Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 02/20/98
Date: 23 Feb 1998 06:23:39 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - February 20th 1998
(posted and e-mailed)

We'd like to start off by offering profuse thanks to Razz for doing
the updates while we were off-line.  She's a really wonderful
person, and we're not just saying that because she still has that
Parisian shot glass.


Joe draws blood from Lucy in the hospital lab.  Kevin asks him if
they've learned anything from all those tests. The poison is affecting
her nerve sheaths.  They can now narrow down the poison.  The
good news is that the poison is not destroying the sheaths.  So it is
reversible.  Joe suggests that she check into the hospital.  She doesn't
want to.  She wants to spend as much time active as she can before
she starts losing muscle control. Kevin asks how she's feeling.  Numb
and achy.  Joe gives her some orange juice and ibuprofen.  She drops
the glass and it spatters all over Joe.  He tells her that her body is
shutting down non-essential systems.  First she'll lose feeling in her
extremities, then the toxin will move into the internal organs, which
could lead to respiratory failure. Lucy concludes that she will stop
breathing, her heart will stop, she dies and Rex has killed her.  Kevin
insists that will not happen.  Joe tells her that there is a total group
effort going on to find an antidote.   Lucy tries to take courage from
these scant comforts. She declares that she's not about to let Rex
Stanton reduce her to panic.  She and Kevin leave the lab.  Kevin
suggests that they should play all their cards, and have Lucy go and
visit Rex.  Lucy resists, but Kevin thinks that Rex might still be in
love with her and therefore might let something slip.

10) Cooper attempted to kill Kevin (and frame Karen) by opening
    up Kevin's IV and lowering his head before brain surgery.

Karen is at the table in the on-call room, with some books spread out
before her.  Chris and Matt come in.  Chris proudly presents Matt
to her. "Look whose up and at ‘em."  Karen gives Matt a hug. Matt
tells her he's come back to give her the benefit of his expertise.
Chris jokes that he could use some R&R himself, but not if it
involves an exploding can of turpentine.  He'd rather go through
proper channels.  Brown-nosing? Matt inquires.    Karen tells
Matt that Lucy was poisoned, by Rex, and that they're trying to
track down the poison.  Her shift is starting now.  Chris suggests
that they might be dealing with more than one poison.  She thinks
that's a good idea and Chris says he'll do some research on it.  Karen
and Matt leave.  Chris pulls out a pair of black gloves.  He puts them
on and takes out a note that reads, "Hey, Matt, I found you." in cut
out magazine letters.  He slips it into Matt's locker.

Lucy goes in to see Rex.  "Well, if it isn't my dutiful wife," he greets
her sarcastically. "How are you feeling, Dear?"  She tells him that
he knows the answer to that.  "A little numbness in the hands and
feet," he guesses.  He is disappointed.  He thought they had a game
going here, but obviously her friends have given up.  She tells him
that this has nothing to do with her friends. "So tell me what I can
do for you, Mrs. Stanton?" He asks her.  She says that she's come
to ask him for her life.  He smiles smugly at her.

9) Lucy once attempted to hire someone to kill her free range
    Duck.  She bonded with the creature and rethought the matter.

"So she wants to live does she?" He asks her in the third person. He
wonders what she's willing to do to obtain that end.  She tells him
not to toy with her.  "Why not, you've done nothing but toy with
me, throughout our courtship and subsequent marriage.  All I got
was promises of days and nights filled with ecstasy and what did
I get... betrayal."  She accuses him of killing her to get even with
Scott, this isn't about his poor little broken heart.  He never really
cared.  "Don't be so sure.  That's what makes this whole thing so
tragic.  We could have been very, very good together."  She tells
him he's going to get the death penalty.  He tells her he's not
afraid of being locked up or dying.  After all how could he go
on living in a world in which she no longer existed.  She concludes
that she's wasting her breath.  He wouldn't say that.  To him, it's
a competition, and it's not fun unless there actually exists a chance
your adversaries might win.  He says her friends should work
harder because the answers are out there.  Lucy gets up to leave.
He stops her by asking if she wants some water.  He's chained
up so maybe she should pick up the cup.  She angrily knocks the
cup of water over.  She leaves the room and runs into Kevin's
arms. She says that Rex doesn't care about killing her or the
consequences.  He isn't afraid of anything.  Kevin believes
otherwise.  Rex reminds him of Ryan.  Ryan may have been cold
blooded, but he had his fears, and so does Rex, they just have to
discover what they are.

