Daily Updates

From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Thursday, 3/12/98
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 21:08:44 GMT
X-Server-Date: 14 Mar 1998 21:09:06 GMT

                       PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                     Thursday, March 12, 1998

I'll warn you up front that there was very little about today's
episode that didn't get on my nerves.  This is, thus, going to be a
very curmudgeonly update.

* Waiting for Godot - I Mean, Harris
* Mrs. Rex Stanton's Garage Sale
* Handcuffs Become Her

Matt is waiting for Marshal Harris (it'll be a long wait, bub).  Grace
hopes Harris doesn't agree to the plan.  Matt argues with her - he put
a lot of thought into the plan.  (Yeah, must have been at least five
minutes.  Why bother with the big secret getaway if he was just going
to blow his cover?)  Matt thinks Grace should leave town till it's
over.  She refuses to go.  Matt wants to convince Bobby Mancusi that
he's tired of running; then Bobby will show up, and Marshal Harris
will arrest Bobby.  Grace asks the $64,000 question - what if
something goes wrong?  Matt (who evidently lives in the same alternate
reality as Lucy Coe) assures Grace that he and the marshals won't let
that happen.  Grace retorts:  "Like they did in Philadelphia?"  Matt
has no answer for that.  Grace begs Matt to go back into hiding.  He
refuses.  He'd have to give up medicine, because now they know he's a
doctor, and a surgeon in a wheelchair is too conspicuous.  He is sick
of hiding, and he won't do it anymore.  But, Grace reminds him, Bobby
Mancusi WILL come after him.  Matt assures her he won't be alone -
Harris will back him up.

Meanwhile, Harris lies dead on his office floor.  Bobby Mancusi kneels
beside the body, pulling Harris's ID card and badge out of his pocket.

Grace returns from a foraging expedition with an odd selection of
canned fruits and veggies she found in the warehouse.  She also has a
makeshift tablecloth and a small candle, which she uses to set a
table.  (I suppose they're using the punch line from that old joke,
"Assume a can opener.")  Then she leaves Ellen a message asking her to
tell Audrey that Grace won't be in today.

A little later, they're still waiting for the Marshal Who Will Never
Arrive.  Matt talks about his childhood - he was a 'homebody.'  Grace
asks about his family, and Matt explains that he can't talk about it -
he protects the people he cares about by keeping quiet.  They hear a
loud noise out in the warehouse.  We see Bobbie Mancusi, checking out
the warehouse.  He kicks open the office door and finds that Grace and
Matt aren't there.  Noticing smoke from an obviously recently-
extinguished candle, he continues his search.  Meanwhile, Matt and
Grace cower in the elevator.

Lucy and Scott are at the Lighthouse; Lucy reads an article about
Jacks Cosmetics' problems in the Port Charles Herald.  Scott tries to
calm her down, but she hates being referred to as "Mrs. Rex Stanton,"
as happens repeatedly in the news story.  After all, who would really
marry Rex, who is a "freak of nature", she asks.  (Well, Lucy, YOU
did....)  She asks Scott how soon he can get her marriage annulled.
Scott figures it won't take long, since the marriage wasn't
consummated, right???  Lucy punches him for even asking the question.
She asks if Serena has seen the newspaper articles about Lucy's
troubles; Scott assures her that he doesn't want Serena reminded of
Rex.  Lucy remarks that she has one reminder she loves.  She goes to
her purse and pulls out the emerald engagement ring Rex gave her.  She
asks Scott if she can keep it.  Scott's look suggests that the answer
is probably 'no.'  Lucy tells him she's keeping it anyway - Rex can
pry it off her cold, dead hand if he wants it.  Scott tells her that
he can keep anything she wants as long as she stays Mrs. Rex Stanton.
Lucy is grossed out by the idea at first, but then she hugs Scott,
excited, and tells him how brilliant he is.  Oh oh.

When we rejoin them, Lucy is wearing a leopard-print dress and a
"big-hair" do.  She models for Scott, who tells her she's up to no
good.  He asks where Kevin is; Lucy explains that he's visiting
Victor.  "How convenient," mutters Scott.  Lucy insists that Kevin
will approve of her plan to stay married to Rex, in order to get her
hands on Rex's money; Scott, not being a total idiot, doesn't believe
that for a second.  Besides, Lucy continues, if Kevin gets mad, she'll
claim the idea was Scott's.  (Oh, yeah, THAT will really help.)  Scott
doesn't mind Lucy draining Rex's assets.  She exuberantly considers
where they should start stealing first.  (A couple of days ago, didn't
Lucy remark that the reason she's having these problems at Jacks is
because of her greed?  She has a very short memory.)

