Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 2/27/98
Date: 2 Mar 1998 06:07:34 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - February 26th 1998
(posted and e-mail)

Ellen comes into her apartment to find Matt, shirtless and toweling
off.  He tells her that people entering the room suddenly makes
him nervous, as he imagines shirtless men in her apartment make
her. She takes a black book out of the paper bag she is carrying
and gives it to him.  It's his address book he asked for.  He
asks what else is in the bag.  She tells him it's a change of clean
clothes for him.  The phone rings.  She lets the answering machine
pick it up.  It's Grace. Grace apologizes for the scene in the
Recovery Room, but says she thinks Matt's in trouble.  Ellen
comments to Matt, that it doesn't sound like Grace is going to
let him slip quietly into the night.

Lucy is still lying in her hospital bed unconscious.  Kevin is telling
Boardman that they haven't had time yet to tell if the antidote is
working.  Boardman says they both know that Kevin shouldn't
have performed the intubation.  Kevin insists he had to give her
that fighting chance.  Boardman says that Lucy already made that
decision for him.  Kevin points out that she didn't know they'd
have this situation with the antidote when she signed the DNR.
Boardman insists that Lucy's wishes should be followed.  Scott
jumps in to claim that Lucy wasn't in her right mind at the time
and Karen supports him saying that Lucy's cognitive skills could
have been affected by the poison. (Oooh, hope they don't try to
put her on the stand as an expert witness.) Boardman asks her
if she doesn't have some other patients to treat.  She does.  She
leaves with Joe obediently following behind.  Boardman claims
that he understands their dilemma, and doesn't know what he'd
do in this situation if this was his loved one, but he has to follow
the rules and he has a responsibility to his patient. He asks them
to try and understand.  "Oh, I do," says Kevin, "I just don't care."
Boardman insists again that Lucy will have to be removed from
life support.

Scott makes sure he gets in his two cents.  "The Hospital isn't going
to do anything before they see me in court.  As her attorney you are
not taking her off that machine."  Boardman says if he could bring
her out of the coma, if there was the slightest chance, he'd stand
with them.  Kevin reminds him that there is a chance that the
antidote might work.  Boardman starts to voice an objection
that Kevin anticipates; the antidote may have accelerated respiratory
failure, but it might work given enough time.   Boardman says there's
no evidence this will happen. (Stubborn cuss).  He reiterates the fact
that Lucy left signed instructions.  Kevin knows. Yes, he loves that
woman and  he's violating her last wish. "Sue me! But I have to give
her this last chance.  I owe her that much." Again Boardman insists
that the DNR be respected and implies they are keeping her alive
only for their own emotional needs. "This issue is not closed." But
he leaves with Scott shouting after him. "We're not giving up!"

Kevin returns to Lucy's side.  He wonders if they're doing the right
thing.  Scott assures him that they are. "Besides what are they going
to do make a media out of this, a big circus?" (Does anyone else get
a headache trying to follow Scott's sentence structure?) They are
doing the right thing, and besides they don't have any other choice.
Kevin asks for some time alone with Lucy. Scott gives him a manly
pat on the shoulder and leaves. Kevin asks Lucy to forgive him, but
he just can't let her go.

Eve is waiting for Scott outside.  He wonders if they're doing the
right thing.  Eve assures him that they are. "She's not waking up,"
says Scott.  He tells Eve about Boardman. "I said I'd see him in
court and he said they'd fight and win." (No, he didn't say anything
of the sort.  What reality does Scott live in?)  Eve tells Scott that
miracles happen and everyone has faith that Lucy will recover.
Scott feels guilty about getting Lucy into this mess in the first
place.  Eve says that Lucy did it for Serena and wouldn't regret
it even now.  She encourages Scott to tell Lucy that he's grateful
and how much he needs her.  He wants to do more.  Eve asks
what more he can do.  He has a notion.

It's the next morning. Ellen asks Matt what he's going to do.  He
doesn't like his choices. He can either strike out on his own now or
march back into the hospital like nothing ever happened.  Ellen points
out that whatever options he chooses he'll be looking over his
shoulder.   He's done that his whole life, but he's worried about
involving other people.  Ellen says she's already involved.  "Involved...
that's a loaded word." says Matt.  Ellen tells him that she didn't
intend to start a relationship.  He believes that, but a relationship got
started anyway.  She asks if they can unstart it.  Yes they could do
that, but he'd rather not try and he asks if she's sure that's what she

Scott calls Gail.  She's getting Serena ready for school.  She asks
if there's any change in Lucy's condition. No. Scott wants Gail to
bring Serena over to the hospital.

