Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 3/13/98
Date: 16 Mar 1998 07:57:14 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - March 13th 1998
(posted and e-mail)


Another unlucky Friday the thirteenth has rolled around, but some
characters enjoyed the luck of the Irish in this episode. So let's see
who was lucky and who should start looking for a shamrock.

Matt and Grace are hiding in a freight elevator as Bobby Mancusi is
searching the warehouse for them.   Matt peeks out to see who it
is.  He tells Grace that it's not Marshall Harris, it's the guy who
wants to kill him.

LUCKY:  Bobby - Matt was remarkably easy to find.
UNLUCKY: Marshall Harris - Remarkably easy to kill

Kevin has just overheard part of Lucy's plan, the part about staying
married to Rex.  He can't believe his ears.  Lucy admits that is
what she said, sort of.  "Of course, that's exactly what I heard,
because staying married to a thieving, murdering, scheming fiend like
Rex makes absolutely zero sense." Kevin goes in to a highly
sarcastic delivery.  "Exactly what I'd expect from the two of you."
Scott asks him to listen to reason. Kevin shouts at Scott to shut
up.  He says to Lucy, "You do understand that staying married to
Rex will put a slight  wrinkle in our own plans to get married."
Yes, she does. "Then why would you even consider it?"

LUCKY: Lucy - She gets to keep that huge emerald ring
UNLUCKY: Kevin - Not ready with an alternate plan

Lucy says that she can see and feel that Kevin is very upset. But he
doesn't have a reason to be.  They are going to get married, she
assures him.  She decides that now is the time to deflect his anger
away from her. "Scott came up with this fantastic plan." "Isn't that
unusual," Kevin snipes.  "You haven't heard it." Scott complains. "I
don't care whose creative thinking it was.  Any plan that calls for you
staying married to Rex any longer than you have to stinks." "Just
listen to the plan," says Scott. "Just hearing you say the word  plan'
makes me want to grab Lucy and head for the hills." Lucy explains
that the only way to get any of her money back is to stay married to
Rex. Scott further explains that Rex hid all her assets, but as his wife
she can get  em. Lucy says it's karmic logic. Kevin rubs his temples
and says he's having a waking dream.  Any minute he'll wake up and
tell Lucy what a silly ridiculous dream he had.  Lucy tells him that
this nightmare won't take long.  They've already started selling off
Rex's possessions.  They'll be married according to schedule.  He
complains that something else will take priority. "When do you and
I get to be our own priority." She says he wouldn't respect her if
she gave up without a fight.  "Except, that this won't work," he says,
carefully spacing the words.  Scott says that they already have Rex's
stuff on the auction block and sent him a videotape.  "Good thinking.
Rex will just roll over for that one.  You know goading someone like
him is like dangling a rattlesnake by the tail. Eventually he's going to
turn around and bite you." Scott and Lucy don't think Rex can hurt
them from Jail.  Kevin points out that Rex has already done a
considerable amount of damage from his prison cell.  He suggests
that Rex's enemies, like the IRS, might come after Rex's "wife".
Lucy tells Scott to make a note to dissolve the marriage before
tax time. Kevin says he has a better idea.  If she wants to stay married
to Rex she should stay married to Rex.  He stomps over to the door.
"Darn his socks, send him a care package.  Why don't you go live
in his house. Darn, you can't do that you went and sold all of his
furniture." Scott starts to say something about Lucy not wanting to
stay married to Rex.   Kevin objects to Scott even being in the
conversation.  Scott has his daughter back, now Kevin wants his life
back. "If you won't leave my life, I'll leave my life." He asks Lucy
if she's going to change her mind.  She hems and haws and he tells
her to forget it, and stomps out.

LUCKY: Scott - Lucky that looks can't kill
UNLUCKY: Sigmund - Looks like the official adoption will be put
off a little longer.

