Daily Updates

From: "Lisa Spodak" <lisa@clark.net>
Subject: PC:  Update for Tuesday 2/24/98
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 01:58:30 -0500

(Sorry this update is late... I really wanted to get it out fast because I
know a lot of people were especially psyched for the special visitor today.
;) I hope I manage to do his appearance justice.)

Matt and Ellen are kissing in her apartment. Both confess that they haven't
kissed anyone "like that" in a long time.  Matt says it's hard to get close
to someone when you know you might have to leave.  Ellen says it's hard when
you think you might get left, too.  Matt points out that she just found
about his situation and wonders what stopped her before.  She says there are
lots of ways someone can leave you.  They're interrupted by the federal
marshals at the door who have come to tell Matt they need to move him out of
Port Charles--tonight.

Scott is getting into the elevator at the hospital when he bumps into
(literally) Luke Spencer.  Neither is overjoyed to see the other.
S:  "How's Laura?"
L:  "None of your business.  How's Lucy?"
S:  "Fine."

Luke goes on to remind Scott that Lucy's "knocking on heaven's door" because
of one of Scott's schemes.  Scott protests that Lucy was doing it for
Serena.  Luke isn't too impressed with Scott's efforts to find an
antidote... when he hears that all the *interns* are hard at work, he makes
a crack about Scott sparing no expense.  Scott bursts out with "Don't you
think I'd give every penny I've got to save her life?"  Luke comes back with
"All I know is she deserves a better friend than you or me."  Scott storms

Kevin is sitting with Lucy.  She asks when she'll get that "wonderful
antidote" and he has to break it to her that the antidote wasn't an antidote
at all, but more poison.  Lucy worries that there's no hope left, but Kevin
insists that they're not going to give up.  Lucy admits that she's getting
really, really scared.  Luke enters the room quietly and says "Don't get
scared, Darlin'.  You ain't gonna die.  I won't let you."  Lucy is upset,
accusing Luke of coming to say goodbye.  He protests "I don't do good-byes.
Especially to the only woman I ever considered leaving my wife for."  Lucy
pops back with "You never looked twice at me" and Luke assures her "Oh, I
looked.  I've been looking for a long time.  The hard thing was looking

Lucy asks Kevin to give her a little time with Luke.  He protests a bit...
after their opening banter, he says he can't possibly leave them alone.
Lucy promises to be good, but Kevin argues that everytime she promises to be
good around Luke, it turns into kidnapping and bullets.  Kevin does leave
for a bit, saying he's going to go check on the lab.  Luke gives Lucy a hard
time about her hospital garb, astonished that she's not wearing some black
negligee with all those young interns and ex-husbands wandering around.
Lucy tells him he's the biggest flirt.  Then she changes tone a bit, saying
she really thought she had Rex right where she wanted him, but he got her.
Lucy sounds defeated:  "I was beat by a man.  Sure never thought I would be.
I always thought it would be Bobbie, at least, or maybe Katherine."  Luke
argues that she hasn't been beaten, but she's convinced that this is it.
Luke insists that she isn't going to die:  "You're gonna survive.  Because
as long as you do, I will."

There are a couple of flashbacks of Lucy and Luke... a scene where she's
tending to what looks like a gunshot on his shoulder.  There's lots of
screaming as she pours rum onto his wound to (presumably) help disinfect it.
There's also a scene of him rescuing her from being tied up in an office.
(I'm not sure exactly when these stories played out, but, for reference,
Lucy's hair was long and straight and Luke was definitely smack in the
middle of the PermDays.)

When the flashbacks end, Luke tells Lucy she is "one beautiful woman."  Lucy
answers "you are one very, very good friend."  Luke tells Lucy she has to
get better so they can go out for dinner and drink expensive champagne and
toast and drink and dance and laugh.
Luke:  "There's an awful lot of unfinished business between you and me."
Lucy:  "You are so right."

Kevin asks the interns for an update.  He's obviously frustrated when the
tell him they've only isolated one ingredient of the poison.  Everyone is
tense.  Kevin asks Scott what happened to his plan to go over and kill Rex
and Scott says he realized that Rex is just trying to get them to waste
Lucy's time.

As Matt is getting ready to leave, Ellen tries to give him her chief
resident pen to take with him.  She knows he can't take any pictures and
wants him to have something sentimental.  He argues that it's important to
her, and she insists that's why she wants him to have it.  Matt suddenly
says he's not leaving.  He says he's willing to take the risk because there
are things in Port Charles he cares about.  The marshals say they can't
protect him if he doesn't cooperate and leave.  Ellen also tells him not to
stay, saying she doesn't want him to.  She convinces him it would be wrong
for him to stay:  "How dare you give up your life so easily."  Matt realizes
he's being selfish and agrees to go.  The marshals wait outside while Ellen
and Matt say their good-byes (no more kissing, tho).  Ellen, through her
tears, says "I hope you find love... and peace."  Matt looks back one more
time and leaves.

Eve is obviously trying to distract Scott a bit, talking about how one of
the things she really loves about Lucy is her frenetic mind and all her
plans.  After all, who else would come up with the idea of Eve as a model?
Scott says that isn't so far-fetched.  Eve says he obviously hasn't seen the
ad yet... and searches the nearby magazines for a copy.  When he looks at
it, he realizes it's for the herbal pill Rex brought over to market with
Lucy.  When Eve remembers that Rex consulted with a local herbalist, Scott
says they can find out the name of the guy from Don, Lucy's assistant.  They
head out to track him down.

Lucy tells Luke she thinks she's dying because she hasn't been a very nice
person.  But Father Luke points out that she's done some pretty decent
things, too... like raising millions of dollars for the hospital with the
Nurses' Ball.  Lucy asks him to keep her shoe from the ball over his bar to
remember her by (I don't know the background of this... can anyone fill
in?).  He says it will stay right where it is until she can go in and give
him a more personal piece of clothing to use as a flag over the bar.  Kevin
comes back.  Luke kisses Lucy on the forehead and goes, telling Kevin to
take care of her.  Lucy is crying harder, saying that Luke didn't want to
say goodbye.  Kevin says he doesn't want to, either, but Lucy says he's
going to have to.

Scott and Eve go to visit the herbalist.  Scott says Uncle Rex said they
could speak freely with him about a certain rare, crippling herb.  The
herbalist says he doesn't know what they're talking about and that he
doesn't want to get involved.  Scott grabs him and tells him he's already
involved.  Scott says he knows Rex paid this guy a lot of money and slaps
some bills down on the table, saying he'll add to that so the guy will tell
him what he wants to know.

Lucy asks Kevin if he can stop the room from spinning and he says "I'd stop
the world and melt with you."  (I actually asked my empty room if he had
*really* just quoted Modern English!)  Lucy passes out.  Kevin climbs into
her bed and holds her and wakes her up.  She apologizes and wants him to
forgive her.  He says it okay... but she insists that she needs him to
forgive her for leaving him.  As she fades in and out, Kevin holds her and
begs her to hold on just a little bit longer.

The End.
