Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 12/26/97
Date: 29 Dec 1997 04:04:05 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update -December 26th  1997
(posted and e-mailed)

Scott and Serena have just been out for a sleigh ride.  At the
Firehouse an excited Serena tells Gail all about it.  Serena
and the ever-present social worker leave the room, and Scott
tells Gail that the sleigh reminded him of Dominique, and
the time they'd gone up to the Quartermaine cabin.  He flashes
back to being in a sleigh with Dom and having trouble getting
the horse to move.  Back in the present Gail tells him that those
must be happy memories.  Scott says that everything about Port
Charles reminds him of Dominique.  He misses her.  Gail realizes
that, but suggests that Scott has to move on.  Scott says that
Dom's death was the end of love for him.  He takes off his coat
by the fire.

Eve steps out of the elevator and has to go around a kissing couple.
At the nurses' station she complains to Chris about tripping over
loving couples whereever she goes.  Chis comments that it's
something in the water.  Eve says she better start drinking from the
tap or sign up to work the New Year's Eve shift, because "I'm
about as close to finding a date to watch the ball drop as... you."
"Poor, baby," Chris says sarcastically, still stinging from the insult.
Eve lists the in-love enough to make you gag couples.  She feels
left out.  Chris doesn't go in for that sloppy sentimental stuff, and
didn't think Eve did either.  She doesn't, but she misses it.  She
used to believe in love, but the affair with Bennett left her jaded.
She's afraid love won't happen for her again.

Lucy has come over to Rex's place, and they are sitting together on
the couch.  Lucy tells Rex that she hasn't been sleeping well since
he gave her the information on Scott.  Rex tells her that Scott being
guilty is not his fault, he just wants her to know the facts.  Lucy
doesn't believe that scummy drug dealer, but it's been nagging at
her. Rex lists Scott's crimes, drug debts, gambling debts, opening
that account in the Cayman Islands.  Lucy says she knows Rex is
lying about that.  She went down to the Cayman Islands and no one
saw Scott there.  Rex produces some proof; pictures of Scott fishing
with the Cayman Island Bank President.

Eve and Scott meet in the lobby.  Lucy called her and said they
were supposed to arrange a time and place for the big fight.
Scott suggests Lucy come over to the hospital right now, because
there will be a lot of people to witness the altercation.  Eve jokes
that she knows that this whole thing is a plot so Scott can see more
of her.  (She'll have to be less subtle, say a two by four upside his
head.) "Where'd I go wrong?" he says momentarily playing along.
She tells him she'll call Lucy. He tells her to stick around.  She says
she'll have a ringside seat.

Joe is loading the car while Frank helpfully sits on the tailgate.
Frank says he was thinking of Joe and Karen alone together in that
cabin.  It's a perfect opportunity.  Joe says it's not that way and
asks about Frank and Julie alone in the house while he's gone.  Frank
says that's different.  Joe and Karen are going on a romantic getaway.
Joe says that Karen isn't ready for more.

At the Nurses' station Karen declares to Julie, "I'm ready." But
Joe isn't, because he thinks she's not.  At first he wanted to and
she didn't because she was still married.  Then she did and he
didn't because he's a good Catholic boy and maybe he's saving
himself for marriage.  (Doesn't this all fall under the category
of  "too much information".)

"Who said anything about marriage?" Joe says.  Frank is helping
him lift the ice chest into the car.  He says Karen and he still need
to get to know each other, not like Frank and Julie. Joe thinks
Julie is just waiting for Frank to pop the question.

Julie tells Karen she's not ready for marriage, she wants to
concentrate on being a good Doctor.

Frank tells Joe that he's got two careers going as it is, but
there are times...

(The intercuts are coming fast and furious now.) "Sometimes
I'll look at him and..." Julie starts.

Frank finishes "Julie is so pretty and sexy.  What am I going to
do alone with her all weekend?" (Parcheesi?)

Karen declares that it's going to be a long weekend, but she
and Joe have made a pact.

"We're not going to sleep together," Joe insists.  Frank points
out that they'll be in the same room, in the same bed. "I know,

"We're adults," says Karen.  "We can keep our emotions in
check.  Julie is skeptical, she remembers once with Frank...

He remembers it too. "In the shower, downstairs." It got
crazy..." (And yet that shirt never came off.)

"It was so sudden and powerful," Julie tells Karen.  It scared
them.  Karen agrees, "Well, yeah, the problem is that once
you start sleeping together the whole relationship changes."

"It's a whole new ballgame ," Frank agrees.  That's what Joe's
been trying to tell him. "It's called committment."

Julie says she wants that eventually, but she's not ready for it
yet.  Is Karen?   Definitely not.  She's been stung once.

Karen is still getting over her divorce, Joe tells Frank.  He
has to be careful.  Frank hopes he has sense enough to take
along condoms.  Joe scoffs.  It's not like they're going up there
to jump each other all weekend.

"Lord give me strength," says Karen before she and Julie part.

Joe and Frank shake hands, and Joe asks Frank to wish him luck.
"Good Luck."  (The merciful end of the ping pong scene.)