Ellen comments that Matt doesn't give up easily.   He tells  her
that the first time they moved him was when he was nineteen.  He
was in love for the first time.  They wouldn't even let him say
good-bye to the girl.  That was the worst pain he had ever felt,
until now.  There's a knock on the door.  "Ellen?  Ellen, it's
Grace."  Matt instructs her to answer it, but he's not here.  He
takes his coffee cup with him and goes into the next room. Ellen
answers the door. Grace apologizes for disturbing her and asks
if she got the answering machine message.  Ellen lies and says she
didn't want to call because she got in late.  Grace says she was up
all night.  She thinks they should try and find Matt.

Serena hugs Scott outside of Lucy's hospital room.  She asks him
if something's wrong.  He says Lucy's still not feeling well. Serena
asks if Lucy needs her.  "She needs you very much right now."
"She won't die will she?" Serena asks.  Scott doesn't answer
directly, just saying no one wants Lucy to die.  He warns Serena
that Lucy isn't looking her best.  Serena promises not to be
afraid.  Scott tells her that even though Lucy's sleeping she
can hear her.  They walk in to the room, where Kevin is still sitting
beside Lucy.  He turns and sees Serena and smiles.  "Hi, Serena."
He holds his hand out to her. "Come here."  She joins him and
they both look down at Lucy.

Kevin tells Serena that Lucy will be happy to have her there.
Serena says that Lucy doesn't look so sick. "You think?" asks
Kevin. "All she is is just sleeping." Kevin asks if Serena would
like to say something to Lucy.  Kevin moves away and Serena
says to Lucy, "I've been feeding Sigmund and his whole entire
family while you've been gone.  When you wake up, I'm going
to take you shopping.  I've saved all my allowance. I love you
Lucy." She asks Kevin if she can give Lucy a kiss.  He says, of
course and lifts Serena up.  Serena gives Lucy a peck on the cheek
and then whispers. "Please don't die, Lucy. I need you real bad.
Please don't die." Kevin puts her back down. In Serena's opinion
they should let Lucy rest now, she's really tired. "That's why she
sleeps so much."  Scott asks if she told Lucy a little secret.
Serena says. "Yeah, a secret to make her feel better." She asks if
she has to go to school because she wants to be there when Lucy
wakes up. She touches Lucy's cheek.

Grace strides in to Ellen's apartment.  Ellen says she hasn't heard
from Matt. Grace asks why she's so sure that nothing happened
to him.  Ellen claims he was fine when he said good-bye.  Grace
frets that it's not like Matt to disappear.  Ellen suggests that he
might be coming back. Grace insists that he wouldn't have left
on his own without telling her.  She and Matt have gotten close
and were about ready to go to the next step. At least she thought
they were.  Matt is still listening in the other room, but gives
no sign that he shared Grace's evaluation of the relationship.
Ellen asks what Grace is planning to do.  Grace thought maybe
Ellen could help.  Grace has already been to see Detective
Garcia.  Behind the door Matt rolls his eyes.  Ellen is shocked.
"You went to the police." "Well, of course," But Garcia said
he couldn't help. Grace wants Ellen to talk to him because she
was the last one to see Matt. Ellen says that Matt wouldn't want
that and Grace is overreacting.  Grace says she's worried about
Matt and too many things have happened.  She'd think that Ellen
would be concerned.  Ellen says that she is, but Matt is a grown
man, capable of making his own decisions.  If Ellen won't help her,
Grace will do it on her own. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you,"
she says icily. As she's leaving she sees Matt's address book by
the door and demands to know where Ellen got it.  "Either he's
here or you know where he is. Which one is it?  Answer me?"

Scott tells Serena she doesn't have to go to school but suggests
that she should go to the cafeteria and have an apple and hot
chocolate with Grandma Gail.  Serena refuses.  She thinks
everyone should stay there and help Lucy feel better.  Gail
starts to leave to fetch the hot chocolate, when Boardman comes
in.  He greets her very politely and asks how everyone is doing.
Everyone is fine.  He starts to bring up the popping her life support
subject again, until they point out the trusting little girl and Boardman
and Scott take it outside.  Scott insists that they are not going to
pull the plug. Gail asks if there isn't something they can do.  The
antidote has barely been given time to work.   Boardman is
skeptical of an antidote concocted by these interns. (Can you
blame him?) "So what!" Scott shouts.  If there's a one in a million
chance, then Lucy deserves it.  Boardman, "Yadda, yadda, yadda."
He goes over the argument again.  "Anyway the discussion is moot.
You said I had to have a court order and I have one right here."
(Scott didn't say that.  Were these two having a telepathic
conversation?) Scott tears up the court order and tells Boardman
to get another one and another one, and then to call the police,
and then he'll have a one man riot, but he's not going to kill Lucy.
Serena comes out just in time to hear that. "Lucy's going to die?!"
she wails.

Director - Anthony Morina

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