Daily Updates

From: klsatlin@aol.com (Klsatlin)
Subject: PC:  Update, Wed. November 19th
Date: 20 Nov 1997 06:13:42 GMT

Hi, everyone.  I'm filling in here just for today, so bear with me.  And to all
 the regular updaters, you guys have my greatest respect.  I don't know how you
 do this everyday!  Keep up the good work!  Now, without further ado:

The Devlins

Julie dreams of Greg Cooper performing surgery and she's assisting him.  As the
 camera pans up, Cooper turns into Bennett.  Lying on the gurney is Nicole, and
 he says, "Don't worry, we can fix everything.", and she turns into Eve.  Ben
 then passes the scalpel onto Julie, while Eve begins to scream.  Frank wakes
 Julie up, and she tells him the dream.  Nicole calls on the phone to arrange
 lunch with Julie, and mentions that she has decided to stay in Port Charles
 for a while, as she doesn't want to go home to an empty house.  Julie heads to
 work, where she picks up her phone messages, one from Mom, one from Dad.  She
 thanks Chris for being nice to her mom the other day.  Ben shows up, and Chris
 leaves.  Julie tells her father that Nicole is staying in PC, and he is
 relieved.  He wants her help in fixing things up between the two of them.
 That afternoon, Nicole shows up to meet Julie for lunch.  Julie tells her she
 has to cancel, she has been called into surgery.  Ben appears, and shares with
 his wife and daughter that Alan Quartermaine has asked him to stay at GH for a
 while, so he's staying in town, too.  He tells Nicole that he wants to work
 things out with her.

Matt, Grace, Ellen

Matt, Chris, and Jake are discussing Boardman when Grace shows up.  She asks
 Matt if he would like to have dinner at her place, and he agrees.  Ellen, on
 the phone, overhears them and walks away.  Later, Ellen overhears Audrey Hardy
 talking to Grace about her date.  Grace leaves, and Audrey comments to Ellen
 that it is nice that someone around that place is having a private life.
 Ellen just stares at her.  Later, Julie is on the phone, telling Frank all
 about her parents' situation.  Ellen arrives and yells at her for spending so
 much time on the phone.  Julie states that she is on a break, and they argue.
 Grace steps in to mediate, and Ellen tells her that interns are HER business
 and "unless I want a recipe for vegetarian lasagna {what she is making for
 Matt}, mind your damn business!"  Grace starts to protest, but gives up and
 walks away.  Ellen turns around and there is Matt.  She walks away with him
 staring at her.

Rex, Danielle, Scott, Lucy

Danielle is in her room, sitting on her bed.  She flashes back to reading
 Serena a story during the kidnapping, then the conversation when Rex told her
 he was going to frame her for the kidnapping, and finally to Serena screaming
 at her at GH the other day.  She decides to leave, so she goes to the closet
 and gets a suitcase and begins packing.  Rex knocks on the door, and she tells
 him to hold on.  She throws the clothes in the closet, and opens the door.
 They discuss Jake and how he'll come back to Danielle, and if he doesn't, she
 can find someone new.  She tells him she doubts it, and he leaves.  Meanwhile,
 Scott is at the firehouse, and Lucy arrives.  She has a plan.  She wants
 Scott's security guys to bug her so she can get close to Rex and get info, but
 Scott tells her that in her tight outfits, there is no where to hid a bug.
 Lucy argues, and finally Scott agrees, so he has his guard take Lucy down to
 the office to discuss it with the security guys.  They leave.  Scott is
 waiting for a phone call from Lee when there is a knock at the door.  He opens
 the door, and Danielle is standing there.  She tells him it is over.  He lets
 her in, and she explains that she realized that she doesn't want to hurt
 Serena anymore.  She explains the history with Rex, and that she nows wants to
 make up for it.  She tells him that she has ran away from Rex for good.  He
 yells at her, and tells her he wants her to admit that she isn't Dominique's
 half-sister, or Serena's mother.  She tells him she is Dom's sis, but knew
 nothing about Serena until she did what Scott might go to prison for.  He
 grabs her.  He tells her he wants a witness to her confession.  He calls
 Conklin, and Conklin agrees to come over.  He tells Danielle that he'll
 protect Jake, and calls his security guys and tells them to tell Lucy that
 something has happened.    Back at the Stanton house, Rex knocks on Danielle's
 door.   He finally walks in, finding her gone, her closet empty.  He says,
 "You can run, Danielle, but I will never let you hide..."

The End

Thanks for bearing with me!


"This above all:  to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night
 the day, thou canst not then be false to any other man"  -- William Shakespeare