8) Rex told Danielle he had poisoned Jake, and only he had
    the antidote.  That time he was lying.

Chris is doing research in the on-call room.  Matt comes in.  He
tells Chris about a patient of his, and asks Chris if he can help
with the baby. Chris says it's tempting but he has a bunch of
work to do.  Matt asks how the research is coming. Chris says
he's trying to match Lucy's symptoms with a particular toxin.
He also has a mountain of paperwork, but Lucy's going down
hill so fast he's making this a priority.  Matt goes over to his
locker.  Chris tries to watch him closely while at the same time
continuing his monologue.  He's working on curare as the possible
toxin.  In the right doses or mixed with another substance it could
make the same symptoms Lucy is experiencing.  Matt opens the
locker and reads the note.  Chris waits for a reaction.

7) None yet, but wait until Matt finds out what Chris did.

Karen bursts into the on-call room with her brainstorm of the day.
"Hey guys get this, Joe was just down in the lab doing tests on
Lucy's blood and... here it is." She flips to a page in one of the
books on the table.  "I remembered seeing something that supported
the hypothesis that poison comes from a plant.  Here it is I knew
I recognized these symptoms."  (She really said this.  Of course
poison can come from a plant, but what makes her think so
since  plant poisons in general produce many different symptoms
and they haven't even narrowed it down to a type or species.
In fact she's just guessing vegetable and hasn't even eliminated
mineral and animal.) She asks Chris what he thinks.  He thinks
she's on to something.  Matt starts taking everything out of his
locker.  Karen is still excited. "Now all we have to is narrow
down the type and species of plant." (It really annoys us that
this faulty reasoning may indeed lead to an antidote.)  Chris asks
Matt if he's hearing this.  Without interest Matt congratulates
Karen, as he heads for the door.  Chris asks if he's all right.
Matt asks Chris to do the LP on the child in room 454.  Chris
objects that he has his own patients.  Matt says it's urgent.  Chris
says his work is to.  Matt shouts at him to shut up and just do it.
He says he's got to get out of there and leaves.  Karen asks what
that was all about and Chris pretends ignorance.

6) Karen's ex-husband, Jagger, used to murder the english tongue on
    a regular basis.

Lucy looks through the glass at Rex, who is still smiling.  She
wonders where Katherine Bell is. Kevin tells her that Scott
says they'll be right over.  She asks if Katherine knows she's
sick.  Kevin says she does. Lucy worries that Katherine will
blame her for the situation in some way.  Kevin says that
Scott says that Kathy seemed genuinely upset.  Lucy thinks
Katherine will somehow make this about herself.  Kevin thinks
Katherine's motives don't matter as long as she helps. "That's
easy for you to say.  You don't have a fake spouse poisoning
you and have to ask for help from a Barbie-Wanna-Be"
Katherine walks in just as she's finishing up that sentence.
Lucy is civil, thanking Kathy for coming all this way.  "Long
time no see," Katherine comments. Lucy slips, "Never long
enough, huh?" Katherine looks over at Rex and asks if he can
see them.  He can't.  She comments that Lucy is looking peaked.
"Poison'll do that to you," Lucy replies. "You'd know that.  You
never quite recovered your looks after your little poison experience.

5) Reginald attempted to kill Katherine with a mixture of
    Digitoxin and Quinobarbitol.  She eventually recovered
    From her coma... more or less.

Irrelevantly Katherine observes. "This must be a record for you,
married barely a week and he's already trying to kill you.  He
didn't even wait for the divorce. What'd you to him?"  Scott
tries to break it up. "Girls I don't think it's time to drag up old
stuff.  You know, feelings about me."  Katherine and Lucy unite.
"Oh, please," Lucy exclaims. "Get over yourself, would you."
Katherine advises Scott.  Lucy fills Scott in. "Listen, pal, you
are way behind the times.  Our dislike for each other runs a
lot deeper than things about you." Scott looks chagrined and
removes himself from firing range. Katherine returns to the
matter at hand.  She asks what kind of poison it was and if
there's an antidote.  Kevin says yes, there is, but Rex won't tell
them what it is.  Katherine asks how she can help.  He asks if
Rex ever mentioned being afraid of anything.  She didn't know
him that well.  He was quite a bit older than her. Lucy snorts
at that. "Yeah right, that's her story and she's sticking to it."
Everyone chooses to ignore that." Kevin inquires again if Rex
had any phobias or recurring nightmares.  Katy can't think of
a thing. Rex is fearless.  Lucy asks if Rex ever poisoned anyone
before.  Katherine brings up the caretaker's cat again.  Though
Scott has forgotten why Rex poisoned the cat (Katherine told
him a few months ago), he remembers its name was Wilbur.
Finally Katherine comes up with what they want to hear. She
heard a story about Rex.  He and a kid who lived nearby had gotten
into the crawlspace under the house.  They had disturbed a nest
of spiders.  The spiders crawled all over the other boy and bit
him.  Scott asks what happened to Rex.  Rex froze.  He couldn't
do anything.  The other little boy died.  Kevin looks intrigued.
"Hmm.. Spiders," he says as he looks through the glass at the
oblivious Rex.

4) Stefan accidentally attempted to till Katherine when he mistook
    her for a tree.

Ellen is in her very nicely decorated apartment, reading a book
while she stands by the fireplace.  There's a knock on the door.
She is surprised to find Matt on the other side.  Matt pushes past
her, and apologizes for barging in.  She says it's all right.  He
says he didn't have anyplace else to go.  And she repeats firmly
that it's okay.  She asks what's wrong and he tells her the people
he's been hiding from have found him.

3) Ellen and Grace almost managed to kill Matt with good intentions.
    Unless he'd been taken to the hospital he would have died.

Kevin walks in to the interrogation room where Rex is still chained
up.  He is carrying a paper bag, which he sets on the table.  "Ah,"
says Rex, "I see you brought a little late lunch.  Good, I'm famished."
Kevin sits down. Rex asks him why he's there.  He won't find the
antidote hanging around the police station. "I thought you and I
could compare notes," Kevin tells him. "Ah, on Lucy," Rex guesses.
"On poison," Kevin clarifies. "Same difference," Rex says brusquely.
"Manners," Kevin chides him. He tells Rex that he's become
obsessed with poisons.  Rex agrees that it's a fascinating subject.
Kevin says he's been studying animal poisons lately.  With them it's
not personal.  They only react out of instinct or fear.  "Amazing
creatures," Rex agrees.  "And they're all over the place," Kevin
tells him. "Fish, snakes of course, spiders.  Do you have any idea
how many types of poisonous spiders there are in the world?"
"Quite a few," Rex guesses."More than a few," Kevin says. "I
was shocked," he gets up, "shocked and amazed." Kevin begins
pulling down the blinds in the room. "Everyone knows about the
black widow and I'd heard of the funnel web spider," Behind
Rex now, Kevin brushes his neck lightly with a finger.  Rex squirms.
Kevin asks if he's all right.  "Never better," says Rex.  Kevin puts
his hands on Rex's shoulders. "Really creepy, all those legs, little
legs scurrying up a sleeve, up your leg, down your back."  He moves
away from Rex.  "I hardly think this fair city is a nest for homicidal
arachnids," Rex says nervously. "That's what I thought, and then
I found these."  Kevin pulls a jar of spiders out of the paper bag.
Rex mutters that he needs the guard.  He'd like a glass of water.
"So tiny," Kevin says gleefully, "Bey you wouldn't feel them
crawling across your skin.  But yet just one of these is so potent it
could drop a grown man within minutes." "That's quite enough,"
Rex objects. "So rude of me," Kevin says, "You can barely see
through the glass.  Why don't I open this up and coax one of my
little friends out.  See if we can get up close and personal." He
begins to unscrew the lid.

2) Kevin once threatened to rip Damian Smith's lungs out.

Outside Scott and Lucy are watching.  Lucy collapses and asks
Scott to get her some help.  He says he'll take care of her.  She
says she's freezing, her legs aren't working anymore.  She begs
him to please get her some help.  Scott whips out his cell phone
and calls Eve.  He asks her to send an ambulance. "This is it,"
says Lucy, "This is my time to die."  Scott says he's not going to
let Lucy die.

1) Ryan thought about killing Scotty, when he caught him talking
    nicely to Felicia. (Luckily Scotty chose another storyline.)

Director - Andrew Lee
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  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_| twinsofevil@geocities.com*tntmur@aol.com|_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca