Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 3/6/98
Date: 9 Mar 1998 06:03:09 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - March 6th 1998
(posted and e-mail)


Chris approaches Matt in front of the nurses' station.  Chris tells him
that he and the other interns read the article about the Philadelphia
bombing.  If he happens to be that witness, Chris assures him that all
the interns will keep their mouths shut.  Matt leads Chris over to the
not much more private lounge.  Matt tells him that he's been giving
thought to the e-mail threat.  He thinks Chris sent it because it was
on his account.  It's the most logical scenario. (Well... Darn.  Chris
sent it on his account so people would logically think it wasn't him.
Matt obviously doesn't read enough mysteries.) Chris tells him he's
being paranoid.  He had nothing to do with it. Matt sneers that this
is Chris' standard line and that's what he said when he stole Karen's
letter. (Objection.  Chris did not deny reading Karen's letter.  Couldn't
very well when she caught him red-handed.  He just fudged on where
he found it.)  Matt contends that everybody blames Chris for things
because he's guilty. Ellen is attracted by the shouting and demands
to know what's going on.  An angry Matt threatens Chris. "If you
are screwing with me I am going to mess with you in ways that you can
never imagine."  He leaves.  Ellen asks Chris why he's always the common
denominator in these incidents.  He advises her to keep an eye on Matt
because he's "losing it".

HIDDEN MEANING - Chris will be lucky if he's not shot before
the end of this story line.

Lark comes in the front door of the Scanlon home.  She answers
the ringing phone.  It's Scott.  He asks for Eve and Lark lies and
says she isn't home.  Scott asks her to deliver the message that
he'll be there at seven instead of eight.  As soon as Lark hangs up
Eve comes down the stairs.  She asks who that was and Lark tells
her it was a wrong number.

HIDDEN MEANING - Lark badly needs a hobby.

Kevin and Lucy are at the police station.  He tries to discourage
her from seeing Rex, but she wants to confront him so she can
excise some of her anger.  Kevin isn't sure confronting him will
be the release she hopes for. (He should know.  He tried it with
Ryan and that went very, very wrong.) He asks if he should stay
with her while she talks to Rex.  She refuses because she doesn't
want Rex to think she's afraid.  Rex comes in and Kevin leaves.
Rex says Lucy is looking well and suggest she's there for a
conjugal visit.  No, before they take him away to the Federal
Penitentiary she wanted to show him something. Last time she
asked for her life, now she wants to show him what a loser he is.

HIDDEN MEANING - You're in Check, Rex, and you've lost your

Rex finds her brave display very amusing.  Lucy says that he's
caused her a lot of grief, but in the end he's beaten. She wanted
him to see living proof that people like him don't win, and to
think of that everyday while he's rotting in prison.  He points
out that he is still her husband.  Not for long, she's going to
have that nightmare of a  marriage annulled.  "So you can marry
the stuffed shirt boy scout with the personality disorder?" He
asks.  Lucy rises to that insult. "Doctor Kevin Collins is ten
times the man you ever hoped to be."  Rex urges her to admit
that she enjoyed being with a man like him and that Kevin
will drive her into a catatonic state. (Nonsense, Kevin's
"personality disorder" keeps things mighty interesting... and
then there's his family.) Lucy hopes that Rex will enjoy solitary
confinement.  He tells her he finds her spunk very alluring.
She tells him a secret that everyone knew, but him. "You never
stood a chance with me.  It was all an act.  Every time you
touched me my skin would crawl.  Every time you kissed me I
felt like throwing up.  Every time I said I loved you, I was lying."
She scoffs at him for actually believing it.  He says he saw through
her from the beginning.  She agrees that he never trusted her, but
he did want her.  He asks why she came to see him.  To purge him
from her soul? That will never happen.  She says it already has.  For
her he has ceased to exist.  She tells him to take a good look at this
living woman, because it's the last lady he'll see for a long time.
"Rex Stanton, this war is over." He smiles at her. "But my dear,
I have yet to call in the heavy artillery."

