Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - November 7th
Date: 10 Nov 1997 04:47:02 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - November 7th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)


Scott is appearing before the judge with Justus beside him. Kevin,
Lucy, Gail and Lee look on as Rex's attorney claims that Scott
took Serena with Gail's permission in violation of the custody
arrangement and therefore she should be taken away from her
grandparents.  "Come on, come on that's the stupidest thing I've
ever heard," Scott says, doing his first rate impression of an idiot
without a law degree.  The judge tells him he'll have a chance to
speak later.  She tells Rex's lawyer to proceed.

What would Perry Mason have done in this situation?
He would have told Scott to calm down, because he had a surprise
witness being brought in from Dubuque.

Eve, Frank, Bennett and the now clued in Nicole stand near the
Nurses' station worrying about where Julie is.  Nicole is successfully
hiding the fact she's ready to spit nails, but if looks could kill,
Bennett and Eve wouldn't be standing. Frank and Bennett go off to
find Garcia. (Check the donut shop.) Nicole stays behind to confront
Eve.  Nicole chats pleasantly for a minute and then launches her
attack. "Exactly when was it you decided to sleep with my husband?"
she asks.  "I don't know what to say," says Eve.  (She should write
out a little speech and have it ready, because goodness knows the
question keeps coming up.) Nicole says she overheard Eve and
Karen talking (via the famous private-conversations-in-public
places-plot-device). Eve tells her that was years ago and it's finished.
"You had no right to sleep with my husband," Nicole says furiously.
"You have singlehandedly destroyed the trust that is essential to a
marriage. You've taken away my belief in Bennett, when I needed
it most." (Whoa.  Singlehanded it was not.  It takes two to tango
and Bennett was leading.) Nicole delivers a parting shot, "Julie
thought you were so wonderful.  How wrong she was." Eve is
speechless as Nicole walks away.

What would Hilary Clinton have done in this situation?
Parlayed her husband's infidelity into a cabinet position.

Greg Cooper dressed in hospital scrubs is explaining his latest
scheme to a cowering, whimpering, Julie who is tied to a post.
"They're going to catch you sooner or later?" Julie declares. (Great,
why doesn't she just tell him, "You'll never get away with this."
Oh yeah, she's already used that line.)  Greg  doesn't think anyone
will stop him because, "Surgeons are God." He goes off  to get the
anesthetic for Julie's upcoming plastic surgery.  (She's lucky he
didn't choose OB/GYN as his specialty. She could be having a
hysterectomy right now. Or Neurosurgery. How about a lobotomy,

What would Emma Peel have done this in this situation?
Wiggled out of her bonds and given Greg a good Judo chop.

Rex is the first one on the stand.  The Judge asks why he wants
custody of Serena since he barely knows her.  Rex says he was
never given the opportunity.  Scott ran off with her two days
after she was born.   (Of course Rex wasn't even in town and
Scott didn't know he existed.)  "It was like a hole in my heart
when I found out."  The judge asks him why custody should be
taken away from Lee and Gail.  Rex says he's known her just as
long as they have.   He also fears that Lee and Gail will help
Scott flee the country.   The judge wants to know what evidence
he has.  He has pictures of an unscheduled visit by Scott.  His
lawyer hands the pictures to the judge.  She looks through the
pictures of Serena and Scott having a *gasp* picnic.   "Mr.
Baldwin obviously didn't flee the country," she observes.
"Yes, but he could have," Rex contends. "I don't want Serena's
future to depend on the whim of a gambler and a drunkard.  (No
Rex, that's "drug addict".  Try to keep your story straight.)  If
Lee and Gail won't enforce the custody order, he will.  He and
Danielle want to provide a loving, nurturing home for her. (*gag*)

What would Matlock have done in this situation?
Cross-examined Rex, accused him of the crime, and come up
with heretofore unseen evidence that proved the charge.
(But Justus has a much nicer suit.)

