

Scott says he looked for Lucy at the hospital, but they must have missed
each other.  He wants to know how it went with Dr. Neuman.  Neuman is
scheduling tests for Lucy, but Neuman is not overly concerned, it is
more for Lucy's peace of mind.  Scott has news.  He's bought a house,
which should give Lucy some peace.

At Karen's apartment

Eve shows up.  Karen has changed her mind.  She has no sympathy for
women who sleep with married men.  They verbally fight.  Eve should have
had respect for Devlin's wife.  Happy husbands don't mess around.  Eve
zings Karen.  She doesn't care about Devlin's wife, she is upset because
her own husband slept around.  Karen screams at her to get out.  Eve

At the Lighthouse

Scotty tells Lucy it is time he gave her and Kevin some privacy and that
he and Serena had their own place.  Lucy knows this is right, but is
still sad.  Enter Kevin.  Scott leaves the room.  Lucy is upset about
her visit to Dr. Neuman's — what if they can't have a child.  Kevin hold
her to comfort her.

By the inside stairs of the hospital where they like to shoot scenes

Devlin has found Julie.  He wants to say good-bye.  Julie wants to know:
If the affair began and ended when Eve was in med school, why were they
kissing the other day?  Devlin says "it got out of hand".  Devlin lies
and says Eve initiated it.  Julie wants to know if he's going to tell
his wife, her mom.  He thinks she's better off not knowing.  Julie may
tell, she's not sure yet.

At the hospital desk

Chris and Joe continue their discussion of Matt and surgery.  Joe thinks
Matt should be given a chance.  Chris calls Grace over — he thinks there
are lots of people who agree with him.  He asks Grace: If you had the
choice of two surgeons, one with and one without physical limitations,
who would you choose?  She, not being clueless, guesses this is about
Matt.  She says Matt is a good doctor, but she might have reservations
about his performance as a surgeon.  She leaves.  Chris's point is made
— Matt is fighting a losing battle.