Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC:Update, Wednesday, 07 January 1998
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 10:21:25 -0400

PC Update, Wednesday 07 January 1998

Lucy and Kevin are in her hotel room.  Lucy is trying to decide what to
wear.  She is avoiding thinking about what she is going to do on the
stand today with the photo of Scott in the Caymans.  Kevin doesn't think
it is a great idea to perjure herself. Lucy says she might get to see
the passports in the box at Rex's if he can trust her.  Kevin thinks it
is too risky.

Rex and his buddy lawyer are at the courtroom.  Rex is pondering how far
Lucy will go to prove she's not lying.

Lee and Scott are also at court.  Lee is worried about Lucy's testimony;
so far there is no direct evidence Scott kidnaped Serena.  Lucy is the
wild card.  Lee wishes he knew what she was going to say.

Lucy and Kevin are still in the hotel room. If Lucy perjures herself,
Lee could ask for a mistrial.  However, Kevin, being Mr. Practicality,
says the judge doesn't have to call a mistrial and could throw Lucy in
jail.  Lucy is willing to go to jail if it keeps Serena with Scott.
Kevin doesn't want her to go to jail, neither does she.

Lucy puts her Vitamin C pills into her stress pills bottle (recall the
midnight visitor switch from last ep).  She will "pretend" to take the
stress pills to humour Rex.  She thinks he will get sloppy at some
point.  He's good, but not used to dealing with her. [Sorry Lucy, he has
your number only too well.]

Lark confronts Karen at the hospital.  A social worker has been to
interview her mom.  Karen explains that they had to report her suspected
abuse — it's the law.  Lark is upset; Karen had no right, her mom is not
abusive and there is nothing going on.

Ellen gets off the elevator and greets Winston with some medical
information about their mother.  He says he wouldn't have said bad
things about Sam if he had known he was dead.  In the well- delivered
line of the day, she quips that this implies it is "OK for him to say
bad things if the person is alive?".  Winston keeps at her, he won't let
her shut him out like she did when she ran out on the family.  She
replies she was thrown out.  Winston pleads with her — Alice might die,
can't Ellen try to make some peace?  Matt interrupts and gets Ellen away
on a pretext.  Winston begs Ellen to "fix this".

At the courtroom, Rex and Lucy are talking.  He thanks her for
testifying, she replies she was subpoenaed so she didn't have much
choice.  She plans on doing "the right thing".

Court is in session.  The prosecutor has Lucy on the stand.  He asks if
she has seen Scott on drugs.  She says once she saw him acting like he
was on drugs or "something like that".  Lee objects — how would she know
it was drugs?  The prosecutor describes Scott's
"aberrant behaviour".  Lucy describes him as hallucinating.

Lark is the subject of conversation at a gathering of Frank, Joe, Karen
and Lark's social worker.  The SW has been to Lark's and there is no
proof of abuse.  Her excuse of sleeping at Mario's because she was
locked out seems reasonable.  The SW does know something about her
family history, but he can't discuss it with this crew.  He will keep an
eye on her and will act if he gets any proof of abuse.  The SW leaves.
Karen and Joe still feel something is wrong.  Frank agrees and says it
is time for a teacher home visit.

In court, Lucy continues to testify that Scott was acting drunk or
something like that the night in question.

Grace is checking on Alice.  Her surgery has been scheduled.  Alice asks
that Ellen not assist, observe, anything.  They discuss mothers and
daughters.  Grace then tries to reassure her about her surgery.  They
discuss Matt.  Alice thinks something is going on between them (from the
night of Karen's divorce party).  Alice encourages her not to let him
get away. [Would she be as supportive if she knew the *real* chemistry
is between her daughter and Matt?  I think not!]

*The best scene of the day to follow*

Matt and Ellen discuss why Alice threw her out.  Ellen wanted to marry
Sam, a blue collar worker from the docks.  All Alice saw were his
faults, but he was a kind and decent man.  He was just not educated.
One day, he was asked by some other workers to read a union contract.
He caught the legal bug and learned all that he could.  He took the LSAT
and scored high.  Alice hated him more, because Ellen dropped out of med
school to support him in law school.  It was her choice.  Alice thought
he was making her do it and called Ellen stupid.  Ellen was given an
ultimatum: leave Sam or leave the family.  She and Sam moved, as he had
gotten into Columbia.  She wasn't only angry, but also hurt, that her
own mother would do this.  One day she and Sam were out walking and he
had a cerebral hemorrhage.  She called her mom from the hospital that
night.  Her mom asked her if she were listening — and hung up in her
ear.  Ellen had loved Sam alone and buried him alone.  Ellen cries. [Deb
sheds a tear as well.]

Scott and Kevin are in the hallway of the court.  So far, so good, but
Kevin is worried as Lucy has more evidence she could use against Scott.
Nearby, Rex and Lucy are talking.  Lucy is stressed, so she takes one of
Rex's stress pills.

Back with Ellen and Matt, Ellen says that this is the first time she's
told anyone the whole story, and wonders at the irony of ending up back
in Port Charles at GH ("of all the towns...").  She doesn't think that
either she or her mom are interested in reconnecting.  Matt wants to
know how she knows this — did she ask her mother?  Matt hates seeing her
like this.  She says she'll be back to her own self, armadillo hide and
all, soon.  He takes her hand in his, comforting her.

Frank, Joe and Karen are at Lark's (a one-room apartment).  They ask why
Lark has been at the hospital twice with injuries.  Her mom says that
Lark has always been accident prone.  They ask about a boyfriend, other
friends.  No beau, typical teen friends.  Karen hands her her card.  She
accidently papercuts Lark's mom, who proceeds to have a raving,
psychotic episode.  She yells at Karen, saying Karen let the evil into
her.  She blames Lark — she must have told them to come over to let the
evil in.  She yells at them to get out of the house.

They leave; outside the door, Frank calls the SW.

At the court, Lucy is again on the stand.  The prosecutor is asking Lucy
about her Caymans trip.  Didn't she go to prove that Scott didn't stash
money there, but found instead he had opened an account?  Lee objects —
anyone can open accoouts.  "Was there other proof that Scott was
there?", the prosecutor asks?  Lucy says yes, and the photo is presented
to court.  It is of the bank president fishing with Scott, dated by the
camera.  The photo is entered as an exhibit.  Scott erupts and says he
was never there.

Lee cross-examines Lucy — didn't she lie to the FBI about the ransom
drop?  Didn't she perjure herself in the Connor murder case?  He calls
her a perjuror and a habitual liar.  He wonders out loud why the
prosecution put her on the stand.

Lee goes back to his seat.  Scott wants to go on the stand.

End of episode.