Karen tells the ferret how cute he is.  Joe reminds her that he's
cute too. Karen gushes about how well the ferret is recovering
with their miracle nerve regenerating drugs.  Jake comes in.  Karen
suggests that it's time to take their findings to Dr. Quartermaine.
Jake tells them the news.  Dr. Bennett Devlin has been appointed
head of the research committee. Karen and Joe think this is terrible.
Karen thinks they should take the findings to Dr. Q anyway.  Jake
doesn't like Devlin either, but thinks it would be a bad idea to go
over his head. Karen and Joe complain about Bennett's
unprofessionalism. (Bwahahaha).  Karen suggests that Jake be
the one to approach. Devlin, because he doesn't like Karen. Jake
says that means Karen has to take Ferret Cage Duty. He'll take
the preliminary findings to Devlin and see if they can get more
research time.  "Alone at last," says Joe as Jake leaves. Karen
points out that the ferret is still watching. Kissing, Joe and Karen
sink down to the floor out of the ferret's line of sight.  The ferret
takes the opportunity to open his cage and make a break for it.

LUCKY: Joe - They're letting him warm up the Bunsen burner now.
UNLUCKY: The ferret - Can't reach the doorknob.

Bobby Mancusi continues to search the warehouse.  He goes into
the other freight elevator to check that out. As the doors close, Matt
tells Grace that this is there chance to get away.  They open their doors
and start across the warehouse floor.  Bobby hears them and starts
banging on the elevator buttons to get the elevator back up. Matt and
Grace have to stop when he gets his coat caught in the spokes of his
wheelchair.  He tells Grace to go and turn the power off so Bobby
won't be able to get out.  She does so.  As she and Matt are almost
out, Bobby breaks the glass in the elevator door window and shoots
at them.

LUCKY: Grace - that electrical panel was right handy
UNLUCKY: Bobby - has trouble telling up from down.

Back in the lab, the ferret's cage is empty and Karen and Joe are
giggling on the floor.  Devlin enters with Jake behind him. Karen
and Joe get up as they hear them enter. "Doctor Wexler, Doctor
Scanlon," Devlin says evenly, as he shakes his head as if he's just
stepped in something that's going to be difficult to get off his
shoe.  Joe tries to salvage things with a little sucking up, without
success.  Devlin suggests that the "research" they're doing has
already been covered by Masters and Johnson a long time ago.
He tells them their activity has no place in Hospital Laboratory.
Jake tries to get things back to research. "Let me show you
what we've been doing." But Karen is eager to share and tells
Bennett herself.  They used injured ferrets for test subjects for
their drug and their cell regeneration is off the curve.  Bennett
says that the lab doesn't stock ferrets.  Jake says he got them
from an outside source, as a favor from a veterinarian he knows.
Bennett is outraged that the animals weren't bred for research,
because they have no idea what variables they're dealing with.
Karen whines that for humanitarian reasons they wanted to avoid
using healthy animals.  Bennett tells her that sentiment has no
place in science. "We were thinking..." Jake starts, but Bennett
cuts him off and says they weren't thinking at all. He wants to know
if they had the specimens checked for disease.  There wasn't time
says Karen.  Bennett also says that two specimens does not
constitute a research study.  Joe starts to say that it's just beginning.
Bennett says it's a poor beginning. Karen asks him to just review
the results, this animal was near death... She turns to the cage to
see the animal missing.  Bennett drily suggests that she's invented
and invisibility drug. He asks if this is a Friday the thirteenth joke.
(Uh... that's April Fools Day, Ben.) He has asks why he shouldn't
yank their research privileges right now.  (We give up, why?)

LUCKY: Bennett - Rarely do such prime intern tearing down
opportunities come along.
UNLUCKY: Jake - Karen and Joe are coming real close to sinking
his promising research career.

