Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 1/16/98
Date: 22 Jan 1998 06:16:25 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - January 16th 1998
(posted and e-mailed)

Rex is having a glass of champagne with his lawyer Byron, who
observes that Rex is in a very good mood.  He correctly guesses
that it's because of Lucy Coe.  Rex admits that he is enamoured
with Lucy, because of her mendacious.  He is thrilled to think
that he has found his match.

Scott and Kevin go to the frontdesk at Oakwood Sanitarium.
The woman there is, rightly, unwilling to give them any information
at all.  Scott gives out the spiel about being named gaurdian to
his Uncle Rex and Kevin being his psychiatrist.  The woman
still refuses to hand confidential information over to the scroungy
looking Scott. He takes an envelope out of his pocket and shows
her a very small portion of what's inside it, saying that it supports
his claim.  She takes one look at it and declares it a fake. She picks
up the phone and says. "Are you going to wait here for the police
or should I just give them a description."

Scotty takes the phone out of her hand and hangs it up.  He assures
her that he's a lawyer and the papers are real.  She has his word.
She is contemptuous of a lawyer's word.  A phone a little ways off
rings and she goes to answer it.  Kevin criticizes Scott's approach.
Scotty says he'll turn up the old Scotty magnetism. He approaches
the desk again.  The woman is not receptive.  He starts to give her
and insincere compliment on the color of her hair.  But she cuts
him off.  Now she knows they're a couple of fakes.  Kevin tries
his approach... a joke. "Do you know what they call a thousand
lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?... A good start."  She laughs
at that one.  He tells her that he cares about his patient and would
want to give him the wrong treatment because he didn't have the
proper medical records.  She is moved by his plea. (Or maybe his
big brown eyes.) She'll see what she can find in the computer. While
she does that Kevin looks over at Scott. "Scotty magnetism?" he
says.  Scott shrugs. "Well, I could have made a lawyer joke." (And
remembered the punch line?  We doubt it.)

Joe is pouring himself a cup of coffee as Karen comes into the on-call
room.  He offers her a cup, but she says she's already had her ten
gallons. They've been working a double shift.  Joe notes how things
haven't been going their way. There's a fiendish little leprechaun
making sure they never sleep together.  Karen objects to him defaming
leprechauns.  Joe has something special planned for that night. Their
semi-private moment is shattered as Matt enters with a reporter-lady
in tow. Chris also enters. Matt tells the reporter that they can do the
interview in here. He requests that she stay away from any personal
questions.  She objects but he's firm.  Chris looks perplexed about
why Matt would want to keep his background a secret.