Cooper, with his magical surgical mask on, sneaks into room 666
(Now a pharmacy supply room, formerly the room where Stavros
Cassadine bit the big baklava.) to steal the anesthetic for Julie's
operation.  Boardman comes in behind him.  Greg quickly picks
up a scalpel.  "Who the hell are you?" The courteous Dr. Mark
Boardman asks him.  Greg doesn't answer.  "Who the hell are you
and what are you doing in here?" Boardman demands.  Greg tries
to walk out. Boardman grabs him.  "Hey, I'm talking to you.  Who
are you?" Greg turns around and stabs him with the scalpel.
Boardman pulls off Greg's mask as he falls to the floor.  He
recognizes him. (From the bad police drawing or a previous
encounter when Cooper was catatonic?)  "Sorry, I can't stick
around and help," Greg tells Boardman as he lies groaning on the
floor.  "But you remember the Physician's Oath,  Physician heal
thyself'." Greg uses this as his exit line.

What would Jack the Ripper have done in this situation?
Stayed to actually remove the heart.

Bennett and Nicole finally have some time alone.  She's not one
to waste time. "I just had a long conversation with Eve Lambert."
"About what?" Bennett says with his most innocent expression.
Nicole gets straight to the point, "Your affair."  Bennett gamely
tries to deny it, but Nicole isn't buying it.  She wants to know
why. "In a way it had nothing to do with you," (Yeah, right,
Ben.  Then why'd you pick a woman that looked just like her.)
Then he tries the grief angle on her. "It was after we lost Buddy
and I was in such pain." Nicole points out the obvious fact that
Julie missed. "Buddy died more than ten years ago."  (Eve would
have been jail bait then. She was barely legal when she slept with
him seven years later.) Nicole's not going to let him use their
son's death to weasel out of this one. Bennett quickly back pedals.
"I didn't mean it like that." (Yes he did.  She just didn't buy it like
that.)  He wishes the affair hadn't happened and he's truly sorry
from the bottom of his heart.  (Sure that's why he was mauling
Eve in the on-call room.) "Sorry isn't good enough," she declares.
He doesn't know what to say. "For the moment I would suggest
saying nothing at all," Nicole wisely advises. "I just hope to God
Julie never finds out."  Bennett's clearly thinking things are going
to get worse before they get better.

What would Dr. Tony Jones do in this situation?
Wait for his wife to divorce him and then marry the little
home wrecker.

Does anyone remember the Dudley-Do-Right theme?  Hum it now
as Matt comes down the corridor and hears Boardman retching
and groaning.  He sees Boardman bleeding on the floor of room
666 and springs into action.  He calls for a nurse as he gets out of
his chair to sit beside Boardman and examine him.  He's got
"JBD", whatever that is.  Matt barks out medical orders to the
nurse as Boardman tries to pass on some vital information.
"Gre..Gre... Coop..." Matt tells him not to try to talk.  Boardman
ignores him, after all he wouldn't be trying to spit it out if it
weren't important.  "Greg... Greg Cooper."Boardman finally
gets out.  "Did he do this to you?  He did this to you," Matt says
shrilly.  Matt calls for a chest tube so he can save Boardman's life.
(No power tools were used in this operation.)

What would Ben Casey have done in this situation?
Exactly the same thing.

Meanwhile back in the courtroom. Gail gives her testimony. Scott
looks worried.  Byron badgers Gail into admitting that Scott
took Serena without her permission. (Contrary to the contention
in his opening argument.) Karen comes into the courtroom.
Lucy takes the stand and despite answering a number of questions
gives absolutely no information regarding Scott's violation of
the custody arrangement.  She narrowly avoids a contempt charge.
Kevin and Rex are both impressed.  Karen is called to testify.
"Were you afraid when you learned Scott had abducted Serena?"
Rollins asks her.  "He didn't abduct her. He's her father," Karen
insists. The lawyer wants to know if Karen thought Scott was
going to leave the country.  When Karen gives her reasons for
thinking he wasn't, Rollins instructs her to just answer "yes"
or "no".  As contrary as her father, she is spurred on by that remark.
She tells them if Scott or anyone else was a threat to Serena she
would be the first to cry bloody murder.  The only threat she
sees is the court trying to take Serena away. The judge tells her
that's enough.  Scott smiles proudly.

