Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC: Update, Wednesday, March 04 1998
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 09:11:15 -0400

PC, Update, 04 March 1998

Scott is at the Scanlons' to pick up Eve for the big pay back.  He was
going to take her to Paris, but the Concord was booked.  He thinks she
looks good enough to eat.  She's starving.  They are going to start with
supper at Mario's — the rest of the evening is still a secret.

Joe and Karen, who are at GH,  also have plans to go to Mario's.  Joe
has something "big" planned.  She's busy — she has errands to run and
stuff to do in the lab, so she'll meet him there.

Matt is in the on-call room, where he checks his email on the computer.
He reads the "Get out of town while you can" email.  Ellen walks in.
The threat is from Chris Ramsey's email address.  Ellen doesn't think it
makes any sense that Chris would send him an email — does he know about
Matt's history?  They don't know if Chris sent the message — his
password could have been used by someone else.  Ellen wants to call the
authorities.  The Mancusies, says Matt, don't play games — it's not
their way to send messages.  Matt is going to speak with Chris.

Lark is working at Mario's and has Scott and Eve's table in her
section.  Eve and Lark snipe.  Scott has daisies for Eve.  They are her
favourite, and she puts one in her hair.  Scott has already arranged for
the food, all of which are her favourites.  This includes key lime pie,
flown in from Key West.  Eve wonders if he is looking to get lucky.  He
says yes, and asks how his chances look.  Eve says pretty good, but she
gets to eat all the pie.

Joe, at home, is getting ready to go out with Karen.  Frank tells him
that Lark's working tonight.  Joe is a little nervous — he is going to
meet the woman of his dreams, and he has a bracelet for her.  Frank
wonders if he's a man who chickened out getting a ring.  Joe doesn't
want to be rushed.

Karen is at the lab with Jake.  Dr. Quartermaine has suggested that they
write a paper about the antidote.  They both love the thrill of the
research chase.  Karen's microscope sample is growing exponentially.
They are going to run the experiment again to see what's going on.

Chris enters the on-call room.  Matt confronts him about the email.
Chris denies sending it and, besides, he doesn't understand what the
message means.  Chris suggests a disgruntled patient.  Matt says he
doesn't have any.  Someone is messing with his (Matt's) head, but he can
handle it.  He is going to get to the bottom of this, and threatens the
person who is doing it.  Matt leaves the room, and Chris looks smug.

Scott tells Eve he is going back to the practice of law.  He wants to
get back at the system that served him so well (sarcasm).  Scott wants
to know why Eve is a doctor — she tells him it is all about money, but
he doesn't believe her.  She tells him a story about a cat, Whiskers,
from her childhood who got sick and the vet saved.  Ha! Ha! She is just
kidding.  In reality, she has never had anything her whole life — she's
doing this for herself.  And yes, she sometimes does something to help
people.  They toast.  He thanks Eve for helping him, and she thanks
Scott for trusting her with his secret.

Lark asks Eve and Scott if they want dessert now.  Yes, they do. She
walks by Joe's table, where he is all alone.  Lark tells him he's been
stood up — does he want to eat?  Joe turns down food and says he is
going to try to call Karen again.

Back at the lab, Karen's cells are growing quickly.  Jake suggests
altering heat and light; Karen suggests a different growth medium.  Jake
goes for supplies so they can start again.

Eve is eating her pie.  She wants to know what's in store for the rest
of the evening.  Scott asks her what she most wants to do in PC.  She
says a hockey game.  And, surprise, surprise, Scott has front row
tickets to the PC Polar bears' game.  They take off so as not to miss
any of the action.

Joe calls home.  Frank hasn't heard from Karen.  Joe is concerned, as
her pager service seems to be on the blink.  Joe is going to try the
hospital again.

Karen is in the lab.  She spills something on herself.  She leaves the
lab to get rid of her lab coat.  After she leaves, the phone rings — Joe
is trying to reach her from Mario's.  He's worried something has
happened to her.

Chris acts coy and tells Grace about Matt's email.  Grace tells him it
must be important for Matt to get upset.  They discuss Matt calling the
police.  Grace goes to find Matt.  Chris looks smug again.

Eve and Scott are back at the Scanlons'.  Eve has had a good time —
Scott even bought her a team jacket and a stuffed mascot polar bear.
Eve thanks him for the tailor-made evening.  Scott confesses Rhonda set
it up after talking to Karen and Chris and Julie.  Eve is upset
(supposedly, but she doesn't really look it)  — she puts herself on the
line for him, and what does she get but a petty cash expenditure.  Scott
wants another chance — a second date, no Rhonda.  They're on for
tomorrow, after Eve pretends to be affronted because Scott assumed she
wouldn't have plans.  Scott kisses her (and it was quite the kiss!).
Eve's comment: Give my love to Rhonda! <g>

At Mario's, Lark tells a fellow server about the $50 tip from Scott.
The server tells her that Scott is worth over $100 million.  Lark says
to herself: Cute and rich — this could be interesting.

At the lab, Joe comes in.  Karen is all excited and wants him to come
look at her dividing cells.  He's in no mood.  He's been worried sick
and tried calling her all night.  She says she forgot.  Joe is mad — he
had a special evening planned, and she just "forgot".  He gives her his
anniversary gift (three months, 18 days) by slamming the jeweler's box
on the lab bench.  He leaves and she opens the box to find the bracelet.

Grace finds Matt in the on-call room.  She asks him what he's going to
do.  He says if he calls the police and it's a crank, he could tip off
the Mancusies.  If he doesn't call, he's a dead man if it's for real.
His conscience is telling him that if there's a chance he can bring the
killers of the two marshals that died protecting him to justice, he has
to do it.  He picks up the phone, dials, and asks for Special Agent