Daily Updates

From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Thursday, 1/29/98
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 02:36:48 GMT
X-Server-Date: 31 Jan 1998 02:39:13 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                     Thursday, Jan. 29, 1998

* That's No Kidnapper - That's My Partner!
* Remembrances of Fathers Past
* Doctors Make Terrible Patients

At police HQ, Scott is berating Lee for "letting" him spend the night
in jail.  Lee points out that they found Scott leaning over the dead
body of a Federal agent.  Scott reminds Lee that *he* was the one who
told Scott where Serena's safe house was.  Lee believes Scott, but
"the problem is, your word doesn't count for much in this town
anymore."  (Amen to that.)  Where is Serena, asks Scott, and Lee
explains that she's with Conklin.  They're bringing her in to meet
with a sketch artist, so Scott can see her then.  Meanwhile, Lee
figures it's good that Scott is in custody since "it'll keep you out
of more trouble."

Serena, Gail, and Conklin arrive at the police station and meet with
the sketch artist.  Scott watches through the window and has a fit,
which seems an odd reaction since he was the one who *asked* for a
sketch artist originally.  But that's Scott for you.  Lee tells him to
lighten up.

Meanwhile, Rex breaks into Boynton's apartment to steal the evidence
tying him to the kidnapping.  (Maybe it's just me, but doesn't it seem
odd that Scott doesn't have Rex under 24-hour-a-day surveillance?)

Eve arrives at the police station to see Scott.  Scott tells her they
must be getting close to Rex, or he wouldn't have killed Boynton.
Scott wonders if Eve can bake him a cake with a file in it.  She
doesn't bake, but she could special order one.  (Wouldn't an *apple*
with a file in it be more appropriate?)  Scott asks how he's ever
going to repay her; Eve is sure she can think of something.

Later, Conklin brings the sketch artist's work in to Scott and Lee.
They all recognize it as a picture of Don Boynton, the dead FBI agent.
We then see Rex leaving Boynton's apartment with a folder of papers.
"Well, success as usual," he smirks.  "Now catch me if you can,

It's morning Chez Scanlon.  Frank, Julie, and Eve are having
breakfast; Eve tells Frank and Julie that Joe yelled at Lark for
taking the Infamous Rug, causing Mary's fall.  Eve further explains
that Joe was probably stressed out because of Mary's reaction when she
found out about the infamous "Joe, Karen, Ellen, and a pizza delivery
guy" incident.  Lark arrives in time to hear this part of the story.
Mary arrives next, hoping to speak to Joe.  When she asks where she
is, the question hangs in the air as everybody intently studies their
coffee cups.

Next, we see Joe and Karen kissing in the elevator and talking about
being together last night.  Karen doesn't want the world to know where
they were last night; they break apart as the elevator doors open.

Back in the Scanlon kitchen, Frank explains that Joe isn't home.  Mary
wonders if he's out for some exercise; Eve snickers, "Quite possibly."
Lark smugly remarks that she hasn't seen Joe all morning.  Julie drags
her from the room, and then Eve beats a similarly hasty retreat,
leaving Frank alone with Mary, whose remarks about Karen indicate that
she has all the makings of the Mother-in-Law From Hell.  Frank tries
to defend Karen - she's a terrific woman.  Mary:  "For an
ex-stripper."  Ah, retorts Frank, but she's worked very hard to put
that behind her.  Mary:  "I don't even want to think about how."  Her
bottom line:  After Frank busted his butt to get Joe through med
school, Joe is jeopardizing it because of "That Karen."  (Well, no,
Mary, he's jeopardizing it because he lacks a sense of responsibility
and has no discernible self-control.  Too bad his parents didn't do a
better job of raising him.....)

Back at the hospital, Joe grabs Karen from behind; she breaks away and
tells him she doesn't want gossip about them.  She invites him to
lunch at her place; you can guess what's on the menu.  The subject
switches to Mary.  Joe tells Karen about Mary's disapproval of their
relationship.  Karen is mortified.  Joe doesn't care - he's never been
happier.  "Me neither," answers Karen, but she doesn't look that way.

Back at the Scanlons', Mary is gone and Julie is giving Frank a back
rub.  He is explaining that Mary doesn't think anyone is good enough
for her boys.  Does she say anything about me, Julie wonders; Frank
teases (though I wouldn't have found it at all funny if I'd been
Julie) that Mary calls her "a slut, a tramp, and a whore."