What would Christopher Darden have done in this situation?
Signed a book deal by now.

A camera crew is at the hospital about to tape a television appeal
by Mr. and Mrs. Devlin.   Frank goes over to Nicole. "Mrs.
Devlin, are you all right?  Is there anything I can get for you?"
(A divorce lawyer, perhaps?) "No, nothing," she says. Bennett
calls her over to join him in front of the camera.  "We'll get
through this," he tells her.  She says the only thing that matters
is Julie and they'll settle the rest later.  Eve comes up to Frank
and Chris magically appears out of the wall.  She tells them that
Matt has just saved Boardman's life after he was attacked by
Cooper.  Frank tells Eve to call Garcia and tell him to get to the
Cooper mansion ASAP.  He's going there now. Chris reluctantly
joins in on the heroics.  "Wait, I'm coming with you." (See, Chris
is good, at heart... way deep down... way, way, way, deep down.)

What would Batman and Robin do in this situation?
Change into tights.

Ellen congratulates Matt for his quick-thinking in saving Boardman's
life.  "Boardman's going to make it because of you."  Matt's glad.
(Not one to hold a grudge... after he's won.)  Matt notes the
irony, (but not the cliche) of having saved Boardman.  Ellen thinks
Matt will be a gifted surgeon. Matt says she's making him blush,
and darn near says, "Aw, shucks, twern't nothin'".

What would Nick and Nora have done in this situation?
Had another martini.

Back in the courtroom it's Scott's turn on the stand.  He didn't
mean to cause any trouble. "I was just being a father." (This
is brilliant, Justus. The "I-am-an-idiot" defense.) Serena had been
crying and needed her father.  Justus says Scott knew he was in
violation of the court order.  Scott admits that, but says that's
why Serena was upset, because they'd never been apart before,
except for when she was kidnaped.  He glares at Rex and Danielle.
"So you were looking out for her welfare?" Justus asks.  Scott
agrees that he was.  He wasn't planning to snatch her, he was
just reassuring her.   Scott doesn't think there was anything wrong
with spending the day with his daughter, if the court thinks so
he doesn't know what else to say.  Justus asks Scott's opinion
on the Stanton custody suit.  Scott refrains from flinging accusations
around and says they don't know Serena and she doesn't know them.
He begs the judge to leave Serena with her grandparents.  The judge
indulges in the dramatic Friday pause. ( If we were her, we'd take
that gavel and give Scott a bonk on the head.)

What would Dustin Hoffman in Kramer vs. Kramer have done in
this situation.

Cooper, has the anesthetic, his scalpel, his operating room and
his patient.  He's ready.  He tells Julie not to be afraid.  She
struggles as he tries to inject her.  Frank and Chris are upstairs
outside the front door.  Frank tells Chris if he doesn't want to be
arrested for breaking and entering now is the time to split. "Now
you tell me," Chris says.  He looks around to see if any neighbors
are watching, but he's not backing out.  "Two shoulders are
better than one."  They break down the door.  Greg hears the
noise and puts his hand over Julie's mouth.  On the other side
of the wall Frank is counting. "I count seven basement windows
outside.  Now there's four over there and two over there."
Holy, sunlight Batman, you're right. Chris follows him to the
correct conclusion.  "There has to be another room some place,"
Chris deduces.  They start to search.  Cooper waits, listening
and trying to quiet Julie.

What would Norman Bates have done in this situation?
Put on a dress and gotten a bigger knife.

Director - Anthony Morina
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bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca