Daily Updates

From: mtczajka@aol.com (MTCzajka)
Subject: PC: Monday Update 12/8
Date: 9 Dec 1997 00:14:16 GMT

Scott is with Lee and Kevin at the courthouse discussing what they want
in a jury.  Lee says 40ish women with children who would be sympathetic
about a father losing his child.  Rex arrives and smirks that the prosecution
is looking for 40ish women with children who would want to hang the
monster that would kidnap his own child.  (I reach for the control to FF over
Rex, but remember that it's my day to make a self-serving bid for attention
from RATSA)  He slimes his way off and Lee goes to check on something.
Kevin tries to improve Scott's mood by telling him that their plot is working,
rumours about his and Lucy's breakup are flying all over.  Scott still wants
to kill Rex.  The bailiff enters and announces the judge - oddly looking right
at the camera at the end.  (Not that it has any bearing on the plot - I think
was a bit player getting himself noticed).  The judge asks for an approximate
time frame - they agree on 8 days.  The judge clears his docket for 3 weeks.
Later, the prosecution accepts juror 11.  Lee gets her to admit she thinks
is guilty - she is dismissed.  Lee accepts another juror, a father who admits
he'd want to kill the person who framed him for kidnapping his own kid.  The
next candidate, a low paid worker who hates people who inherit money is
dismissed using one of the defense pre-emptory strikes (their third out of 4
allowed).  Later, they have to take the last juror because their strikes are
up (the other jurors were not interviewed on camera).  Scott is not happy,
knowing that jurists sometimes convict because of personal reasons - Kevin
tries unsuccessfully to be reassuring.  Lee thinks the jury is okay, but Scott
starting to panic.

Lucy and Gail are preparing for Serena's bday party.  The social worker will
be bringing Serena home so Scott can come to the party.  Gail asks Lucy about
the scene at the Port Charles Grill.  Lucy is obviously uncomfortable having
to tell Gail that she feels Serena is not getting the proper care at Lee and
Serena comes in and is very excited at all the decorations.  She calls for her
daddy, thinking he's hiding, and is very disappointed that he isn't there.
tries to distract her by asking about her school party, showing party favours,
offering chocolate chip cookies and punch.  Gail tries to help by offering to
put the Spice Girls on - Lucy agrees (though this is obviously a sample of the
improper care by Gail!).  None of this re-inflates Serena's mood - the party
won't start until her dad is there.  Lucy assures her that *nothing* will keep
Scott from being there, while Serena looks heart-wrenchingly sad.

Meanwhile, the judge adjourns until the next morning.  Rex gloats to Scott that
he has lost in jury selection and promises to send pictures of her birthday
year (with Rex) or maybe a piece of her birthday cake with a file in it.  Scott

says nothing and Rex leaves the courtroom.  Kevin tells Scott that Rex is just
trying to get him to snap.  Scott says that they are going to win because
is depending on him.

Karen has arrived at Serena's party, this doesn't cheer her up either.  Scott,
Kevin, and Lee arrive and Serena runs to him.  They bring out her cake and
she wishes she could live with Scott again.  She is crushed when one candle
doesn't go out - it means her wish will never come true and runs off.  Scott
goes after her, leaving everyone looking worried, Gail saying that the trial is
having a terrible effect on Serena, and Lee adding "Scott, too."

Scott goes to Serena's room with a cupcake with one candle - an extra wish
cake.  She's doubtful, but he convinces her that if you leave one candle
you get an extra wish.  He promises her that things will get better and gives
her a jewel box.  There's a locket with a picture of her and Scotty, and one
of Mommy - to show they'll always be together.  Serena is worried that her
Mommy already left them and maybe Scott will too.  He holds her and tells
her that will never, ever happen and she finally smiles.

Chris is getting ready to assist Devlin in surgery.  Ben comes up and replaces
him.  Chris had hoped they could be professional about the Nicole situation.
Ben doesn't think so.  Ellen comes up and asks to have a word with Devlin,
they go off.  She asks why he is replacing Chris, whom he had spoken highly
of in the past.  Ben claims he thinks his work is substandard.  He heads for
the OR, bringing Joe to assist.  Chris vows that Devlin won't stop him.  Later,
Joe is raving to Matt about working with Devlin.  Chris congratulates him for
having a wonderful experience at Chris' expense.  Joe thinks Chris is being
egotistical - just then Ben comes over and rants about Chris' sloppy pre-op
work.  Chris tries to defend himself but Devlin rips into him.  Eve overhears
and asks what's going on - she knows Ben well enough to know that Chris
must have really done something to anger him.  Later, Chris tells Devlin that
he will not take this treatment, and he'll sue him for harassment.  Ben scoffs
at the idea, but Chris tells him that he is being singled out because he slept
with Ben's wife.  Ben tells him to keep his voice down - Chris says loudly
"What - you don't want anyone to know that I slept with her?"  They agree
to stay out of each other's way.  Chris leaves and Devlin glares after him.

After her party, Serena is sleeping with the locket on.  Dominique appears and
hugs her, telling her not to worry, she's there watching over Serena and her
father.  She sits in a rocking chair and disappears - Serena (still sleeping)
her hand around the locket.

