Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 12/19/97
Date: 22 Dec 1997 02:43:44 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update -December 19th  1997
(posted and e-mailed)


At Karen's place she and Julie are sharing a pizza.  Julie apologizes
for her father giving Karen a bad evaluation.  Karen points out that
Devlin also gave Julie a hard time.  Julie says that at least Karen
got some good reviews.  Julie's were all bad.  Karen is indignant
on Julie's behalf the committee should have been lenient because
of Julie's being kidnaped and her parent's divorce. There's a
knock on the door.  It's Scott. Before he comes in he mentions to
Karen that he heard Devlin gave her a hard time, and she should
ignore Bennett because he's an idiot.  Scott comes in, sees Julie,
realizes his faux pas and apologizes.  Karen tells him that Devlin
was harder on his own daughter than he was on Karen.

Our Evaluation - Karen: Whines way too much, but that wouldn't
prevent her from being a well-respected Doctor at GH.  Has
a tendency to flirt with Joe and gossip with Julie rather that
look after patients.  We guess she won't pick surgery as her

Kevin encounters Eve at the hospital.  He heard she got a big
thumbs up from in the evaluation.  "Amazing, huh?" says Eve.
She's never thought of herself as a winner before.  Kevin says
they can talk about that in their next therapy session. She tells
him it's not that weird.  He asks her if she's going to dinner
with Lucy that night.  Yes, they're going to the PC Grille.
Kevin tells Eve to pass on a message.  Tell Lucy to "expect a

Our Evaluation - Eve:  She is a good Doctor.  When she's at
work she usually thinks about working.  Has unfortunate
inclination for cloak & dagger work and treating folks on
the sly.  Love the way she often uses the classic McCoy line,
"I'm a Doctor, not a...."

Gail and Serena are packing  a small suitcase, mostly filled by
Dirty Kitty.   Gail asks if Serena has packed everything including
her toothbrush.  There is a knock at the door.  It's Lucy.  Serena
runs to greet her.  Lucy notices the suitcase and asks where Serena
is going.  Serena is going for a sleep over at her friend Missy's
house. They're going to watch Frosty the Snowman.  Lucy says that's
her favorite movie. (Funny we'd have pegged her for a Rudolph
fan.) Serena tells Lucy she has gift for and runs out of the room
to get it.  Lucy tells Gail that she and Kevin have broken up, but
that neither of them want Serena to know that Lucy has moved
out of the Lighthouse.  Serena returns in time to hear the last bit
about moving out. (They've either got to be more careful, or put a
bell around that kid's neck.)  Serena asks why Lucy is not going
to live at the Lighthouse any more.

Serena asks if Lucy doesn't like the Lighthouse anymore.  Lucy
lies and tells the child that she's moving into the Port Charles
Hotel so she can be close to her work at Jacks Cosmetics.
Serena asks if Kevin will be lonely.  Lucy tells him that he and
Sigmund will keep each other company. (This should be a big
tip off to anyone who knows Lucy.  She'd never leave her duck
with a guy she hated.)   Serena tells her that Mommy says Lucy
shouldn't be alone either.  Lucy immediately believes the little
girl, sensing Dominique's presence in the room.  Gail objects to
her reinforcing Serena's imaginary Mom, but Lucy insists that
Dom is really there to give them comfort.  Serena gives her gift
to Lucy.  It's a handmade angel. Serena tells her it's Dominique.

Ellen comes down the stairs.  Jake waylays her.  He wants to
talk to her about his evaluation.  He's says it was a wake-up call
He's taken a long look at his priorities.  He wants to go back
to work.  Ellen's glad to hear it and will help him all she can.

Our Evaluation - Jake: Don't count on him making healing
his first priority.  Get Rex, takes first place, no matter what
platitudes he's spewing.  Anyway, we still want to see
him become a mad scientist and do interesting thing to
Port Chuckles residents.

On Karen's couch Scott and Julie are talking.  Julie sympathizes
with him.  It must be difficult being separated from Serena at
this time of year.  Scott complains that the judge is heartless
and he gets to spend Christmas Eve with Serena.  (Scott's
phrasing logic always makes our heads hurt.) Karen brings over
some more pizza. (The Domino's delivery boy must have her
address memorized by now.)  Scott makes small talk, asking if
the two girls have their Christmas shopping done.  They haven't
even started.  (What should Julie get Nicole?  Or as per Frank's
suggestion for the recently divorced, should Julie go home and
swipe the Toaster Oven?)  There's another knock at the door.
It's Frank and Joe.  Karen pulls Joe into a passionate kiss, and
then points to the mistletoe.  Frank stands under the mistletoe
and informs Julie that it's the Oklahoma state flower.  (Damn,
we'd  take this guy as a trivial pursuit partner any day.)  Julie
goes over and kisses him.  Alice the Landlady, whose been
getting a foreboding amount of screen time from the time of the
Divorce party, comes in.  Frank kisses her under the mistletoe,
though not quite as passionately. Karen asks if they are making
too much noise.  No, Alice just stopped by to see how the
evaluations went.  Everyone looks unhappy.   Karen gives her
a beer and offers to relate the gory details.

Our Evaluation - Julie: Beats Karen out in the whining department.
Objectivity is indeed her problem.  She should get therapy for
the Cooper incident.  Have to give her credit though, her first
instinct to disown her loopy family was absolutely correct.