Scott is in the sixth floor lobby with Lee and Gail.  Lucy strides
out of the elevator and tells Scott she's been looking all over
for him.  She knows that he was in the Cayman Islands.  He
asks if Rex told her that.  He says Lucy doesn't have the sense
god gave a goose.  She says she knows he's lying and that she
wishes that she had the sense to see what he was really up to
sooner. Gail suggests that that's enough.  Lucy says they need
to hear this.  She asks Scott about his gambling and drug problems.
He says he'd like to break her neck, and she says it couldn't hurt
more than the broken heart.  She says he even lied about kidnaping
Serena.  Scott asks what Rex has promised her that would turn
her against him.  Lucy says he doesn't deserve custody of Serena.
Scott replies that nobody will stop him from getting custody.  In
fact, he wants Lucy to stay away from Serena and not fill her head
up with lies.  He tells Lee and Gail there'll be hell to pay if they
let Lucy anywhere near Serena.  Lucy looks crushed as Scott stomps

Eve joins Scott on the roof.  She tells him it was the best fight
she's ever seen.  Scott asks if they bought it and she assures
him that they did.  She even believed it and she knew it was a
set up.  Scott is uncomfortable about lying to everyone, and
Eve reassures him that everyone will understand after they nail
Rex.  Scott gives Eve a present.  She is delighted.  She opens the
jewelry box and there is a charm bracelet inside.  The one charm on
it is a little gold pizza with a slice missing.  He tells her it's to
remind her of the first time he was nice to her.  She remembers how
she was almost fainting from hunger and he bought her a pizza.
She's impressed that he went out shopping for the present and he
confesses that he had Rhonda go out and find it.  But he thought
of it and that's all that matters to Eve. She hugs him.  He pulls
away and tells her he'll let her know what her next assignment
is.  He looks back at her and then leaves. (Did we say a two by
four?  It looks like Scott needs an anvil to drop on his head.)

On a remote and snowy road Karen and Joe have a flat tire.  Joe's
spare tire is also flat.  Oops.  Karen has a map.  Joe has turned
the wrong way on Trotter's lane.  Oops. They are nowhere near
the cabin and miles from the gas station and it's late and they have
no way to fix the tire. Oops.

Eve and Chris are in his apartment.  He pours himself a drink.
He thinks it was bad form for Scott to admit he had his secretary
purchase the gift.  Eve says that he wrote the check and that's
what's important.  Chris points out that Rhonda probably writes
Scott's checks for him.   Chris offers a toast, "to each other."
Eve has one of her own. "Here's to another crappy year gone by."

Lucy is back at Rex's.  She complains that Scott threatened her
and wouldn't explain about his gambling and drug debts.   Lucy
relates that she accused Scott of lying.  And that he did something
she'll never ever forgive him for.  He forbade her seeing Serena.
Rex guesses that she really didn't know Scott.  She wonders how
he could have hidden what he was.  Rex says that now she knows
what he's been up against.  She corrects him, now she knows
what Serena has been up against and she'll do anything to get her
away from that man.

Back in the car, Joe suggests he go to the gas station and Karen
wait in the car.  She rejects that option. "Great and some psycho
axe murderer comes and chops me up into bits."  It's dark and
cold and far away from a gas station.  They can sleep in here
tonight. Joe agrees. He accidentally beeps the horns as he reaches
back for one of the sleeping bags.  They unfold it and start to
cuddle underneath.  They begin to kiss.  The seatbelt pokes him.
They shift and kiss again.  The door handle is in Karen's spine, they
move again and the horn beeps.  They kiss and giggle.

Lucy and Rex are drinking tea.  She appreciates him coming to her
with the facts and is thankful for his perseverance.  He says you're
welcome.  She says she has to be going and she can show herself
out.  As soon as she's out of the room Rex's lawyer, Byron comes
in.  Rex asks him what he heard.  Everything.  Byron asks Rex
what he thinks.  Rex doesn't trust Lucy.  This is too opportune.
But as long as she thinks he believes he can use Lucy to discredit
Scott. Byron wonders how far Lucy will go to prove she's changed.
"Finding that out, Counsellor, will be the fun part," says Rex.

Eve and Chris are putting away his austere black ornaments.  Eve
declares that it was a "sad, ptitiful holiday. Complete bust." She
turns and drops the ornament.  It shatters on the floor. She tells
Chris she's sorry. He tells her it was just an accident.  If she had
meant to break it she would have thrown it.  He shows her by
throwing an ornament at the fireplace, explaining that it represents
Bennett Devlin.  Eve is delighted with this new game and throws
one for Greg Cooper.  Chris throws another for Dr. Devlin,
specifically, his evaluations.  Eve throws one for Scott, "That
sentimental basket-case." Chris is puzzled.  What did Scott do
to her?  That's the point. Nothing. "Scott has never done anything
to me."  She leans towards Chris, "How about you?  Do you do
nothing too?"  He kisses her.  (Chris never says no to a lady.)
They break apart for a breath and then kiss some more.  They
drop down onto the couch.  (Looks like they'll beat all those
sappy lovey-dovey couples to it, at this rate.)

Scott is asleep at the firehouse on his livingroom couch.  A
see-through Dream Scott rises from the sleeping figure.  He
looks back at himself lying there.  He hears Dominique
speak his name, and turns to see her standing there.  He asks
if it's really her and can he touch her.  She says yes, and he
hugs her.  He says he's missed her.  She is crying.  He asks
why. "You're going to lose her," she tells him. "Don't lose
her." Dom disappears.  Scotty cries out her name and wakes
himself up.

Director: Andrew Lee

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