Daily Updates

From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Tuesday, 11/25/97
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 05:52:26 GMT
X-Server-Date: 30 Nov 1997 05:52:43 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                      Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1997

I have somewhat of a streak going here with Tuesday updates.  Last week
we had a Man in Towel sighting - this week, it's a Man (the same man, in
fact) in Boxer Shorts.

* Two Angry Men
* And Here's to You, Mrs. Devlin
* Danielle, We Hardly Knew Ye

Scott has dropped by Chez Jake.  Scott offers sympathy, telling Jake, "I
know what it's like to lose somebody."  He explains that Danielle talked
about her love for Jake, and apologizes for not protecting her.  Jake
figures Rex is responsible, one way or another, and he plans to make Rex

Speaking of blood, Jake tells Scott about Rex's plan to make it look
like Danielle was Serena's biological mother.  Scott can't understand
why Jake didn't come to him.  Jake explains that he and Danielle tried -
they had planned to talk to Kevin, but he was in the ICU after his
surgery, and Scott and Lucy refused to listen.  Jake makes an excellent
point:  "You didn't trust us; why would we trust you?"  Scott, that
master of putting himself in another's shoes (NOT!), continues to berate
Jake for not coming to him.  Jake offers to go to the FBI, but Scott
figures they need more than just Jake's word.  Jake thinks he might have
something.  He opens the box which is supposed to house all the blood
samples - except it's empty.  (Besides, what would that prove?  Rex
could claim that Jake and Danielle cooked up the plot on their own.)

Meanwhile, Rex is out on the docks dumping the blood samples, and the
vials that held them, into the river.  He might as well - with Danielle
gone, his plan is pretty much down the drain.  He is evidently of the
if-life-gives-you-lemons-make-lemonade persuasion, because he gleefully
croons "If I Were a Rich Man" as he destroys the evidence.  You can
almost see visions of alternate schemes dancing in his head.

Scott and Jake go to the police station to see Garcia.  They play
Danielle's answering machine message to Scott for Garcia.  Garcia
listens to Scott and Jake's theory about Rex, and he agrees to question
Rex.  He's pessimistic, though, because they don't have any hard

Unfortunately for Scott and Jake, Rex arrives at the police station and
puts on another Oscar-worthy performance.  He claims that Danielle was
afraid of both Scott and Jake; he says that Danielle asked to move in
with Rex for protection from Jake's violent temper.  He tosses in a
mention of the fact that Jake punched him right after Danielle died, and
claims to be frightened of Jake himself.

In Nicole's room at the Port Charles Hotel, we see Nicole in a bathrobe
and Chris in paisley silk boxers.  Unless they are lingerie models
awaiting the photographer's return, we can safely assume that their
kisses last Friday led to, shall we say, something more.  Nicole is a
bit embarrassed and guilty - Chris is the only man she's slept with
besides Bennett.  Chris assures her she didn't do anything wrong, and
it's not the end of the world (gee, I hope not).  Chris promises to be
discreet (yeah, for as long as there's something in it for him).

Suddenly, Chris and Nicole hear a knock at the door.  It's the
cheated-upon (and cheating) husband - what fun!!  Bennett opens the door
(he convinced the desk clerk to give him the key), but luckily Nicole
had the presence of mind to put the chain lock on the door, so he can't
get in.  She tells him to scram, and after a brief
through-the-crack-in-the-door attempt to convince her to let him in so
they can talk things out, he departs.

Chris, now dressed, glibly remarks, "That went well."  Nicole was afraid
she'd have a heart attack; Chris retorts, "Good thing you were with a
doctor."  He has to go to work, so he kisses her and departs.

At the hospital, various interns and nurses hang around talking about
Danielle.  This isn't particularly interesting for two reasons:  (1)
they barely knew her, and (2) it's Danielle they're talking about.  The
gang puts aside their grief for long enough to offer and accept
invitations to the Cast-of-Thousands Scanlon Thanksgiving Feast.

Karen tells Joe that she regrets blaming Danielle for harming Serena,
since now she knows "it wasn't all her fault."  (Your updater thinks it
was enough Danielle's fault that Karen was totally justified in every
word she said about it, but guilt isn't necessarily a rational emotion.)
Karen and Joe reflect on the difference between an intellectual and an
emotional understanding of death.  She remarks that they never take time
to think about their own mortality; they are sacrificing so much to
become doctors.  Joe convinces her, though, that they are very lucky;
she agrees that she wouldn't change anything in her life.  Scott and
Jake arrive, and Karen and Joe offer Jake their sympathy.  Jake doesn't
know what he's going to do  (evidently he hasn't read the spoilers).

Scott and Eve discuss the Subject du Jour; Scott relates Jake's grief to
his own experiences and waxes rhapsodic about Dominique.  Eve figures
Dom must have been a saint to put up with Scott.  Scott emphasizes Dom's
sense of humor, remarking that Serena inherited it.  Eve figures that
Scott doesn't seem like a guy who likes to cook (she obviously doesn't
know about his famous chipped beef), so she offers to prepare a
Thanksgiving feast of hot dogs for Scott and Serena.  When Scott
questions the menu, she amplifies - "They're turkey dogs!"  Scott
invites her to the Cast-of-Thousands Coe-Collins Day-Before-Thanksgiving
Feast, which is being held early so that Lee and Gail can take Serena to
the Macy's parade.  Eve accepts, and suggests an adults-only feast of
turkey dogs on Thursday.

Garcia arrives at the hospital and reluctantly arrests Jake for assault
and battery - on Rex.  Scott watches, frustrated.

by Rika, Tuesday updater