At the Port Charles Grille Rex is drinking a cup of coffee.  Eve
and Lucy enter.  Lucy tells Eve to follow her lead. The waiter
shows them to their table.  Eve orders champagne because she
wants to celebrate her good evaluation.  Lucy spots Rex coming
over to them. "The eagles has landed," she tells Eve.  Lucy
introduces Rex and Eve, but Rex says they've already met.  Rex
asks Lucy why Kevin isn't with her.  Lucy doesn't answer.  Rex
asks if it's a girls' night on the town.  Lucy tells him that she's
just lost her top model and she's considering Eve for the position.
Eve is more surprised than Rex.  Rex leaves and Eve tells Lucy
she's never modeled.  Lucy says that Eve being a model is ludicrous
but that this is the cover story she came up with so Eve would have
a reason to come and talk with Lucy. Eve delivers Kevin's message.
"Expect a surprise." Lucy puzzles over what it could mean.

Grace, Jake and Chris arrive.  They're contributing a six-pack and
an instant camera to the party.  Grace gives the camera to Chris
who takes a snap of Julie and Frank kissing, he jokingly tells Frank
that Julie was thinking of him at the time. "Dream on," Julie scoffs.
Joe pulls Karen into his lap and kisses her so Chris can get a good
picture.  Jake suggests that perhaps Chris has found his true
profession. Chris insists that medicine is his calling, and that
once he gets Devlin off his back, he'll kick all of their butts. Alice
admires his confidence and asks them why they all wanted to became
Doctors.  They don't answer the question straight, instead listing
all the negative things they've put up with.  Julie offers a toast to
"Us." and making the evaluation committee eat their words in the next
six months.  "Hear, hear," everyone agrees, except the new arrival.
Eve waltzes in the door, bubbling with champagne.  She tells them
she's the new Jacks model, and jokes, "I'm a model, I'm a Doctor,
I'm a model, I'm a Doctor."  Most of them find her amusing.

Our Evaluation - Chris: This boy has problems, and winning
the Quartermaine fellowship isn't the biggest.  We're guessing
he'll make a great neurosurgeon if he doesn't get himself into
too much trouble first.  Sleeping with the wives of your superiors
is a bad call, but again doesn't disqualify you from anything at GH.

Lucy sits on her bed at the Port Charles hotel, eating chocolates,
flipping through catalogs and watching the shopping channel.
There's a knock on the door.  She asks who it is and person with
a very suspiciously bad accent tells her that it's room service.
She gets out of bed and opens the door.  She points out that she
didn't order room service.  The grey curly-haired waiter, with
glasses, a moustache and a paunch, wheels in the tray anyway,
"Tres Grande dessert," he tells her.  He asks her to sign for it,
but she refuses.  He suggests a tip. "I'll give you a tip, buddy,"
she says and pulls him into an ardent kiss.  Kevin asks how she
saw through his disguise.  She calls him a big dope and says the
moustache was the clincher.  He takes it off and puts it on her.
She asks him to kiss her again.  She bumps into his fake belly
and then they kiss.

Eve announces that she feels like dancing.  Chris offers to oblige
but she turns him down.  He jests that she should stop trying to
hide how they feel about each other.  She insists to everyone in
the room that just because she's crashing with Chris doesn't
mean there's anything going on between them.  The Interns pretend
to be skeptical, with Karen pointing out the kiss at Julie's party.
Eve contends that kissing someone at a party doesn't mean
anything and to prove she goes over and gives Frank a big, long
kiss.  Chris snaps a photo.  Frank says that all that proves is
that Eve has had too much to drink. (But he did not seem entirely
displeased by the kiss.)  Julie tells Eve not to use her boyfriend
to prove her points.  Alice suddenly drops her plate and grabs at
her own arm.  She gasps that she can't breathe and her chest hurts.
Karen and Joe tend to her as Julie calls 911.

Our Evaluation - Joe: Agree with the board that he's too volatile
and argumentative.  Very annoying, but he does seem trainable.
He's been much less temperamental of late.  Spends way too
much time flirting with Karen, but he doesn't gossip with Julie.

Lucy and Kevin cuddle by the fire.  They mock argue about who
missed who more.  Lucy shows Kevin the angel that Serena
made.  She tells him that Serena said it was Dominique.  She
tells Kevin that she felt Dom's presence at Gail's.  Kevin is
skeptical, but Lucy is sure.  "Love is a powerful thing," Dom
has come back to care of them until Serena and Scott are
back together.

Scott is drinking coffee with Gail.  Gail tells him about Lucy
sensing Dominique.  Scott is annoyed.  He wishes, like the
crystal-gazing Lucy, and his little, he could see Dominique,
but she's gone, dead and buried. Dom appears behind Scott,
though still invisible to the two adults.  Scott says that a
part of him died with Dominique and he'll never be able
to fall in love again.  Gail says he's proved he's capable of
that kind of love, and that he will love again.  She's goes
to get more coffee.  Scott wishes again that he could see
Dominique as she glows over his shoulder.

The paramedics wheel Alice into the emergency room.  Someone
shouts that room two is ready.  Matt is the intern on duty in
the ER.  Ellen enters room two and Matt tells her that the patient
is having chest pains and is Karen's landlady. (Well, there could
be a connection.)  Ellen moves the woman's face mask.  She
seems to recognize her.  Alice calls her Ellie.  Ellen asks her
where the pain is and begins to treat her.  Ellen asks if Alice
is still taking her Blood Pressure medication.  Alice says she
felt better so she stopped taking it.  Karen asks if Ellen knows
Alice and Ellen curtly says, "She's my mother."

Our Evaluation - Matt: We suspect he's a more cunning and
skilled suck-up than Chris could ever hope to be; it's just
so subtle he's never suspected.  Circumstances always seem to
fall Matt's way at GH.  We're still betting on him for the
fellowship, and anything else this determined intern cares to
go after.

Media Reference of The Day - Lucy and Serena, Frosty the Snowman

Director - Jill Ackles

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