We see Lucy next through the viewer of a camcorder, at Rex's house.
Movers are carrying the furniture away while Lucy talks to Rex,
taunting him with the impending sale of his treasures.  (Yeah, Lucy,
poke the devil repeatedly with a stick.  REEEALLY smart move.)  Lucy
and Scott take turns taping each other (Scott asks Rex if he's met
"Big Louie" yet).  Lucy closes by telling Rex she's selling the
emerald ring, which she is waves at the camera (she is wearing it on
her right hand).  Scott ends the videotape with a succinct message:
"Rot in hell, Stanton."  Lucy admires the emerald on her hand, and
Scott remarks that she'll get a good price for it.  But Lucy is
keeping the ring - it's the biggest emerald she's ever seen.  (Golly,
won't Kevin be pleased that his fiance is wearing his ring on one hand
and Rex's ring on the other?  What pleasant memories THAT will conjure

Lucy arrives home exulting about "community property laws."  Scott
wonders why Rex wanted Serena's money when he had lots of his own.
Lucy says it's because Rex is a "greedy glutton" (pot, meet kettle),
but she goes on to remark that Rex genuinely believed he deserved the
Stanton money.  Scott wonders where Rex's money is hidden; he figures
it's in offshore accounts.  He has people looking into it, and as long
as Lucy stays Mrs. Rex Stanton, she's entitled to all of it.  Lucy is
thrilled, and she announces, just as Kevin walks up behind her, "Well,
then forget the annulment, counselor!  I intend to stay Mrs. Rex
Stanton!"  Scott signals Lucy to be quiet, but it's too late.  Kevin
asks, "Anybody want to tell me what's going on?"  (Trust me, Kevin,
you don't want to know.)

Julie has just caught Lark with a baggie containing joints (thus
proving that it *is* 'Lark, like in the cigarette,' as she told
Scott).  Lark claims she is "holding it for a friend."  Julie grabs
Lark's arm, yelling, "What kind of idiot do you think I am?"  Lark
responds, "Don't ask questions you don't want answered."  (As annoying
as Lark is, gotta give her credit for one thing - she gets off some
decent one-liners where Julie is concerned.)  They snarl and hiss at
one another for a while, until Frank arrives and breaks it up.  Julie
tells Frank about the marijuana, and Lark begs for another chance.
Frank takes away the drugs and sends Lark off to school.   Julie (in a
show of good judgement) insists that Lark is out of control; she needs
an environment with more structure and discipline than they can give
her in the Scanlon home (Amen!).  Frank defends Lark - she had to
learn to manipulate in order to deal with a physically abusive mother.
Julie's response:  "I am developing more and more sympathy for the
mother!"  Frank doesn't think that means they should send Lark back to
the juvenile center - he knew the job would be hard when he took it.
Julie didn't know it would be this hard; she stomps off.

At the hospital, Karen breezes cheerily up to the nurses' station.
Julie asks her about her good mood, and Karen tells her about the
success of their research (yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen, let's
hear it for Karen and Jake the Ferret Rescuers, who apparently lack
any knowledge of proper experimental control despite their
inexplicable brilliance in neuropharmaceutical  research).  Karen
feels she *has* to do this research (you do, Karen - the script says
so); she hopes she can help people like Keith, the teenage spinal
injury patient.  Julie tells Karen about Lark's recent exploits and
Frank's apparent susceptibility to Lark's manipulation.  Karen pleads
for some understanding for Lark, based on her own troubled teen years.
(Yeah, there ARE some similarities - Lark does drugs, and she recently
stripped for Frank.  Maybe she'd like to meet Jagger.)  Karen also
asks Julie to go easy on Frank, who simply seems to be taking his
commitment to Lark seriously.  Julie is fed up - she just wants Lark
out of the house.  (Don't we all.....)

Poor little misunderstood Lark has arrived home from school with that
greasy guy friend she used to try to make Frank jealous the day
before.  His Greasiness wants to fool around; she tells him no.  He is
confused by her mixed signals the other day.  In response, Lark rants
about Julie for a while. (How this explains why she was tongue-
wrestling with the guy one second and shoving him away the next isn't
clear, but he seems to understand.)  He pulls a joint out of his
backpack; Lark, beaming, leads him out to her "smoking room" - the
porch (which explains how she's hidden her habit for this long, since
I am *sure* that somebody who lives in this house would recognize the
smell of marijuana smoke).  When Frank arrives home, he finds two
policement putting handcuffs on Lark and Greasy Boy.  Lark claims that
"Julie narc'd on me," but the police explain that Frank's next-door
neighbor reported Lark.  Frank tells the police to take them away,
despite Lark's pleas.  He angrily slams out of the house after the

by Rika, Thursday updater