Byron tells Rex that he thought Rex was just using Lucy, he's
surprised to learn he's attracted to her.  Rex declares he is
defintely attracted.  They've been playing games with each other
and he doesn't want them to end. For the first time he envisage
a future where he is not alone. "Oh, I've always been able to
envision myself astride the world like some colossus, but now
with someone by my side... Like Ceasar I've finally found my
Cleopatra," he raves, (Beware the Ides of March, Rexie.) "Like
Augustus, my Olivia." (Of course, he would see himself as  a
Roman') Rex then imagines himself as the Emperor, standing on
a balcony with the sound of crowd cheering him coming from
below.  Lucy comes out onto the balcony wearing a sparkling
yellow-green gown.Her arms are wide in greeting. "Ah, my
sweetness," he greets her. "The Bacchanalia celebrating our
union is prepared.  Tonight we shall feast." His fantasy Lucy is
more than willing. "Well, Ceasar, that you have chosen me above
all others has filled me with such happiness and joy, I can't bear it."
Eve dressed in a blue gown, enters, leading Serena by the hand.
She clears her throat, "Excuse me" Lucy is disgusted. "Who
summoned her?" "The high priestess of Vestal Virgins needs no
invitation," Eve says proudly. (Bwahahaha.. Now we know Rex
is completely out of touch with reality.) Rex reassures Lucy. "I
asked her," He gestures at Serena. "I see you have the captive."
"Yes," Eve replies. "I have brought Serena with me." Rex speaks
to Serena. "The Triumvirate has now declared that you are in my
custody.  As such your wealth will be transferred to my coffers.
You will be allowed to sudy for the priesthood.  Take her away to
be cloistered."  "I don't want to go," says Serena.  Lucy shoos
Serena away. "Well, you have to go because your Emperor her
has commanded it.  Go! Ta."  "As you wish," Eve says with a
slight bow, and then leads Serena away.  "Everything is as I wish,"
Rex says smugly. "The child had become somewhat tiresome."
"No, no, no," Lucy assures him. "You were far too kind to her."
Rex thinks no more about it. "And now, let the games begin.  Bring
on the Gladiators."  "Oh, yummy," Lucy declares. "Oh, Emperor,
mmm..mmm...mmm," she says as the gladiators, Scott and Kevin
gallop in, accompanied by a guard. "The games my sweet," Rex
tells her, "Are being held in your honour.  The best, the finest,
the bravest gladiators are to perform."  Lucy is wickedly gleeful.
"All right you little gladiators.  I want a really big show tonight.
No trickery, I want death.  No mercy, I want blood and guts.
Now go! Ta."  Scotty raises his staff, which inexplicably has
an apple on it. "Scotticles, thanks you for the honor." Kevin, who
is carrying some trident/fork thing, says, "Those of us about to
die salute you."  They prance back out.  Lucy languidly waves at
the crowd below.  Rex asks her what she has planned for the
winner. "I got a new shipment of lions from ethiopia. They are
famished," she tells him.  "Lions, too? You spoil the masses."
"Well, I want the masses to adore you, as I do Ceasar."  They
wave at the crowd again and Rex tosses a coin. There's a close-up
of a torch flame that fades into Rex in the here and now. Rex looks
very pleased with his fantasy and amazingly Byron has not run off
crying, "Mad dog! Mad Dog!"The door bell rings as Byron asks
if Lucy feels the same way. The subject of the dscussion is let in
to the room.  Byron excuses himself. Rex offers Lucy champagne.
It's a special evening. He toasts to Destiny and to "Us".  She
echoes him on the first but not the second.

Karen dumps the contents of her purse on the on-call room table,
searching for change.  She needs a sugar fix to deal with an
upcoming consultation. After a little teasing Joe lends her a
quarter, and says it reminds him of lending her lunch money,
way back when.  Way back when reminds her of unpleasant
things.  She asks that he wish her luck with the consult with
Dr. Drummond. Karen leaves. Chris comes in, looks at his watch
and sits down with a crossword puzzle.  Matt comes in from the
direction of the bathroom.  Joe uses the phone to call a hotel.
He asks their room rate for a suite and is shocked at the price.
He reserves a regular room.  The reporter enters, from the
direction of the bathroom. (And, no, we don't know what
they were doing in there, but she did write an awfully nice article
about him.)  He reiterates that she can ask him about his work
but not his personal life. Chris comments, "Yeah, that's Doctor
Matthew Harmon, International Man of Mystery. What deep
dark secrets are you hiding."  Matt responds in kind. "Oh, Chris,
the world will never know." "Well, you got me curious," Chris
admits. Matt is still in the mood to play. "All right, well, there
was that thing about me murdering my family and then eating
the remains, but that's nothing to get excited about." "Oh, no,"
The reporter teases, "I'll quote you on that one." Chris looks
at Matt with intense curiosity behind his bland expression.

Lucy and Rex are still drinking champagne.  Lucy offers a toast
to "getting exactly what we want".  He leans in for a kiss but
she pulls away.  She complains about the security camera taping
them.  He goes to turn if off, but the phone rings.  He tells her it's
his Chemist in Amsterdam. She tells him she's going to go freshen
up, and he directs her to the bathroom down the hall.

