Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC:Update, Wednesday, 12 November 1997
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 09:31:02 -0400

Port Charles Update, 12 November 1997

A date or not a date, that is the question...

At Karen's, Karen is getting ready for her dinner at Mario's with Joe.
Her mom wishes she was dressed more festively.  Karen keeps insisting
that this is not a date.  Her mom thinks she doth protest too much.

At the Sanlons', Joe is getting ready as well.  He can't seem to decide
on a tie.  Julie and Frank are teasing him.  He, too, insists it's not a
date.  Julie is preparing dinner for her parents.  Joe is still
dithering over his tie.  He insists again "it's not a date!".

At the hospital, Eve can't find a report on an angioplasty procedure.
She thinks she left it at her old digs.  She's called Julie, who says
she can't find it, but Eve doesn't think she looked very hard.  She
wants Chris to drive her to the Scanlons'.  She'll owe him one.

Bennett and Nicole are driving in the car.  He tells her she looks
good.  She wants him to give it a rest; she'll be civil to him when
others are around, but not when they're alone.  She wants to know when
the affair with Eve started.

        Bennett's tale: Eve had missed a lecture and had come by his office.
She is dressed in a red, slinky dress.  He tries to help her, but she
can't concentrate, because she is so attracted to him.  He wants her to
read his article, she wants him to read it to her as a bedtime story.
He insists he's a married man, her behaviour is inappropriate and a good
grade needs to be earned.  She has every intention of earning it, and
procedes to seduce him on his office chair.

Bennett insists he was vulnerable at the time of Eve's approach.  Nicole
doesn't believe him for a second, and has another version in mind.

        Nicole's tale: Eve has come to his office because she doesn't
understand some of the course material about cardiac stroke volume.  She
is dressed in a prim and proper suit and is wearing glasses.  He offers
to explain it to her, meanwhile rubbing her shoulders.  Eve says that
anything between them is out of the question, he's a married man.  Eve
can't do this, she respects him too much.  Bennett none- too-subtly
threatens her that she could reconsider if she wants a good grade.  He
wants Eve to be his star pupil.

Nicole thinks he took advantage of Eve.  Her trust and faith in him is
destroyed. [Of course, neither of these are a recounting of the true
event...methinks it was a little more consensual.]

Chris and Eve are driving to the Scanlons'.  Eve offers to clean or take
the trash out to repay Chris for the ride.  He has a housekeeper.  But
he wouldn't mind a foot rub.  Chris offers to go into the house with
her.  Eve thanks him for the moral support.  Chris isn't going for
support, but for the fireworks. [I'm liking Chris a lot today, but maybe
it's because he's with Eve.]

Joe is now dressed for dinner, but is nervous.  Frank wants him to
loosen up and lose the tie.  Mary enters.  She thinks Joe looks good and
asks if he is going on a date.  "It's not a date!" is the reply.  Joe
leaves.  Julie enters and Mary wants to know how she's doing.  She says
she's OK.  Nicole and Ben enter.  White wine all 'round.  A toast from
Julie to her friends and parents.  Eve and Chris enter.

Eve needs to find her report.  She apologizes; she didn't know they had
company, and goes downstairs to look for the report.  Chris wonders if
they are having an early Thanksgiving (because of the turkey cooking).
No, they are celebrating Julie's rescue.  Chris is hurt but doesn't say
anything. [OK, I *really* am liking Chris today and empathising with his
hurt feelings.]  Eve returns from the basement apartment,  she has found
the report.  Chris and Eve leave.  Julie feels awful [well, you
should!]; she should have invited Chris.

At Mario's, Mrs Mario Jr. sits Karen and Joe at the best table in the
house.  She orders food and wine for them.  They admire the restaurant,
but are nervous and uncomfortable and can't find anything to say to each
other.  They talk about how they had to make it clear to Rhonda and
Frank that it was not a date.  A serenader comes by to play them a tune.

Julie's dinner was wonderful.  Julie describes how when she was with
Cooper she remembered reading an article about POWs, who survived by
thinking of the good times in their pasts.  She thought about birthdays,
Xmas's, etc.  She imagined a dinner with friends and family if rescued.
Julie wants to throw a party for everyone who worked for her release.
[DON'T forget Chris this time!] She promised herself she would spend
more time with friends if she got away from Cooper.

At Mario's, Karen and Joe also had a wonderful dinner.  They are more
relaxed.  They joke again about getting ready and how this is a dinner
between friends, and "not a date".  Karen talks about how she had
thought her life was all planned out for her, that there would be no
more surprises or nights like this.  She is surprised at how much of a
loop this threw her for.  She has real doubts about herself.  Joe won't
let her doubt herself. [Hey, is he taking lessons in relationships from
Jax?  He's starting to sound just like him!]

Eve and Chris are back at GH.  Eve is a little upset she surprised the
Rockwell painting at the Scanlons'.  She felt like a skunk at a lawn
party.  Chris asks: "Nicole knows, doesn't she?".

In the car, Bennett says that the evening was wonderful.  Nicole replies
"especially when Eve came by".  Ben apologizes and suggests flying
home.  Nicole: "What makes you think I'm going home with you?".

Mrs. Mario wants to serve them dessert.  Teramizu (sp.?) is for lovers.
Gives the guy strength for amoré.  Karen insists they are just friends.
Karen and Joe discuss how everyone thinks they're on a date.  Joe thinks
they should remedy that by going on a real date.  Karen thinks she may
be ready.  They agree on Friday.  It's a date!