Scott is looking through Rex's financial papers.  He says Rex has
hidden his money well. (Ah, Scott, that was YOUR money he hid
well.  Five million to be exact.) Rex is going to get a rebate on last
year's tax return.   Lucy says she can't concentrate on numbers when
Kevin's so mad at her.  "Isn't he always," asks Scott.  No, yes,
whenever he doesn't approve of what she's doing. (Glad they've
noticed a pattern.  Lucy has a dumb plan, Kevin hates it, Kevin
yells, Kevin cools down, Kevin reluctantly goes along with the
plan.) Scott says she's not twelve she can do whatever she wants.
She agrees but she does care about what Kevin thinks, even when
he's acting like he smarter than everyone else. (He's not acting.)
She knows what she's doing.

LUCKY: Lucy - Kevin will cave in.
UNLUCKY: Scott - Trying to agree with Lucy who changes her mind
every ten minutes.

At the Nurses' Station, Kevin leafs through some pink message slips.
He complains to Eve that, "She hasn't got a clue."  Lucy that is. "She
as this annoying habit of always acting on her impulses." Kevin has met
his match in the sarcasm department. "Lucy? Really? I hadn't noticed."
Kevin muses, "You know if Lucy planned her life as carefully as she
plans her accessories we wouldn't be in this mess."  Eve asks what
mess. Lucy plans to stay married to Rex so she can get her hands on
all his money, and she wants Kevin's blessing.

LUCKY: Kevin - He appears to have some sort of real job.
UNLUCKY: Eve - no more dates with Kevin.

Lucy is working herself up to a tizzy, while Scott continues to
try and do some accounting. "If Kevin thinks I'm going to
ask his permission for anything, he's got another thing coming
to him," Lucy declares. "Well, poor guy," Scott mutters. "I'm
my own person," Lucy continues.  "I have my own things, I have
my own friends, make my own plans.  He says he loves me, he
says he accepts me as a person, but I don't think he does that all
the time. He doesn't let me be me."

LUCKY: Scott - he gets to go home before Kevin gets back.
UNLUCKY: Lucy - her good friend Scott is starting to see Kevin's

"Well, she's bonkers," Kevin declares.  Eve says that's a nice clinical
term.  Perhaps he should just trust Lucy to make her own choices.
"And just let her be carried away on the benevolent waves of the
universe that she's always talking about," Kevin rants. He can't do
that. He fastens his seat belt when he drives a car.  He doesn't smoke
cigarettes, and, oh yeah, he stays away from marriages to psychotic
schemers. "You are planning on marrying Lucy, aren't you?" Eve
asks him sweetly. "Touche," he replies. "I'll believe it when I see
it."  With an exasperated exclamation he drops his head on to the

Lucy tosses her head back up. She doesn't know why her Doc's
so mad at her.  It's not like she broke off the engagement. They
are going to get married soon. "It's just that I want to suck this
husband dry first. I think he should be proud of my initiative."
Scott wants to know if they're going over the financial statements
or not. Lucy says that Scott always has her full attention.

"Do me a favor," Kevin says to Eve. "Keep him busy.  Keep him
out of my life.  I'll pay you." Eve laughs at him. "That's not necessary.
I rather enjoy his quirkiness." "Thanks," he says, "You're a pal."
"So are you," she tells him. He gives her the cutest smile and says,
"Fancy that."

LUCKY: Kevin - Like Lucy, he now has a "pal".
UNLUCKY:  Eve  - Kevin is a high-maintenance "pal".

Bobby Mancusi manages to pull apart the elevator doors.  Angrily
he tips over one of the crates. (The one Grace was shipped in.)
He goes into the office and presses the redial button.  He gets
Ellen's answering machine at her office.  Bobby looks pleased
and hangs up the phone. "Here I come, Dr. Burgess."

LUCKY: Bobby - He knows how to use *69.
UNLUCKY: Ellen - Never got Matt to show her any childhood photos
of his "friends".