HIDDEN MEANING - Joke's on you Lucy, Rex was playing
Monopoly all along.

Eve is sitting down on the couch applying polish to her toenails.
Lark comes in with a sandwich on a plate and sits down in the
armchair.  She makes some snotty remarks about Eve's hot date.
Eve must really like Scott.  Eve tells her that she wouldn't hang
out with him if she didn't.   Lark makes some more insinuations,
and Eve says that Scott was just thanking her for helping with his
daughter.  Lark asks if he's married and Eve explains that his wife
died a few years ago. Lark says that she heard Scott inherited a
billion dollars.  She asks if that's why Eve's dating him.  Eve says
she's learned the hard way not to marry for money.  Lark is
unconvinced.  She wants a rich guy who can take her to concerts,
and restaurants and traveling.  Eve asks if money is Lark's only
criteria for a man.  No.  He should be fine and have a motorcycle
and mutual funds, stocks and bonds.  Eve laughs and says she's
glad Lark has her priorities straight.

HIDDEN MEANING - Lark is going to fall for a poor guy soon.

At the nurses' station Ellen asks Matt what the scene with Chris
was about.  Matt thinks Chris knows something.  Chris saw the
article and is starting to put things together.  Ellen tells Matt
that she thought he was interested in keeping this quiet.  He says
that's all he's interested in.  She points out that loud confrontations
with Chris will not deflect attention away from him. He agrees
and says he needs to handle things more discreetly.  She requests
that he try not to let his problems interfere with work at the hospital.
Lives are at stake.  He says he'll make an effort not to create
disturbances, but he's fighting for his life.  Someone at the hospital
is trying to spook him and he's determined to find out who it is.

HIDDEN MEANING - No hanky-panky between Matt and Ellen
on Hospital time either.

Eve comes downstairs.  She's still getting ready for the date that
she doesn't know has been pushed up an hour.  Lark is sulking on
the couch. Eve asks her if she has a hot date.  Lark wonders
why she thinks that.  Eve says the outfit she has on is pretty.
Lark demands to know what she means by that and Eve says
she can't take a compliment.  The doorbell rings and Eve asks
Lark to get it since she's still in her bathrobe.  It's Scott at the
door.  He greets Lark.  Eve comes back downstairs again, and
is shocked to see him. He is surprised at her attire. "You took me
seriously when I said informal."  She says he was supposed to be
there at eight.  He says he left a message and they both look over
at Lark.  She claims she forgot until just this minute.  Eve says
she'll be ready in fifteen minutes.  Lark apologizes to Scott again.
He says it's okay; better he sees Eve that way now, and she
looked okay. He compliments Lark on her appearance and asks
who the lucky guy is.

HIDDEN MEANING - The lucky guy is you Scott, and she wouldn't
even try if she knew how long it took you to catch a hint.

Jake comes up to the nurses' station where everyone is hanging out
instead of doing their work.  He tells the others that he's never seen
Matt so mad, not even when Boardman tried to keep him out of
surgery. Karen asks if they think Chris sent him that e-mail.  Why
would he? Jake asks. (Story line envy?) Joe wouldn't put it past Chris.
They speculate about whether or not Matt is the government witness
that two federal marshals died protecting, and come to the conclusion
that it's possible.  They ask Grace about it.  She tells them to do what
she does, mind their own business.  Matt comes up and asks Joe if
he has the film on the rib fracture in 458.  Joe does.  He asks Karen if she
could go over the x-ray on a patient with him.  Jake asks if there's
anything he can do for Matt. (Sheesh, Matt should get threats more
often, it makes the other interns very cooperative.)

HIDDEN MEANING - Chris is good at getting people to think they've
had their own ideas.

Eve comes back downstairs dressed up for her date with Scott. He
gets up from the couch where he was chatting with Lark.  He jokes
that Eve looks good, but he might have liked her better before. Eve
suggests that Scott go warm up the truck.  He starts to object, but
realizes she wants him temporarily gone. "So long kid," he says to
Lark.  When he's out the door Lark says that he's pretty cool for
an old guy.  Eve gets right to the point. "Let's get something straight.
Don't mess with me." She doesn't believe that Lark just "forgot"
to give her the message. "Listen sister, I'm not nice like Julie, and
I'm not good-hearted like Frank.  You try this again and I will mop
the floor with you."  "Fine," is Lark's sullen reply. But Eve's not
done. "Nothing gets past me, because I've done it all before and I
did it a lot better than you.   So you try this again and you will be
out of here so fast you will not have time to steal one more sweater,
tell one more lie or forget one more message. Got me?" Lark does
indeed seem to get the point. Eve puts on her best insincere perky
smile. "Buh-bye."  She's out the door as Lark tries to assimilate
the conversation.

HIDDEN MEANING - Lark had better find some other trouble
to get into.

Back at the Lighthouse, Lucy asks Kevin not to say, I told you
so.  Rex got to her once again.  Kevin says that's to be expected.
Rex tried to kill her.  Of course, she'd be rattled to see him again.
Lucy regrets missing the opportunity to beat Rex to a pulp when
his hands were handcuffed behind his back.  Kevin suggests she
calm down.  They can take a nice hot bath, have a hot cup of tea.
Lucy suggests that she could stare at her lava lamp. That always
works.  He pulls their engagement ring out of his pocket and
puts it on her finger, suggesting that this will make her feel a little
bit better. She hugs him.  She says he should go and get the lava
lamp and she'll meet him in the bathtub.  The phone rings.  Kevin
tells her to say that they're leaving the country and to hurry up.
From Lucy's side of the conversation we can tell that one of her
checks has bounced, surprising because she is of course filthy rich.
She hangs up and tells Kevin it was the stylists for her Jacks photo
shoots.  Kevin says it's just a banking glitch.  Lucy wants to check
and calls up the "little automated thingie".  The machine says that
she has no money in her Jacks account, not one single dime.

HIDDEN MEANING - There isn't going to be any sensuous bubble
bath tonight.

Scott has taken Eve to a drive in movie.  He comes back to the truck
with snack-bar fare, hot dogs, soda, the works.  Eve guesses that
Rhonda did not arrange this date.  Scott admits that he did it himself.
"This is your idea of romance? A double feature Jackie Chan movie
at the drive in?" He asks if she's putting down his date planning skills.
On the contrary, she thinks that drive-ins can be a turn-on.  "We should
explore that," says Scott and he kisses her.

HIDDEN MEANING - Scott's a cheapskate.

Matt looks at the magazine article on the bombing, that all of the other
interns have been reviewing with such interest.  At the nurses' station
he asks the others, if they've read it.   With nearly a complete lack
of the discretion he promised to have, he suggests that whoever the
article is about they need to have it kept secret.  He hoped this
person's friends were smart enough to keep any information they
might have to themselves.  Jake, Karen and Joe, all agree to that.
(Chris isn't there, and it's too late, he's already spilled the beans.)

HIDDEN MEANING - The brown matter is about to hit the fan and
now everyone knows it.

Salvatore Mancusi, is sitting at his desk opening his mail. (A man
in his position and nobody checks for mail bombs?) He opens
the envelope and pulls out the picture of Matt.  He turns it over
and sees the location on the back.  He picks up the phone and calls
someone, probably his son Bobby. "Someone just did us a very
big favor. Seems our boy has more than one set of enemies."

HIDDEN MEANING - Chris isn't very smart putting his own
handwriting on the back of that photo.

At the lighthouse, Lucy is sitting on the bed.  She hangs up the
phone.  She tells Kevin that anyplace Jacks Cosmetics had money
it's all gone.  And loans were made on Jacks credit line, so the
company is no longer solvent.  Kevin says that the money must
be somewhere.  Lucy thinks Rex knows where it is.  This is
what he meant by his threats, when she thought he was just bluffing.
Rex Stanton is trying to destroy her company.

HIDDEN MEANING - Kevin may actually have to go out and get
a paying job now.

Director - Anthony Morina
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