The rest of this cuts back and forth between Karen and Joe (at Karen's
apartment) and Julie and Frank in the Scanlon kitchen.
Joe explains to Karen that Mary is very old-fashioned.  Karen figures
that Mary probably likes Julie.  Joe retorts that Mary wouldn't like
Julie if she caught her in bed with Frank.  Karen thinks the reason it
bothers her so much is because Mary was a sort of second mother to her
when she was growing up and couldn't depend on Rhonda.  Joe wants to
talk to Mary and tell her to stay out of it; Karen begs him to leave
it alone, but Joe remarks that leaving things alone isn't his style.

Frank tells Julie that Joe isn't known for his patience.  Julie knows
Lark isn't easy to deal with, but she's been through a lot and Joe was
too tough on her about the Infamous Rug.  Frank remembers their
father's temper when he and Joe were boys and would run around the

Karen tries to convince Joe that he needs to learn to control his
anger.  Joe accuses her of being afraid of anger.  She just knows the
harm it can do - she remembers her mother's drunken spells, and she
figures his father may have acted the same way.  Joe agrees that his
father could be a jerk.

Frank tells Julie that their father was okay - not out of control,
just strict and loud, and didn't have much patience, especially with

Joe tells Karen how tough their father was on Frank.  Once when he was
fighting with Frank, Joe slipped and fell in the kitchen.

Frank continues the story, telling Julie that Joe hurt himself, and
their father went to "teach Joe a lesson," pulling out his belt.
That's how their father was raised, Frank explains, and it was how he
raised his sons.  Frank felt guilty for Joe's injury, and he tried to
protect Joe from punishment.  The result - their dad was sorry, and
Frank got "a new model T-bird out of it."

Joe remarks that his father was right - when they ran around that way,
someone could get hurt.  Karen asks where Mary was during all of this.
Mary stayed out of it, Joe explains - she said their father was the
boss.  Joe leaves.

Frank tells Julie that he's surprised to see that Joe is as strict
with Lark as their father was with Joe.  Lark arrives in the kitchen
just then with the Infamous Rug; she has washed it and is returning
it.  If she has to put up with the kind of treatment Joe gave her,
Lark says, she'd rather be with her mom.

Later, Joe is alone in the kitchen; he's working under the sink.  Mary
arrives.  He explains that he's fixing the sink so it won't leak
anymore.  Joe apologizes for mouthing off at Mary at the hospital.
She's welcome to "come here and clean" whenever she wants.  They talk
about their memories in the house, and Joe flashes back to the
incident we heard about earlier.  Frank talked about Joe getting
"gashed pretty bad" when he fell, but the young Joe in the flashback
grabs his knee, well covered by blue jeans, after he falls.  When
Frank tries to protect Joe, their father slams him against the stove,
and it looks like that hurt a lot worse than Joe's fall.  But *then*
their father whacks Joe in the face, and that may be the source of the
gash Frank recalled.  Joe remarks to Mary that "it's funny how your
memory can play tricks on you."

In the living room, Lark is watching TV and Frank joins her.  He talks
to her about the way Joe treated her, and tries to convince her that
Joe doesn't dislike her or want to hurt her.  He suggests that she
talk to Joe to get things out in the open.  Lark doesn't want to do
that - she doesn't like Joe, and she's fine with that.  Frank is her
guardian; the rest of them are just roommates, and she shouldn't have
to get all "touchy feely" with them if she doesn't want to.  Frank
agrees to drop the subject; he just wants her to know that he cares
about her feelings.  She fights back tears as she responds,
"Whatever."  He is about to leave, but she tells him that he can stay
if he wants to - but she's keeping the remote.

Matt and Ellen visit Keith, the patient with the back injury who had
surgery.  Keith insists that he's going to walk again; Matt tells him
that he will do many things, but walking might not be one of them.
Keith insists that he can feel his legs and move them, and he starts
to try to demonstrate.  Matt and Ellen grab Keith - he needs to lie
still so his spine will heal.  Matt winces in pain as he hurts his
back trying to restrain Keith.  Matt tell Keith that he has to lie
still or he'll jeopardize his recovery.  Ellen notes that Matt is in
pain and is concerned.

Later, Ellen notes Matt's pain again.  She wants to examine his back;
he tells her he has diagnosed himself and he is fine.  Ellen worries
that he might have a ruptured disc.  Matt continues to insist that
he's fine.  She finally orders Matt to get an X-ray, or else he's off
rotation.  Matt tells her to mind her own business; she retorts that
he *is* her business; he is not permitted to treat patients when in
acute pain.  She strides off, leaving an annoyed Matt wincing at his
back pain.

by Rika, Thursday updater