The clerk at the mental hospital turns back to Kevin and tells him
that the name Rex Stanton is cross-referenced with the name
Gustav Bausch, and does that ring a bell.  He was a patient here
but the family transferred him out.  Kevin asks what disorder he
was being treated for.  It doesn't show that in the computer. "You
would be the most incredible girl in the world if you could find
out what it was," Scott tells her.  She rolls her eyes. "Is he always
this full of bull?" She asks Kevin.  She doesn't have access to
patient care files.  Doctors keep their own records on patients.
Is Rex's Doctor still on staff?  Yes, but he's in bermuda.  They'll
have to come back on Monday. Apparently she and Kevin made
a date while we watched a commercial, because she suggests
that would be a good time to deliver on the lunch he promised.
He thanks her and says he wants to make sure Mr. Stanton gets
everything he deserves.

Lucy sneaks into Rex's bedroom.  She fumbles with her purse
getting the keys out, hastily opens the safe and puts the papers
back in. (Boy, we hope she made copies. Rex must have locked
them up for some reason.)  She closes the safe and heads for the
door, turning off the light as she leaves.

Chris pours himself a cup of coffee.  Matt asks the reporter if
they're about done.  She asks him about coming up against
patients who don't want to be treated by him.  He thinks
that most people appreciate having a Doctor who understand
how it feels to have experienced a major medical trauma and
is therefore able to empathize with them.  And if they still
refuse? It's ultimate their choice in a non-emergency, but
most people are more rational than the media gives them
credit for.  The reporter begs him to tell her just one personal
fact, where he grew up.  He tells her Detroit Michigan.  She
asks what that was like. He tells her to say he was "like any
other kid in Michigan with a dream." (We hope she didn't
quote that!) He glances at his watch and says he has to leave.
He thanks her and goes.  Chris joins the reporter at the table.
He asks her if she got anything good. (Like he wasn't two
feet away the entire time.)  She admits it was like pulling
teeth.  Well, Matt is modest, Chris tells her, but don't be fooled
by that he's an incredibly gifted surgeon.  She asks Chris for
his name and permission to quote him. He provides one. "If
I was going under the knife I'd want Dr. Harmon of the
business end."  She says that Matt must be grateful for his
colleagues support. (Yeah, that and a quarter and Mike might
give him a cup of coffee in the morning.)  They both get up
to leave.  He asks her if she found any skeletons in Matt's
closet as he holds the door for her.

Joe comes into the on-call room and checks to see if the
coast is clear.   Then he pulls Karen in.  They're off in ten
seconds and count down to the time. They kiss as the time
expires and then Joe's beeper goes off.  Reluctantly he calls
in for the message.  He asks if anyone else cover.  Karen
takes the phone and says he'll be there and hangs up. She
says she'll wait for him but he doesn't know how long
he'll be.  He remembers he'll have to cancel the reservation
at the PC Hotel. They agree to meet at her place

Scott looks at the pictures on the Sanitarium walls, various
patients in outdoor scenes.  "They must let the loonies out in
the summer," he comments. Kevin asks him not to use that
term, at least not while they're in a mental hospital.  Kevin
looks at one picture and recognizes as a younger Rex, but
he wonders who the man with him is.  Scott thinks he looks

Lucy comes back into the den.  Rex declares that he was about
to send out a search party for her.  She explains that his
house is so big she practically had to hitch a ride back.  He
give her a present, though she insists she doesn't deserve
gifts.  She opens it up and there's a bottle of stress pills
inside.  Though not terribly impressed she guesses that these
are the pills with the new ingredient.  He agrees with that.
She opens the bottle and pours them into her hand.  Out falls
a large emerald ring. She asks what the occassion is.  He tells
her he wants to spend the rest of his days with her as his wife.
"Will you marry me?"

Director - Andrew Lee
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  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_| twinsofevil@geocities.com*tntmur@aol.com|_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca