Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - November 14th
Date: 17 Nov 1997 05:56:01 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - November 14th 1997
(posted and e-mailed)


Kevin has walked into the bank official's office.  He asks to see Scott
Baldwin's records.  The man refuses to release them.  Kevin smiles
and says he'd like a delay so he can go deep-sea fishing.  He was told
if he had the paperwork it was all routine.  He has the Power of
Attorney and the death certificate.  Is anything missing?  The bank
official is surprised to learn that Mr. Baldwin is dead.  (Two weeks
ago of a heart attack).  The bank official says that a woman who
claimed to work for Scott was in earlier and she didn't mention he was
dead.  Kevin asks if she was 5' 6 with a good figure.  He tells the man
that she was someone with a claim against the estate trying to get
Scott's financial records.  He's relieved they didn't release records to
her.  But he has to catch a plane in two hours so could they hurry up
and release them to him.

Lucy is on the phone to Scott but hasn't heard from Kevin and he's
been gone for hours.   Scott says he has something that will lift her
spirits.  He got Rex' platinum card number.  Lucy wonders why they
would care where Rex shops.  Scott explains that they can tell where
he's traveled by tracing the charges on the card.  He wants to know
everything about Rex Stanton.

Mike shows Julie and Frank the spread he has ready for her shindig
at The Recovery Room.  Julie confirms that there will be thirty guests
attending, her parents, Frank's Mom, the Interns on six, (which brings
up the frightening possibility of Interns on other floors) Ellen, and the
Nurses.  She still counts thirty. (Wait a second, we thought counting
was Frank's job.)  Mike walks away and Julie tells Frank that she
didn't invite Eve and was that okay.  Frank says that Eve volunteered
to help find her, but it was Julie's party and she didn't have to invite
anyone she didn't want.  Julie says she couldn't bear to ask the
woman who slept with her father.  (Must cut down on the guest list
considerably when they're home in Chicago.)

At the nurses' station another nurse is talking to Grace and Eve.  She
asks if Grace is going with anyone.  Grace wistfully says she is going
alone as usual. How about Dr. Lambert?  Eve says she is otherwise
engaged.  Eve walks away from the Nurses' station.  Chris who
apparently overheard the conversation asks her why she's not going.
She tells him she wasn't invited.  He asks her to go to the party with
him. She laughs at him. "You know if this surgeon thing doesn't work
out for you, you always have a career as a stand-up comedian to fall
back on."  He's serious.  He wants her to be his date.

She wants to know why on earth he would want to have a
home wrecker on his arm.  He says she hasn't wrecked any homes.
She says she tried.  He points out that the Devlins are fine (little does
he know) and she's the one who got left out in the cold.  She likes the
positive spin, but Julie hates her and that's who made the guest list.
Chris is tired of the Devlin's dictating who can be in their country club,
and that includes Julie.  Now Eve gets it.  Chris is upset be he wasn't
invited to Julie's last shindig.  Julie was rotten to him.  He helped save
Julie too and was treated like chopped liver while she gushed over
Frank.  Chris isn't admitting anything. "Do you or do you not want to
go to this party with me."  "Did I Touch a nerve?" Eve says sweetly.
"Keep it up and I won't take you." Chris retorts. Eve agrees to go
because it will "needle Ms. Self-righteous".

Justus is at Scott's firehouse going over Rex's credit records with
Scott.  They have a record of Rex' hotel bills which show he called
Tokyo and the Cayman Islands.   Scott theorizes that Rex will claim
he was just checking up on Scott.  All Scott needs to do is to have a
receipt to show where he was when Rex opened accounts in the
Cayman Islands.   Scott despairs of finding a receipt because he hasn't
had a chance to unpack.  Justus agrees that Scott has been busy.

Julie's party is starting.  She is thrilled that Frank has worn a tie.
He says he wore it to impress her. (Uh, he had it on earlier when
they were laying out the food.  And he wears one every day he
teaches school. Sheesh.  Blue collar this guy has never done.)
Mary comes in with a dish of potato salad.  Karen and Joe follow
her in.  They both profess to be glad Julie is safe.  Julie says they
can thank Frank for that. (Note to Chris: You are still chopped-liver)
Joe and Karen head to check out the food.  A waitress brings
Julie and Frank drinks.  Ellen comes in.  Julie's says her hair looks
great.  (New orange hued dreadlocks) She's also wearing a tight
black dress.  "You are one fine looking woman." Frank tells her.
Julie jokingly says he can't talk to her boss like that.  "I beg your
pardon," says Burgess, "he certainly can"  They invite her to help
herself to the buffet.  Matt approaches her there. (Seems to think
she's part of the buffet.) "Did you used to be Dr. Burgess?  She
says she still is.  He recognizes the voice but the package is
different.  "Different good, or different bad?"  She asks.  "Different
fantastic."   He asks about the dreadlocks, since they don't grow
over night.  She explains that she was wearing a wig to fit a certain
image she felt was being asked of her, but his fight has given her
the courage to get rid of it.

Nicole and Bennett come in.  Julie tells Nicole she looks beautiful.
Bennett agrees.  Nicole says hello to Frank, turns her back on
Bennett and goes to the bar.  Julie wonders what's wrong with Mom.
"Mom seems tense." (Too much caffeine... no, too much Dad.)
Bennett says he'll go and see how she is.  Nicole orders a dry martini
straight up with a twist. She looks over her shoulder at Bennett.
"Make that a double."  Bennett holds up two fingers. "Two."
Nicole asks him what Eve likes to drink. "Gin? Or sugary drinks
like raspberry daiquiris?" Bennett unsuccessfully tries to interrupt
her. "Don't tell me she liked Tequila shots."  Bennett objects.
Nicole says she's just trying to find out what kind of woman he's
attracted to.  He tells her that he's attracted to her. (Okay, granted,
he just keeps wanting younger versions.) Chris and Eve walk in.
They survey the "crowd". "Well, looks like this is going to be
some party," says Chris.