Kevin strides back into the Lighthouse.  Fortunately, Scott is gone.
 "Where's your playmate?" He asks Lucy.  She says Scott's gone to
get Serena and she doesn't think he'll be back. "Thank heavens for
small favors," he cracks.  She tells him that he isn't really angry at
Scott; he's angry at her. "No, I'm very much in touch with my
animosity for Scott," he says calmly. Lucy that if he's that upset
with Scott then it shows he doesn't respect her. He's giving Scott
full credit for the scheme, as if she didn't have a brain and a mind
of her own. (Well, she did say it was Scott's idea earlier.) Kevin says
that Scott gets her into trouble.  She points out that she gets into
plenty of trouble without Scott. She tells Kevin she doesn't want to
fight anymore and that he means everything to her. Kevin picks up
the paper on the coffee table and reads the headline.  "Mrs. Rex
Stanton Legal Troubles Continue To Mushroom".  He doesn't want
Lucy connected in any way to Rex. He asks her to tell him that she's
going through with the annulment.  She says she would have if Rex
hadn't set out to destroy her company.  She has to fight back.  Kevin
asks her to find another way.  She says she's looking into it.  In fact
her chemist, Dr. Van Zandt is coming over.  She thinks he has idea.
Lucy promises that as soon as she saves Jacks they'll get this ridiculous
marriage annulled.  The doorbell rings.  Lucy runs to open.  It's Dr.
Van Zandt. She chatters on about wanting to hear his great idea and
letting him hear hers.  He says she must have misunderstood.  He came
to tell her he is resigning.

LUCKY: Lucy - The argument is pretty much over, and she's won.
UNLUCKY: Dr. Van Zandt - This could very well mean he's the turncoat
in Lucy's ranks.

Dr. Devlin is impatiently hanging around the lab. Jake pops up from
behind the lab sink. No ferret.  Joe pops up from in front of it. "There
was an animal. We just misplaced it."  "This absurd," Devlin sneers,
"You've got an untested, unquarantined animal running around the
hospital." Karen pops up. "He must have figured out how to open his
cage," says Jake. "Maybe I should hire him to run the lab," Devlin quips.
He tells the interns they better find the ferret, and dissect him and have
a report on his desk.  Karen objects to killing the ferret.  "Dr. Wexler,"
Devlin says contemptfully, "This is not some kind of Disney Movie,
where all the little animals sing and dance and become your best friends."
(It isn't? We wouldn't be surprised.) Karen spots the ferret, where
Devlin can't see him. Devlin continues to lecture about a scientific
laboratory being the proper place to sacrifice members of lower
biological species, and if she can't deal with it she's in the wrong place.
He asks if she understands. "One dead ferret coming up," she replies.
Joe, who has also seen the ferret, tells Devlin he needs him to sign
some papers at the Nurses' Station. While Bennett's not looking Karen
picks up the ferret and hides him.  As soon as Bennett leaves Karen
holds up the ferret and tells him nobody's going to hurt him.

LUCKY: Jake - Karen still has Ferret cage cleaning duties.
UNLUCKY: Julie - She's about to find out Daddy Dearest is back in town.

Grace and Matt have checked into a hotel.  As she locks the door she
asks him how he can be so calm.  "Because he missed," says Matt. It's
all in a days work for that guy, he tells her.  Grace wonders how he
found them and Matt speculates that Marshall Harris sold them out.
Everybody has their price. (In his case it was about two ounces of
lead.) He tells Grace that they can't trust anybody now.  Bobby knows
too much, and Matt is beginning to think they shouldn't have called

Ellen comes home to her apartment carrying a bag of groceries.  The
doorbell rings.  She asks who it is.  Bobby says, "Federal Marshall,"
She opens the door with the chain still on and he shows her "his"
badge.  She unchains the door and opens it.  She asks him if Matt
is with him.  He's afraid not, but he has some questions about Dr.
Harmon and hopes she has the answers.  She lets him in and shuts
the door.

LUCKY: Ellen - There's nothing perishable in that grocery bag.
UNLUCKY: Bobby - Ellen Burgess is supposedly a terror.  He better
watch it.

Director - Anthony Morina
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