Daily Updates

From: mtczajka@aol.com (MTCzajka)
Subject: PC:  Update Monday 3/2
Date: 2 Mar 1998 18:13:41 GMT

Serena is worried about Lucy dying and thinks Dr. Boardman wants to kill
her.  Scott reassures her and sends her in to be with Lucy.  Boardman tells
Scott that they have to adhere to the patients wishes (heās being fairly gentle
about this.)  Kevin comes out and angrily tells him that even if he brings the
Supreme Court into the room, she is not being disconnected.  Meanwhile,
Serena is crying on Lucyās lap wishing her to not die.  Lucy flutters her
eyes.  Serena runs out and gets the guys.  Lucy is awake but canāt talk
(which has to be absolute hell for Lucy!!)  Boardman checks her and tells
her they will wean her off of the ventilator.  Lucy starts talking in a
voice, Joe and Karen come in.  Lucy thanks them and Boardman tells them
they did an excellent job.  Lucy thanks Karen for saving her life, Karen
thanks Lucy for risking her life for Serena. (This scene was actually very
nice, it just sounds kind of bland in words.)  Later, Kevin and Lucy are alone
and he tells her that heāll never let her go.  He tells her Boardman made
everyone else leave.  She apologizes to him for not listening to his warnings.
He tells her that her passion for things is what saved Serena and what made
him fall in love with her.  He wants to pick a wedding date - she cries.

Out in the hall, Karen is psyched about the process of finding the poison
and the lab work.  She wants to celebrate - Joe does too.  Heās thinking
sleep, sheās thinking sex.  He appears to be convinced that her  idea is
Later, In bed, Karen compliments Joe, than starts talking about work.  Sheās
very interested in research.  He thinks it works as an aphrodisiac with her
and starts murmuring lab terms in her ear.  She moans "Oh, Joe" and laughs.

Matt comes out of the back at Ellenās and tells Grace the truth.  Sheās
relieved, apparently because he wasnāt avoiding her,  and kisses him.  He
tells them about deciding not to go back into the Witness Protection Program.
Ellen says he canāt go back to the hospital after the note he got.  Matt says
heās been thinking about that and doesnāt believe the note was from the
bad guys - the Mancusis.  He doesnāt think a warning sign is their style.
He wants to find out whatās going on.

Lor...I mean, Dr. May is complimenting Chris on his work.  A nurse arrives
and they rush to a little boyās room.  Afterwards, May compliments Chris
about his bedside manner and wonders why Devlin gave him such a bad
review.  Chris claims itās an unknown personal grudge.  May says if he
keeps up the good work, heāll have her vote for the Q prize.

Eve and Chris verbally spar about his sucking up to Dr. May et al / being
appreciated for his brilliance.  (Iāll leave it to the reader to decide which
opinion goes with each of the two interns.)  Eve says that Chris thinks he
has the Q prize all sewn up, now that Mattās gone.  They are both surprised
to see Matt wheel in.  Eve is happy, Chris pretends to be.  Matt blames his
absence on being injured worse than he thought.  He thanks Chris for saving
his life, thus allowing him to come back.  Matt leaves to see a patient and
Eve taunts Chris with the renewed competition.

Matt goes to see the paralyzed kid, Keith.  Matt assures him that recovery
is tough at first, but eventually heāll be big and strong like himself.  Matt
tells him that heās not going anywhere.  Meanwhile, Chris looks at a picture
of Matt in his doctor clothes.  He writes "Port Charles New York" on the
back, and puts it into an envelope with the type address "Salvatore Mancusi,
Mancusi International, Ltd." in Philly.