Julie can't believe that Eve had the nerve to show up.  Like mother
like daughter.  Nicole can't believe that Eve had the gall to show
up.  Bennett gulps his martini.  "Time to mingle," says Chris.
"I hope everyone checked their weapons at the door," Eve says
through her teeth.  Frank and Chris greet each other in a friendly
manner.  Chris says he dragged Eve along and hopes Julie
doesn't mind.  Julie minds.  Eve says she's glad Julie's all right
and Julie forces herself to thank Julie for pitching in on the
rescue efforts.   Frank suggests that Eve and Chris go and get
a drink.

Matt and Jake are sitting at one table.  Jake is on his third
beer.  Matt asks how Danielle is.  Jake says he wouldn't know,
she moved in with her Uncle.  Matt says "Ah, ha." (Which
means "Ah, ha, the girl dumped you and moved back with
her family." An understandable misreading of the situation.)
They change the subject.  Jake points out that it's a long time
since the interns have got together.  "At least we're all getting
along now," says Matt. (Sarcastically, we trust.)  It was a relief
to find out that Cooper was causing their problems all along.
"Yeah, he really had us at each other throats," Jake agreed.
(What are these two talking about.  Cooper didn't do anything
to them.  And the only person whose throat was in danger was

Karen is eyeing Chris' throat.   She's glad to be back on surgical
rotation, but doesn't consider the matter closed.  Cooper may
have altered Kevin's IV, tampered with the files and put files
in the on-call room lockers. (That was locker singular, Karen.
Chris' to be specific.)  But Cooper didn't read her mail. (Notice
the difference in the magnitude of the crimes, Karen.) And he
didn't spread the news all over the hospital. (He told one person.
Ellen.  Count her, one.  Frank can help.) "Ramsey did that," Karen
says vindictively. (Well, Cooper didn't have the idea of framing
Chris for tampering with that IV, that was yours and Joe's idea
Karen.  You little wench.  And you told Lucy about it directly,
and then lied and said Lucy overheard it. Now we didn't expect
an apology to Chris, for Karen and Joe's mistake, but the least
she could do is call it even.)

We had time for the above rant since the next eight minutes of
the show is gone, kaput, ex-scenes, lost in the ether. It was
canceled by a tremendously important Newsbreak.  Nevertheless
we can guess what happened.  Somebody turns on the jukebox
(Grace?) Dancing ensues.  Chris and Eve get out on the floor.
Julie and Nicole and Bennett are all giving them the evil eye.
Chris decides to give them all something to watch and plants
a kiss on Eve.  Everyone is shocked, except Bennett who is
doubtless jealous.  Fade on Julies' reaction or Nicole's.


Back to Kevin and Lucy in the Cayman Islands.  They are
lounging about in becoming white bathrobes.  They probably
discuss Scott's problem, and their own efforts to conceive.
And if they were unfortunate Brenda came up.

Back to Julie's depressing party.  Chris is reveling in whatever
reaction he just got.  Nicole almost does something, but
Bennett stops her.  (Bet it's occurring to her right now that
going after Eve's "boyfriend" would be an appropriate revenge.)
Matt makes a vaguely romantic suggestion to Ellen.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

Matt and Ellen are talking at the buffet.  He is saying something
about interns being a conflict of interest. "If we were dating..."
He starts.  We are not dating, Ellen says firmly.  He intends to
remedy that.  She establishes distance, apologizing to him for
giving any impression that they had a relationship outside the
office.  He tells her not to get authoritarian on him. (Hmm...
So rejection is authoritarian is it?)  He tells her that she has to
admit there's something between them.  He's not making
that up.  She says he is, and this is the last conversation on the
subject. She walks out.

Chris and Eve have decided to leave.  He pushes her in Julie's
direction.  He tells them it was a "Great party" Julie thanks
him and glares at Eve.  "Bye," Eve says shortly.  Eve and
Chris go out the door.  Eve is amazed that Julie actually seemed
to be jealous. "Well, her loss is your gain," says Chris.  He
pretends to lean in for another kiss.  She pushes him away
with one hand, "You wish," and they both laugh.

Frank tells Julie it's time to go home.   She's reluctant to leave
because Mum and Dad are still there.  Frank says they don't
have to wait. (Nicole looks permanently attached to the
bar.)  Julie goes to get her coat.  Nicole holds up her drink
and tells Bennnett, "Too bad your floozie left." He suggests
they go back to the hotel.  She's been drinking a little too
much.  She snaps back that he's been whoring around a little
too much.  She tells him, "The worst thing that's going to
happen to me is a hangover.  You're going to lose your wife."
Julie is just in time to hear the last part of her mother's rant.

Joe takes Karen home.  Karen says she had a good time.
"Not me," he says facetiously.  He didn't enjoy spending time
with her and dancing with her.  They kiss. She tells him it was
strange being out with him in public. Strange, wonderful.
He's not saying much.  Not in the mood for talking.  She tells
him the evening doesn't have to end.  Does he want to come
inside?  (That's the Friday cliffhanger?  We'll wager a thousand
Internet credits, they don't sleep together on Monday.)

Director - Anthony Morina and The Presidential Press Secretary

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